Imagine Conference

Deeply embedded design example - Logic replacement

Gene Breniman July 9, 2011

I have always believed that some of the low-cost, low-pin count, low-resource microprocessors would make an excellent choice for the replacement of discrete logic components.  In these cases the deeply embedded microprocessor would become less of a general purpose computer and more of a logic replacement, providing a prescribed function with no connection to the outside world.  In a world of bigger, faster and more expensive, it is a pleasant change of pace...

Embedded Software Creation I - Methodologies

Dr. Maykel Alonso June 20, 20112 comments

The first knowledge we need it is to know the posibilities or methodologies that exists to create Software. Each methodology is used to develop diferent types of Software. The types usually are defined by the requeriments and the diferent normative that is related to the type of device. In the next post I will explain how to find the normative@ legislation (link), and how does it work. 

Let's start with methodologies. There are lot's of methodologies and so many people that develop...

VHDL tutorial - A practical example - part 2 - VHDL coding

Gene Breniman May 27, 2011

In part 1 of this series we focused on the hardware design, including some of the VHDL definitions of the I/O characteristics of the CPLD part.  In part 2, we will describe the VHDL logic of the CPLD for this design.

With any design, the first step to gather the requirements for the job at hand.  From part 1 of this article, I have copied two sections that address some of the requirements for the CPLD design.

The data acquisition engine has the...

Tracing code and checking timings

Richard Dorfner May 25, 20115 comments

Debugging resource limited systemsApplications writers that write code on large systems have it easy. Well, perhaps not easy, but certainly easier. There are some things that they don't have to worry about and there is a huge array of tools available to them when it comes time to debug. The have choices in their toolsets, lots of choices. They also have a large selection of available methods for getting debugging information out to them such as log files, proc entries, pop up dialog boxes or...

It starts with an LED

Richard Dorfner May 13, 20114 comments

And slowly builds up from there.

I have been an embedded software engineer for many years. I was programming when I was a teenager before then, as a high school student involved in an NSF program called "National Science Foundation Summer Science Training Program (for High School Students)" or as we would rattle off during that summer of exquisite learning, NSFSSTP. We were taught to program in Fortran and taught the fundamentals of Calculus. It was a very enriching experience.

When it...

Size matters - System success depends on initial design

Gene Breniman April 23, 20111 comment

Too many times during the initial phases of system design, opposing interests start fighting for valuable resources, sometimes without even knowing that they are.  Case in point, a development project is starting up with a very simple product.  For the user interface, Engineering wants to use a very simple character based LCD display and a couple of membrane switches, while Marketing wants a graphic display with a touch screen.  The cost difference between these two items is...

Software Prototyping

Gene Breniman August 19, 20081 comment

In my recent blog entry on the product development process (way down, near the end of the entry), I wrote the following:

"I continue these sorts of tests, building more and more complexity, until I am satisfied that my circuit is basically functional. Then, using the test code that I have created as a model, I begin to write the real software for my product. As my software grows, to complete the full functionality of my design, I sometime find it useful to drop back to my 'test software'...

Bringing up Baby - product development thoughts

Gene Breniman August 15, 20085 comments

Things have just started to get exciting. After months of defining, specifying and designing my latest product, I finally have semi-functional prototypes. After a few side steps during the building and bring-up process, power is applied and most of the low level functions have been verified. Soon, software will meet hardware and debugging can begin in earnest.

Before jumping in and really enjoying the fun (besides I'm now waiting for some new parts to arrive), I thought it would be nice to...

Building Linux Kernel for Desktops

Kunal Singh August 9, 20084 comments

Linux Development has made an amazing process in last decade. Different Linux Distributions come with specific tools which greatly ease down the build process for Linux Kernel.

Here is a good introduction to these build tools and build procedure for different Linux Distributions:

Building Kernel for Fedora

Building Kernel for Ubuntu

Building Kernel for Suse...

Hello Android

Kunal Singh May 5, 20081 comment

Finally I could get Android Early SDK up and running on my Fedora Core-7 Machine.

The process was quite simple. However I had to struggle for a few days, because Fedora install the gnu version of Java and Android requires Java from Sun.

Here are the steps I had to follow:

(1) Install the eclipse IDE (if you do not have it already) with following command:

$> yum install eclipse-jdt eclipse-jdt-sdk (to be done as super user).

(2) now install the Android SDK and ADT plug-in for Eclipse...

Welcome to my life!

Morten Dramstad July 18, 20127 comments

Hi folks!

As an electronic engineer the most of my work is about making new designs where a microcontroller is present in 99.9 % of the applications. Since 2003 I am self-employed and do consultants work for different companies. I have been traveling to different parts of the world doing work for DeLaval International, a company that makes automation equipment for the dairy industry. A lot of the things I have done for them involves use of different Atmel AVR...

Small or fast?

Colin Walls August 26, 20244 comments

Developers of software for desktop computers take code optimization for granted. Embedded developers typically need to pay much more attention to the details

It starts with an LED

Richard Dorfner May 13, 20114 comments

And slowly builds up from there.

I have been an embedded software engineer for many years. I was programming when I was a teenager before then, as a high school student involved in an NSF program called "National Science Foundation Summer Science Training Program (for High School Students)" or as we would rattle off during that summer of exquisite learning, NSFSSTP. We were taught to program in Fortran and taught the fundamentals of Calculus. It was a very enriching experience.

When it...

C++ Assertion? Well Yes, But Actually No.

Massimiliano Pagani April 8, 2024

Assertions are a double-edged sword - on one side you enforce program correctness catching bugs close to their origin, on the other your application is subject to run-time error, like any interpreted language. This article explores what C++ can offer to get the advantages of assertions, without risking the crashes by moving contract checking at compile time.

Embedded Space & Software Development Practices

Kunal Singh December 5, 20074 comments

Embedded Programmers (at least the ones I know) are mostly at liberty to ignore the basic software development best practices, thanks to the simplicity of embedded applications. But, as the embedded processors are becoming more and more powerful, this situation might change soon. In coming years the embedded software applications are bound to become more complex (some embedded segments have already seen this change). Embedded programmers need to realize this inevitable change and start...

Remember Y2K?

Colin Walls December 21, 20231 comment

There was fear that the turn of the century at the end of 1999 would cause problems with many embedded systems. There is evidence that the same issue may occur in 2038.

Stand-by or boot-up

Colin Walls August 8, 2024

Many factors affect the usability of devices - a key one is how long it takes to start up.

Configuration Management: Why Developers are Avert to

Kunal Singh March 4, 2008

A few reasons why developers have aversion towards "Software Configuration Management Systems"

(1) They do not understand the importance of configuration management. - It is a common and logical reason. But, it is also a very dangerous sign for any organization. If their developers do not understand the importance of configuration management; then it is highly likely that developers even do not understand the other fundamentals of software development. The situation becomes worst...

Software is free and can right any wrong

Colin Walls October 26, 2023

Software changes are so much easier than hardware modifications, so the temptation is always to take this approach to fixing bugs. This may not always be a good idea.

Unraveling the Enigma: Object Detection in the World of Pixels

Charu Pande February 8, 2024

Exploring the realm of embedded systems co-design for object recognition, this blog navigates the convergence of hardware and software in revolutionizing industries. Delving into real-time image analysis and environmental sensing, the discussion highlights advanced object detection and image segmentation techniques. With insights into Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) decoding pixel data and autonomously extracting features, the blog emphasizes their pivotal role in modern computer vision. Practical examples, including digit classification using TensorFlow and Keras on the MNIST dataset, underscore the power of CNNs. Through industry insights and visualization aids, the blog unveils a tapestry of innovation, charting a course towards seamless interaction between intelligent embedded systems and the world.

Imagine Conference