
Software is free and can right any wrong

Colin Walls October 26, 2023

Software changes are so much easier than hardware modifications, so the temptation is always to take this approach to fixing bugs. This may not always be a good idea.

There are 10 kinds of people in the world

Colin Walls September 27, 2023

It is useful, in embedded software, to be able to specify values in binary. The C language lacks this facility. In this blog we look at how to fix that.

Who needs source code?

Colin Walls August 31, 2023

Many developers feel that the supplying source code is essential for licensed software components. There are other perspectives, including the possibility of it being an actual disadvantage. Even the definition of source code has some vagueness.

Assembly language is best - except when it isn’t

Colin Walls July 27, 20231 comment

A look at why writing in C often produces more efficient code than hand-written assembly language.

Software is free and can right any wrong

Colin Walls October 26, 2023

Software changes are so much easier than hardware modifications, so the temptation is always to take this approach to fixing bugs. This may not always be a good idea.

A design non-methodology

Colin Walls April 25, 2024

Although writing an RTOS or kernel may be an interesting project, it is unlikely to be a wise course of action.

Stand-by or boot-up

Colin Walls August 8, 2024

Many factors affect the usability of devices - a key one is how long it takes to start up.

Small or fast?

Colin Walls August 26, 2024

Developers of software for desktop computers take code optimization for granted. Embedded developers typically need to pay much more attention to the details