
Itron 3.0: An Open and Portable Real-Time Operating System for Embedded Systems : Concept and Specification

Ken Sakamura 1998

This text describes the ITRON 3.0 Specification, concentrating on its open specification that achieves both real-time performance and wide adaptability. This specification looks to meet the need for strict cost requirements and limited hardware resources for low-end applications.

The 8051 Microcontroller (3rd Edition)

I. Scott MacKenzie 1998

Beginning at a rudimentary level and progressing to advanced concepts and finished design examples, this introduction to microcontrollers emphasizes architecture and programming (rather than electrical details) and explores the hardware and software features of the MCS-51 family of microcontrollers specifically. Discusses software topics in the context of Intel's assembler (ASM51) and linker/locator (RL5 1) and the object-to-hex conversion utility (OH). Offers thorough discussion of...

VHDL Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Ben Cohen 1998

VHDL Answers to Frequently asked Questions is a follow-up to the author's book VHDL Coding Styles and Methodologies (ISBN 0-7923-9598-0). On completion of his first book, the author continued teaching VHDL and actively participated in the comp. lang. vhdl newsgroup. During his experiences, he was enlightened by the many interesting issues and questions relating to VHDL and synthesis. These pertained to: misinterpretations in the use of the language; methods for writing error free, and...

Real-Time Programming : A Guide to 32-bit Embedded Development

Rick Grehan 1998

Real-time embedded systems have rigid requirements and must conform to strict size, cost, weight, power, operation, and response-time specifications. They must be crash-proof and must operate under a wide range of conditions. Add to these requirements the ever-increasing competitive pressures to bring products to market faster and at a lower cost, and it is easy to see why building such systems is difficult. Real-time programmers must write software that meets unforgiving objectives under...

Parallel Port Complete: Programming, Interfacing & Using the PC'S Parallel Printer Port

Jan Axelson 1997

This detailed guide for programmers, developers, and computer enthusiasts shows how to get the most from parallel port in any application or project. The Visual-Basic code and circuit designs include examples that use the new enhanced (EPP) and expanded (EPC) modes.

Real-Time Systems : Design Principles for Distributed Embedded Applications (The Kluwer International Series in Engineer

Hermann Kopetz 1997

Real-Time Systems: Design Principles for Distributed Embedded Applications focuses on hard real-time systems, which are computing systems that must meet their temporal specification in all anticipated load and fault scenarios. The book stresses the system aspects of distributed real-time applications, treating the issues of real-time, distribution and fault-tolerance from an integral point of view. A unique cross-fertilization of ideas and concepts between the academic and industrial...

Reusable Software Components: Object-Oriented Embedded Systems Programming in C (Prentice Hall Series on Programming Too

Ted Van Sickle 1996

Helps real-time embedded systems designers combine the development benefits of the widely-used C language and object-oriented techniques not normally associated with C.Introduces object-oriented programming to microcontroller programmers familiar with C. Shows how objects can be written in C, and developed into classes. Presents useful objects and classes for microcontroller programs, including a class that creates instances of an asynchronous serial port. Shows how to implement components...

VHDL Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Ben Cohen 1996

VHDL Answers to Frequently Asked Questions is a follow-up to the author's book VHDL Coding Styles and Methodologies (ISBN 0-7923-9598-0). On completion of his first book, the author continued teaching VHDL and actively participated in the comp.lang.vhdl newsgroup. During his experiences, he was enlightened by the many interesting issues and questions relating to VHDL and synthesis. These pertained to: misinterpretations in the use of the language; methods for writing error-free, and...

The Microcontroller Idea Book: Circuits, Programs & Applications Featuring the 8052-Basic Single-Chip Computer

Jan Axelson 1994

A hands-on introduction to microcontroller project design with dozens of example circuits and programs. Presents practical designs for use in data loggers, controllers, and other small-computer applications. Example circuits and programs in the book are based on the popular 8052-BASIC microcontroller, whose on-chip BASIC programming language makes it easy to write, run, and test your programs. With over 100 commands, instructions, and operators, the BASIC-52 interpreter can do much more than...

The Mips Programmer's Handbook

Erin Farquhar 1994

A hands-on view of the highly successful MIPS family of microprocessors, written for programmers developing systems applications for the MIPS platform.

The MIPS Programmer's Handbook describes the MIPS architecture from the perspective of assembly- and C-language programmers, with special emphasis on issues related to embedded applications. Engineers writing system-level programs for MIPS-based embedded systems will find the topic selection especially useful including the sections on software...