Imagine Conference

In TCL FPGA Wizards Trust

GLENN Kirilow

In TCL FPGA wizards trust. The best way to learn TCL is exposure therapy which we will be doing here using two examples: One for creation of a project with synthesis and implementation steps and another for simulation.

How 5G impacts future IoT development

John Koon

The Internet of Things (IoT) applications are ubiquitous today. IoT is used in almost every industrial, commercial, and consumer market segment, including autonomous driving, smart factories, automation and preventive maintenance, smart homes, smart cities, security, asset tracking, supply chain management, agriculture, farming, healthcare, smart medicine and remote surgery, augmented reality applications, activity monitoring, and more. The three most promising uses of IoT are smart manufacturing, autonomous driving, and healthcare, particularly remote surgery.

Product quality: belief or proof?

Colin Walls

Embedded software development is a challenging activity, so it is essential to have tools and IP that is of the best quality. However, assessing that quality can be, in itself, a challenge.

Picowoose: The Raspberry Pi Pico-W meets Mongoose

Sergio R Caprile

This example application describes the way to adapt the George Robotics CYW43 driver, present in the Pico-SDK, to work with Cesanta's Mongoose. We are then able to use Mongoose internal TCP/IP stack (with TLS 1.3), instead of lwIP (and MbedTLS).

Simulating Your Embedded Project on Your Computer (Part 1)

Nathan Jones

Having a simulation of your embedded project is like having a superpower that improves the quality and pace of your development ten times over! To be useful, though, it can't take longer to develop the simulation than it takes to develop the application code and for many simulation techniques "the juice isn't worth the squeeze"! In this two-part blog series, I'll share with you the arguments in favor of simulation (so, hopefully, you too believe in its value) and I'll show you what works (and what doesn't work) to help you to simply, easily, and quickly simulate your embedded project on your computer.

My friend, the compiler

Ido Gendel

Modern compilers were given great powers, but we don't always know where and when they'll use them. This may cause us to either worry needlessly or trust unjustifiably, as demonstrated by a little example in this post.

What I Learned From Crashing and Burning in Grad School

Nathan Jones

Have you ever felt so consumed by something that it started to crowd other parts of your life? So obsessed with success in a particular area that you could hardly think about anything else? I found myself in exactly that spot in 2018 when I first started graduate school; I wanted to succeed so badly that I worked myself to the bone and I let even my marriage and my health suffer in service to it. This state of being is, believe it or not, NOT conducive to success, in neither the long-term nor the short-term. But it took two authors and one pivotal book for me to understand that, to see the pit I had dug for myself, and to begin the path back out. In this blog, I want to share with you my journey in the hopes that you can avoid the mistakes I made.

Imagine Conference