
External reset pull-up resistor value for Freescale QY2 mcu

Started by Luisfr15 in comp.arch.embedded19 years ago 2 replies

Hello, wich is the correct resistor value for external pull-up reset pin ? I put 10k but seems not be enought, CyclonePro doesn't *see* the mcu,...

Hello, wich is the correct resistor value for external pull-up reset pin ? I put 10k but seems not be enought, CyclonePro doesn't *see* the mcu, if I put 1K resistor it's ok ... (voltage on reset pin is about 3,6V with 1K value, few millivolts with 10K) I saw in AN2503 they used 47K pull-up value, maybe have I to connect CyclonePro reset pin to mcu pin ? Thanks for any help. Luigi ...