Reply by deckatina March 18, 20092009-03-18
has anyone tried TI application slaa280a? (heart rate/ekg).
I had a vendor build this board from the spec. - but i can not get the app
display the heart rate or display the ekg wave form.  I'm new to the
1. the software has c and assember code (software from the TI app.)
2. I see no error when the program loads ("project", "debug", "go")
3. With voltmeter I can see the voltage change at the header test pins
when someone is holding the board at the pickup plates
3. lcd works when i change the code to force display for the lcd

is it the combination of c and assembler not loading right?
is there some more code needed?
does the person holding the boarded need addtional grounding?

any help would be greatly appreciated