Reply by linuxhgs16 May 23, 20092009-05-23
Hi all,

I used the buildroot to create the linux kernel and the root filesystem
for the atmel at91rm9200-ek board.
I configured the buildroot to generate zImage.
Also I did not change much of the configuration for busy box except that i
disabled all options in the "Login/Password Management Utilities" list.
Buildroot generated binary files zImage, rootfs.arm.ext2.
Then using gzip i generated zImage.gz and rootfs.arm.ext2.gz.
Then for zImage.gz alone I did mkimage by issuing the following command.
mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C gzip -a 0x20008000 -e 0x20008000 -d
zImage.gz linux-ek"

Then I tftped the linux kernel (linux-ek) to the target location

Also I tftped the ramdisk-rootfs.arm.ext2.gz to the target location

I also had set the bootargs variable in the uboot environment as shown
bootargs 'mem=32M console=ttyS0,115200 initrd=0x21400000 root=/dev/ram0 rw

I verfied whether the kernel support for ramdisk was enabled, by moving to
project_build_arm/uclibc/linux-2.6.28 folder and issuing make ARCH=arm
menuconfig. THe option "Initial RAM filesystem and RAM
disk(initramfs/initrd support)" was enabled.

After this on the target Linux kernel loaded successfully, but it was not
mounting the ramdisk and I could not find any messages related to ramdisk
mounting. It then displayed the following message

"Please press Enter to activate this console.". Even after selecting enter
the same message was displayed.

Even when I did not load the ramdisk the same message was seen. Seems the
kernel does seem to look for the ramdisk at all.

I tried many other things before posting you ppl for help. Nothing worked.
Kindly help.
