Reply by Dirk Craeynest April 26, 20112011-04-26
Ada-Europe's first Annual Student Programming Contest "The Ada Way"
is now accepting submissions.

Last September, Ada-Europe[1] kicked off its annual student programming
contest "The Ada Way"[2].  The challenge for the 2010-2011 competition
was to build a software simulator of a football match.  The submission
of entries has now been opened: they will be accepted through May 15th.

The submission shall be made as a single compressed archive of all
items listed at the contest web site.  Dropbox[3] is used to handle
the submission process online.  Details are available on the contest
web site.

The winning submission shall be announced on the contest web
site and at the Ada-Europe 2011 Conference[4], held June 20-24 in
Edinburgh, UK.  This edition of the contest is sponsored by AdaCore,
Atego and Ada-Europe.

About Ada-Europe

Ada-Europe is the international non-profit organization that promotes
the knowledge and use of the Ada programming language in academia,
research and industry in Europe.  Ada-Europe has member organizations
all over the continent, in Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland, as well as individual members in many other
