Reply by Tom Sanders February 2, 20062006-02-02
Hi All

I have some code where I put the HCS12 chip to sleep in pseudo-stop 
mode (i.e PSTP = 1, followed by asm STOP). To the best of my 
understanding all clocks/oscillators are stopped except for OSCCLK, 
which causes the real-time interrupt to be generated. The RTI is used 
to wake up the system. I am working with the NE64 chip.

Has anyone worked with putting the device to sleep before?

Is it normal for the device to wake up many times a second. (i.e is it 
possible to slow down the RTI a lot)? The chip goes to sleep (pseudo-
stop) and wakes up many times a second.

What is the proper way to wake up the chip. If an RTI interrupt comes in
and a certain amount of time has elapsed (a counter in the RTI is used 
to clock out, say, 1 minute) then do we need to set any register, start 
clocks, or EPHYEN?

Why does the chip still get warm to the touch when the device is in 
pseudo-sleep mode?

Thanks in advance for any info