Reply by Saravanakumar S March 1, 20062006-03-01
Hi ,
        Can you tell me your requirement.
I think in all the examples,they clearly explained every thing.If you tell 
your requirement then i can help you.Because,i didnt gone through your 
program in depth.
But, if you look your program,you done many thing wrong.

If you want to write a UART 0 Interrupt program maximum it will come 25 
lnes.Please tell your requirement or otherwise go through the example 
program very clearly.
you will get a idea.
	I've spent a lot of time trying to get this UART Interrupt to work.  Not 
enough I suppose.  What have I missed?
  This is written for the OLIMEX 2148 compiles and runs under GCC and uses 
the Phillips std LPC214x.h
  I hope this will be useful to others who have tried and failed!
  Thanks for your help!
	  #include "LPC214x.h"
  #define OSCILLATOR_CLOCK 60000000
#define OVERRUN_ERROR  0x02
#define RECEIVE_RDY  0x01
  #define PLOCK 0x400
#define VIC_VECTCNTL_EN (1 << 5)
  #define CPSR_IRQ_EN_MASK 0x00000080
               Function declarations
  void Initialize(void);
void feed(void);
void set_interrupts(void);
void initUART0( unsigned int baud );
unsigned char getchUART0( void );
unsigned char putchUART0( unsigned char txChar );
unsigned char getTimedCharUART0( void );
void IRQ_Routine (void)   __attribute__ ((interrupt("IRQ")));
void FIQ_Routine (void)   __attribute__ ((interrupt("FIQ")));
void SWI_Routine (void)   __attribute__ ((interrupt("SWI")));
void UNDEF_Routine (void) __attribute__ ((interrupt("UNDEF")));
void UART0_Handler(void)  __attribute__ ((interrupt("IRQ")));
                  Global Variables
unsigned char hostInterface;
unsigned long baud0;
unsigned long baud1;
unsigned char  TxByte0;
unsigned char  RxByte0;
volatile char dummy;
unsigned long status;
int main (void) 
   hostInterface = 0xFF;
   baud0 = 9600;
   TxByte0 = 0x2e; // TxByte for UART 0
   int  j;  // loop counter (stack variable)
 // Initialize the system
 Initialize();   // Initialize the PLL
   U0IER &= 0x0;                                     // disable all 
Interrupts U0IER : 0xE000C004
   VICVectAddr0 = (unsigned long) UART0_Handler;       //the address where 
uart 0 service routine starts 
   VICVectCntl0 = VIC_VECTCNTL_EN | VIC_CHANNEL_UART0; // (0x20? | 6) uart 
   VICIntEnable = (1 << VIC_CHANNEL_UART0);          // (1 << 6)
   initUART0(baud0);  // Init Serial Port1
    dummy = U0IIR;       // read IrqID - required to get interrupts 
  status = VICIRQStatus;
  U0IER |= 0x1;       // enable RBR Interrupts   set bit 0 for UART0 RBR 
 // set io pins for led P0.7
 IODIR0|= 0x00000C00; // pin P0.7 is an output, everything else is input 
after reset
 IOSET0=  0x00000C00; // led off
 // endless loop to toggle the leds
 while (1) 
	  for (j = 0; j < 500000; j++ );
  IOPIN0= 0x00000800;
  for (j = 0; j < 500000; j++ );
  IOPIN0= 0x00000400; 
  for (j = 0; j < 500000; j++ );
  IOPIN0= 0x00000000; 
  for (j = 0; j < 500000; j++ );
  IOPIN0= 0x00000C00; 
//    write and read UART 0
     putchUART0(TxByte0);  // lets us know the port is functioning
void Initialize(void) 
     PLLCFG=0x24;    // 60Mhz Setting Multiplier and Divider values 
     PLLCON=0x1; // Enabling the PLL 
	   while(!(PLLSTAT & PLOCK)) ; // Wait for the PLL to lock to set 
	 PLLCON=0x3;   // Connect the PLL as the clock source
 // Enabling MAM and setting number of clocks used for Flash memory fetch 
(4 cclks in this case)
	 VPBDIV=0x1;   // Setting peripheral Clock (pclk) to System Clock (cclk)
void feed(void)
void initUART0( unsigned int baud )
 // Divisor has to be redivided if the VPB changes
 // Also, MultDiv values to correct for errors are not used
 unsigned int divisor = OSCILLATOR_CLOCK / (baud * 16); 
 //R.M - COMPILES! - had to explicitly include libgcc.a library in 
 // Sets Baud Rate
 // U0LCR Register [bit7][bit6] [bit5]   [bit4]    [bit3]   [bit2] 
 //                 DLAB  Set    Stick    Even      Par      Stop    Word 
 //                       Break  Parity   Par Sel   Enable   Bits
 U0LCR = 0x83;
   // U0DLL  Divisor Latch LSB - 8 bit data
 U0DLL = divisor & 0xFF; 
 // U0DLM Divisor Latch MSB - 8 bit data
 // unsigned int divisor = OSCILLATOR_CLOCK / (baud * 16);
 //                      =  60000000        / (9600 * 16)  U0DLM = (divisor
>> 8) & 0xFF;
  U0LCR &= 0x7F;    // Clear DLAB Bit
   U0FCR |= 0x01;  // Set the fractional divide
 PINSEL0 = (PINSEL0 & ~0xF) | 0x05; 
unsigned char putchUART0( unsigned char txChar )
 // When U0LSR THRE bit is set, the U0THR is empty and can be written
   while ( !(U0LSR & 0x20) );
      // DLAB in U0LCR must be clear to access this register, this 
 U0THR = txChar;
unsigned char getchUART0( void )
 //when U0LSR's DR bit is 1, the UART RBR register has valid data
 //while (U0LSR_bit.DR == 0);
 return U0RBR;
 // return 0x3A;
/*  Stubs for various interrupts (may be replaced later)  */
/*  ----------------  */
  void IRQ_Routine (void) 
 while (1) ; 
  void FIQ_Routine (void) 
 while (1) ; 
void SWI_Routine (void) 
 while (1) ; 
void UNDEF_Routine (void) 
 while (1) ; 
void UART0_Handler(void)
 // we will need to test what the interrupt is.... if we get it working
 /* Acknowledge IRQ */
 // now clear the interrupt
 VICVectAddr = 0;
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An Engineer's Guide to the LPC2100 Series

Reply by f lee February 28, 20062006-02-28
I've spent a lot of time trying to get this UART Interrupt to work. 
Not enough I suppose.  What have I missed?
  This is written for the OLIMEX 2148 compiles and runs under GCC and uses the
Phillips std LPC214x.h
  I hope this will be useful to others who have tried and failed!
  Thanks for your help!
	  #include "LPC214x.h"
  #define OSCILLATOR_CLOCK 60000000
#define OVERRUN_ERROR  0x02
#define RECEIVE_RDY  0x01
  #define PLOCK 0x400
#define VIC_VECTCNTL_EN (1 << 5)
  #define CPSR_IRQ_EN_MASK 0x00000080
               Function declarations
  void Initialize(void);
void feed(void);
void set_interrupts(void);
void initUART0( unsigned int baud );
unsigned char getchUART0( void );
unsigned char putchUART0( unsigned char txChar );
unsigned char getTimedCharUART0( void );
void IRQ_Routine (void)   __attribute__ ((interrupt("IRQ")));
void FIQ_Routine (void)   __attribute__ ((interrupt("FIQ")));
void SWI_Routine (void)   __attribute__ ((interrupt("SWI")));
void UNDEF_Routine (void) __attribute__ ((interrupt("UNDEF")));
void UART0_Handler(void)  __attribute__ ((interrupt("IRQ")));
                  Global Variables
unsigned char hostInterface;
unsigned long baud0;
unsigned long baud1;
unsigned char  TxByte0;
unsigned char  RxByte0;
volatile char dummy;
unsigned long status;
int main (void) 
   hostInterface = 0xFF;
   baud0 = 9600;
   TxByte0 = 0x2e; // TxByte for UART 0
   int  j;  // loop counter (stack variable)
 // Initialize the system
 Initialize();   // Initialize the PLL
   U0IER &= 0x0;                                     // disable all
Interrupts U0IER : 0xE000C004
   VICVectAddr0 = (unsigned long) UART0_Handler;       //the address where uart
0 service routine starts 
   VICVectCntl0 = VIC_VECTCNTL_EN | VIC_CHANNEL_UART0; // (0x20? | 6)  uart
   VICIntEnable = (1 << VIC_CHANNEL_UART0);          // (1 << 6)
   initUART0(baud0);  // Init Serial Port1
    dummy = U0IIR;       // read IrqID - required to get interrupts started
  status = VICIRQStatus;
  U0IER |= 0x1;       // enable RBR Interrupts   set bit 0 for UART0 RBR
 // set io pins for led P0.7
 IODIR0|= 0x00000C00; // pin P0.7 is an output, everything else is input after
 IOSET0=  0x00000C00; // led off
 // endless loop to toggle the leds
 while (1) 
	  for (j = 0; j < 500000; j++ );
  IOPIN0= 0x00000800;
  for (j = 0; j < 500000; j++ );
  IOPIN0= 0x00000400; 
  for (j = 0; j < 500000; j++ );
  IOPIN0= 0x00000000; 
  for (j = 0; j < 500000; j++ );
  IOPIN0= 0x00000C00; 
//    write and read UART 0
     putchUART0(TxByte0);  // lets us know the port is functioning
void Initialize(void)  
     PLLCFG=0x24;    // 60Mhz Setting Multiplier and Divider values  
     PLLCON=0x1; // Enabling the PLL 
	   while(!(PLLSTAT & PLOCK)) ; // Wait for the PLL to lock to set
	 PLLCON=0x3;   // Connect the PLL as the clock source
 // Enabling MAM and setting number of clocks used for Flash memory fetch (4
cclks in this case)
	 VPBDIV=0x1;   // Setting peripheral Clock (pclk) to System Clock (cclk)
void feed(void)
void initUART0( unsigned int baud )
 // Divisor has to be redivided if the VPB changes
 // Also, MultDiv values to correct for errors are not used
 unsigned int divisor = OSCILLATOR_CLOCK / (baud * 16); 
 //R.M - COMPILES! - had to explicitly include libgcc.a library in makefile
 // Sets Baud Rate
 // U0LCR Register [bit7][bit6] [bit5]   [bit4]    [bit3]   [bit2]  [bit1][bit0]
 //                 DLAB  Set    Stick    Even      Par      Stop    Word Length
 //                       Break  Parity   Par Sel   Enable   Bits
 U0LCR = 0x83;
   // U0DLL  Divisor Latch LSB - 8 bit data
 U0DLL = divisor & 0xFF;  
 // U0DLM Divisor Latch MSB - 8 bit data
 // unsigned int divisor = OSCILLATOR_CLOCK / (baud * 16);
 //                      =  60000000        / (9600 * 16)  U0DLM = (divisor
>> 8) & 0xFF;
  U0LCR &= 0x7F;    // Clear DLAB Bit
   U0FCR |= 0x01;  // Set the fractional divide
 PINSEL0 = (PINSEL0 & ~0xF) | 0x05;  
unsigned char putchUART0( unsigned char txChar )
 // When U0LSR THRE bit is set, the U0THR is empty and can be written
   while ( !(U0LSR & 0x20) );
      // DLAB in U0LCR must be clear to access this register, this register
 U0THR = txChar;
unsigned char getchUART0( void )
 //when U0LSR's DR bit is 1, the UART RBR register has valid data
 //while (U0LSR_bit.DR == 0);
 return U0RBR;
 // return 0x3A;
/*  Stubs for various interrupts (may be replaced later)  */
/*  ----------------  */
  void IRQ_Routine (void) 
 while (1) ; 
  void FIQ_Routine (void)  
 while (1) ; 
void SWI_Routine (void)  
 while (1) ; 
void UNDEF_Routine (void) 
 while (1) ; 
void UART0_Handler(void)
 // we will need to test what the interrupt is.... if we get it working
 /* Acknowledge IRQ */
 // now clear the interrupt
 VICVectAddr = 0;
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