Reply by John May 13, 20042004-05-13
Thanks John for guidance on where to find the info I need on Jbug and
it's interrupts.
I am relying on downloaded manuals, etc and with hundreds of pages of
the stuff to wade through and get some understanding of. It is
tedious on a PC and takes a while, but I'm getting there - Thanks for
pointing me in the right direction.

Mark, I am still absorbing the info/advice you sent me.
Meantime, I am making some progress on my engine control project.

To answer your question about use of the pulse accumulator. I am not
using it. I only mentioned it because I found out (by trial and error)
that it was one of the interupts which upset JBug comms. With John's
leads (above) I can get a bit more scientific about understanding
Jbug's capabilities and limitations.

Re RPM in my application:
I need a 1mA FSD meter reading (0-3000RPM) and 100RPM precision is
sufficient. In fact, only about 600-3000RPM is of interest ie. only
about 24 discrete values are sufficient.
I looked at a PWM/PFM analog-type output approach, but have instead,
chosen the following:-
I plan to use TICI and TOI to measure the period between the rising
edge of successive tacho pulses (~20mS to >100mS), average a few to
reduce jitter, then use a lookup table to give me an appropriate
output voltage for the meter via latched port outputs and an D/A
chip. This avoids a lot of messy uP arithmetic with reciprocals and
scaling constants.
The same D/A and meter also displays engine temp, oil pressure,
hydraulic oil temp, and battery volage.

Many thanks and Regards to all contributors,

Reply by John Beatty May 13, 20042004-05-13

John <> wrote on Wed 12/05 and
Thur 13/05, and Mark Schultz <> wrote
on Thur 13/05 concerning JBug11 and interrupts.

The JBug11 manual explains interrupts on page 1, with
further information on page 39 (second paragraph from
the bottom), at the top of page 77 where the terminal
program interaction with JBug11's monitor is
discussed, under 'Hardware' in Appendix B, page 83.
Tracing through illegal opcodes is discussed on page
20, and additional information is available in the
file: ISR_Demo.asm which you can find in the 'Files'
area of the Jbug11 group on Yahoo:

John Beatty
Yahoo! Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping"
your friends today! Download Messenger Now

Reply by Mark Schultz May 13, 20042004-05-13
--- In , "John" <jmacey_au@y...> wrote:
> I have however found a (serious for me) problem with writing to
> TMSK2. Setting PAOVI, PAII, PRI, & PR0/1 HI is no problem, but
> JBug monitoring doesn't work if I set TOI or RTI to Hi (enabled) -
> I need TOI in my applications!

Bear in mind that I have just started to experiment with JBug
myself, and have had my share of difficulties making it work as a
true debugger (and not just a loader), so while my comments below
might not fix your problem, they might go a ways towards solving it.

It is important to remember that when the JBug talker gains control,
it will ENABLE interrupts - even if they are disabled in your
application. At least I'm pretty sure this is the case. Thus, it
is very important that you follow a few do's and dont's:

1. DO NOT attempt to single-step the code that initializes the RAM-
based vectors. Actually, you can probably do this safely if you...

2. DO make sure that your RAM vectors are initialized, along with
any variables your ISR needs, BEFORE you set the interrupt-enable bit
(s) for the interrupt source(s) you will be using. Normally you
could do this at any point in your init routine before doing a CLI,
but JBug enables interrupts whenever it gets control - so if you set
the interrupt-enable bits for the subsystems you are using (e.g.
RTII, PAII, PAOVI) before you init the psuedo-vectors or your ISR
variables, and attempt to single-step using JBug, it is quite
possible that one or more of your interrupt sources could 'fire'
before you have the rest of your init done, which will cause JBug to
hang or your program to malfunction.

3. DO make sure that you follow whatever procedure is necessary
(during init) to clear any pending interrupt flag(s) for source(s)
you will be using BEFORE you turn on the corresponding interrupt-
enable bit. This step may not be absolutely necessary, and may not
even do much good in a debug environment (e.g. clearing RTIF when
debugging in single-step mode won't do much good since it is going
to get set before you step to the next instruction anyway).

4. Make sure your ISRs are written in a robust-enough manner so they
can 'deal with' the unexpected - such as a jittery signal on a input
capture (check and reject any out-of-band measurements), or the
initial non-event you might get right after initialization. This
suggestion is just an extension of the general rule that suggests
writing ALL of your code in such a way that it will react gracefully
as possible when it receives bad input - bounds-checking values,
detecting, correcting or rejecting errors, etc.

One final application-specific note: What were you planning on using
the pulse accumulator for? Engine RPM measurement? If this is the
case, you may find that you will get better resolution (and faster
updates) if you use a timer input capture to measure the single-
rotation PERIOD of the engine, rather than measuring how many
rotations it makes over a fixed period of time using the PA. Even
at an engine speed of, say, 5000 RPM, a timer input capture
measurement (assuming EClk = 2 MHz and timer configured to use the
E/1 prescaler setting) will give you 400 counts, with updates every
engine revolution. You could average (or sum) several period
measurements to get a more stable and/or higher-resolution

Reply by John May 13, 20042004-05-13
--- In , "Mark Schultz" <n9xmj@y...> wrote:

>...I have summarized some of the key points below, to confirm
> and extend the information you have:
> 1.... [thanks for confirming my experience]
> 2.... [ditto]
> 3.... [ditto re SCI,SWI & ILLOP interrupt unavailability - no
problem for my apps]
>Also, your interrupt routines will continue to run at full speed,
>even when your (main-level) program appears to be stopped in JBug.
[I hadn't realised that yet. Thanks for the head-up]
> Finally, keep in mind that when
> using JBug your stack space *may* be a bit restricted - check the
> JBug configuration dialog (after you configure it to use the
> appropriate 'talker') to see what memory region(s) JBug uses for
> code and stack, and what regions in RAM it leaves free. This is
> particularily critical if you are using JBug with an E2 device, as
> this part only has 256 bytes of internal RAM.
[I'll have to give this some more thought. Haven't yet figured out
the problem and it's implications]
> 4...68HC811E2...[A nice lead- thanks for that.]
> [However, I now think that lack of writable memory at the top end
(including the interrupt vector space) is not my real problem, so E2s
or E9s won't solve it. I think the real problem is the restriction to
de-bugging in BS-mode. see comments below]

Thank you Mark, for all the above good stuff.

I have written and trialed a few more test programs to probe the
limitations of applications using E1s in BS-mode (and access to JBug
I find no problems using my user code to write JMPs to the available
RAM-located bootstrap vectors.
I have however found a (serious for me) problem with writing to TMSK2.
Setting PAOVI, PAII, PRI, & PR0/1 HI is no problem, but JBug
monitoring doesn't work if I set TOI or RTI to Hi (enabled) - I need
TOI in my applications!
I don't yet know if JBug actualy loads my TMSK2 instruction (with TOI
bit set)to EEPROM. I think it does, because it doesn't immediately
crash JBug and G $B600 appears to run the program. However, JBug
fails with a comms error as soon as I try to trace or read any memory
contents - so presumably JBug needs to have timer overflow (TOI)
dissabled for successful communication.

I am suspicious that either
a) programs using timer overflow interrupts will not run in BS-mode?
b) they run OK, but JBug de-bugging is not available?

I think that b) is most probably the correct situation.

I'll write some more test code to check this (provided that my wife
doesn't divorce me for desertion - citing Motorola).

If you know the answers/solution you could save me some time - and
maybe a marriage!

If I cannot use TOIs im my applications, I'll rewrite them to run
without interrupt - messy and inelligent to write 4sec and 20sec
delays with a 2MHz clock (without using TOI) but it will get the job
done . I would really like to get an engine-control circuit
functional by this weekend (elegant/agricultural, just as long as it

Thamks for your help and encouragement to date - much appreciated.

Regards, jem

Reply by Mark Schultz May 12, 20042004-05-12
Jon, it appears as if you have managed to figure out almost
everything you need to know to use the E1 that you have to create
simple (<= 512-byte) standalone applications using the internal
EEPROM. I have summarized some of the key points below, to confirm
and extend the information you have:

1. It is possible to auto-start a program in internal EEPROM on a E-
series device (including the E1) by placing the device in BS mode,
and connecting PD0 (RXD) and PD1 (TXD) together. The BS ROM (at
$BF40-$BFFF) will detect this condition at reset and execute a JMP
to $B600 where the internal EEPROM resides.

2. When the HC11 is in one of the 'special' modes (Bootstrap or
Special Test), it expects to fetch interrupt vectors in the block
from $BFC0-$BFFF. In BS mode, the bootstrap ROM resides in these
locations. However, the BS ROM conveniently places JMPs for all the
vectors (except RESET) to RAM locations varying from $00C4..$00FD.
The specific location in RAM that is JMP'd to for each interrupt
source is listed in the HC11 Reference Manual (the "White Book").
If you need to use a given interrupt source, your program (in
EEPROM) needs to write JMP $xxyy instruction(s) in the appropriate
RAM location(s) to point to your ISR(s).

3. As you noted earlier, the JBug RAM talker makes use of the SCI,
SWI and ILLOP interrupts, so you should avoid overwriting these
vectors in your own application. Also, your interrupt routines will
continue to run at full speed, even when your (main-level) program
appears to be stopped in JBug. Finally, keep in mind that when
using JBug your stack space *may* be a bit restricted - check the
JBug configuration dialog (after you configure it to use the
appropriate 'talker') to see what memory region(s) JBug uses for
code and stack, and what regions in RAM it leaves free. This is
particularily critical if you are using JBug with an E2 device, as
this part only has 256 bytes of internal RAM.

4. FWIW, you can often find HC11-series parts - even the E2 - for
sale on eBay. I just did a quick check and found this listing for
12 E2 devices for $30 USD:

Or, do a search on eBay for "68HC811E2FN"

The seller indicates that they will ship internationally - probably
pretty expensive but even if the shipping cost is the same as the
parts cost, you'd still get the parts for $5 USD/ea, not a bad deal.

5. For more complex designs, your best bet (as others here have
indicated) would be to use the HC11 in normal expanded mode with
external ROM/Flash and (optionally) RAM. You will, of course, loose
ports B and C, but you can make up for this lack by using serial
shift registers, memory-mapped latches/buffers, or use another E1
or similar device as a 'Slave IO controller' - see my next message
for more details on this approach.

If there is anything else that you are uncertain of with regards to
using the HC11 bootstrap mode or related issues, feel free to ask
for clarification - as you can see, the people on this list are more
than willing to help, esp. when the person being helped takes the
initiative to find some of their own answers, as you have obviously

Reply by John May 12, 20042004-05-12
WOW! - I'm impressed! - 6 replies with good advice in less than 24hrs!

Thanks to all for your interest and quick responses.

It seems that the easy solution to running SC-mode on a BOT1 board is
to buy some E9s. The disadvantage is the time/cost/difficuly of
buying E9s from Australia. Nevertheless, it may be the right "final

Working my way up a steep learning curve and information overload - I
now know that an E1 in BS-mode (with Tx-Rx looped) will boot-up and
re-boot from reset or power-up, jump to $b600 user programe (which
doesn't use interrupts)and work OK in a working environment (ie. when
not connected to JBug). The bootloader doesn't use RAM or interrupts -
so I don't need RAM battery back-up.

If I can get all/most of the interrupt facilities to work (primarily
timer related ones) with E1s in BS-mode, then that would suit my
purposes at zero cost. I don't need SWI, SCI or SPI facilities in my
simpler applications.

I would appreciate advice on the following asessments of operating
E1s in BS-mode with programs that use timer interrupts:-

a)It appears to me that the bootloader re-locates interrupt vectors
to RAM at $00C4..$0040. So, I could include setup instructions in my
user programs to write JMP instructions to these RAM vector locations
(the inaccessable BS-mode $BF40 RESET vector is no problem because it
results in a JMP to $B600, as required). If this is correct, then the
only remaining problem is de-bugging.

b) It also appears that JBug uses only the SCI interrupt. The ILLEGAL
OPCODE INT jumps to $0000 and all other interupts jump to $0058 which
contains an RTI. Since my user interrupt routines will also end in an
RTI, I think (not sure?) that JBug will still work OK with my
interrupt intensive user programmes running, provided that I don't
use RAM below $0100 and don't change the SCI or ILLOPCODE vectors.

c)If JBug works OK under these circumstances, I realise that it's
processing overhead will affect precise timing - I can live with that.

d) Are there any "Gotchas" that I haven't yet identified?

Regards, jem

Reply by Bob Smith May 11, 20042004-05-11
That is correct, the windowless E9's cannot have the EPROM erased which is
why they are known as OTP devices. The EEPROM (512 bytes) still works
normally. Windowed E9 (CFSn suffix) which can be erased are still
available, but are quite expensive (about $30.00) although you only need 1-2
of them to test your code with.

Oh, btw, the OTP E9s are known as 68HC711E9s, not 68HC11E9s as I think I
stated in an earlier post.

So OTP E9s can be programmed once, windowed E9s can be programmed many
times, and E1s can be programed zero times.

Have you considered that if your code will fit in the RAM space of an E1 it
will also fit in the EEPROM space of an E9.

Best wishes, Bob Smith
--- Avoid computer viruses, Practice safe hex ---

-- Specializing in small, cost effective
embedded control systems -- Robert L. (Bob) Smith
Smith Machine Works, Inc.
9900 Lumlay Road
Richmond, VA 23236 804/745-2608
----- Original Message -----
From: "Torgeir Veimo" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 12:47 PM
Subject: Re: [m68HC11] Re: HC11E1 - won't run in SC mode? > On Tue, 2004-05-11 at 12:36 -0400, Bob Smith wrote:
> > A much simpler (and probably less expensive solution) is to throw away
> > the
> > E1s and drop in an E9. Both PCBUG11 and Jbug11 program them just
> > fine.
> If you have a windowless E9, then its EPROM can only be programmed once?
> --
> Torgeir Veimo < > --
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> a.. To

Reply by Redd, Emmett R May 11, 20042004-05-11
Any individual bit can only be cleared, not set. As long as one is
careful, there can be many programming sessions.

But, there are methods where one can have multiple pseudo-interrupt
vector tables so only the last table is active and any previous table is

Emmett Redd Ph.D. mailto:
Associate Professor (417)836-5221
Department of Physics, Astronomy, and Materials Science
Southwest Missouri State University Fax (417)836-6226
901 SOUTH NATIONAL Dept (417)836-5131

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Torgeir Veimo [mailto:]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 11:48 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [m68HC11] Re: HC11E1 - won't run in SC mode?
> On Tue, 2004-05-11 at 12:36 -0400, Bob Smith wrote:
> > A much simpler (and probably less expensive solution) is to throw
> > the
> > E1s and drop in an E9. Both PCBUG11 and Jbug11 program them just
> > fine.
> If you have a windowless E9, then its EPROM can only be programmed
> --
> Torgeir Veimo <

Reply by Torgeir Veimo May 11, 20042004-05-11
On Tue, 2004-05-11 at 12:36 -0400, Bob Smith wrote:
> A much simpler (and probably less expensive solution) is to throw away
> the
> E1s and drop in an E9. Both PCBUG11 and Jbug11 program them just
> fine.

If you have a windowless E9, then its EPROM can only be programmed once?
Torgeir Veimo <

Reply by Bob Smith May 11, 20042004-05-11
A much simpler (and probably less expensive solution) is to throw away the
E1s and drop in an E9. Both PCBUG11 and Jbug11 program them just fine.


--- Avoid computer viruses, Practice safe hex ---

-- Specializing in small, cost effective
embedded control systems -- Robert L. (Bob) Smith
Smith Machine Works, Inc.
9900 Lumlay Road
Richmond, VA 23236 804/745-2608
----- Original Message -----
From: "John" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 11:54 AM
Subject: [m68HC11] Re: HC11E1 - won't run in SC mode? >
> --- In , Brian Moerdyk <bmoerdyk2@y...> wrote:
> > You're right... To get memory in this space, you need to add an
> external EPROM....unless you always want to run in BS mode...
> Thanks for responding Brian and confirming my conclusions.
> Yes, using external memory and expanded-mode with E1s is a solution,
> but for simple jobs, I would like to stick with the simple BOT1's and
> E1s (I have 5 of them) so I will have to run in BS-mode.
> It seems that to do this, I will need to add battery backup to
> preserve the talker prog in RAM and also write prog in EEPROM to
> change the bootloader's interupt vector JMPs after I disconnect JBug.
> I haven't figured out how to do this yet. If it gets too complicated,
> I'll give up and use external memory.
> I have 1 68HC11E2 which would also solve the problem, but only for 1
> application.
> Fortunately, I also have a few bigger, more complicated, BOT2
> prototype boards which support external memory. I was planning to use
> these boards with E1s for more ambitious projects requing bigger
> programs and lots of I/O. Maybe I will use them universaly?
> You also said...
> > In BS mode, the interrupt vectors are starting at $BFC4 or
> something like that, but they are three bytes (never understood this)
> I think I can help YOU there - extended jump instuctions need 3 bytes
> Thanks again for your support and quick response.
> My 1st project is a deisel engine controller/monitor for my yacht
> (glowplug timer, tacho, engine temp, oil pressure, hydraulic oil
> temp, alarms, etc).
> Then I plan on an electronic compass (using a VECTOR compass module)
> and more ambitiously, a fast (eventualy adaptive) autopilot with yaw
> accelerometer inputs.
> Should keep me occupied for a while!
> Regards, jem >
> --
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> a.. To