Reply by Martin Kaul March 7, 20052005-03-07
Anton Erasmus wrote:
> Hi, > > Can anyone recommend a C source library for basic routines to drive > smallish graphic LCD displays. (128x64). The library should be small > enough for 8-bit MCUs - e.g. ATMega128. Basic support for multiple > viewports. Scalable fonts etc. So far the only library I have found > is the one from RAMTEX.
We use emWin from Segger ( regards Martin
Reply by Anton Erasmus March 4, 20052005-03-04

Can anyone recommend a C source library for basic routines to drive
smallish graphic LCD displays. (128x64). The library should be small
enough for 8-bit MCUs - e.g. ATMega128. Basic support for multiple
viewports. Scalable fonts etc. So far the only library I have found
is the one from RAMTEX. 

  Anton Erasmus