Reply by May 13, 20052005-05-13
whats your email address?

Reply by May 12, 20052005-05-12
Hi, I use IAR compiler and M16C/62P kit. I can't use printf() function.
If I use it, compiler doesn't generate error or warning but I can't
download the program to mcu. I define putchar and __low_level_put. I
have a sample code from kickstart CD but I can't understand. Anybody
have sample code or documents?

void ConfigUart (void){
  // Configure UART1
  U1MR = 0x05;								// 0000 0101: 8N1 format
  U1C0 = 0x10;								// 0001 xx00: f1
  UCON = 0x00;                      // x00x 00xx: Simple mode
  U1BRG = (CLOCK / 16 / BAUD) - 1;  //Set the baud rate
  U1C1_bit.TE = 1;                  // Enable transmission
  U1C1_bit.RE = 1;                  // Enable reception
  PD6_bit.PD6_6 = 0;
  PD6_bit.PD6_7 = 1;                // Set TXD1 as an output
  S1RIC = 5;								//enable Uart1 receive interrupt

unsigned char getc(void){
  if (RECEIVE==0) return 0x00;
  else return U1RBL;

void __low_level_put(unsigned char c) {	// Called by putchar
	while (U1C1_bit.TI == 0);					// Wait if the buffer is full
		U1TBL = c;									// Send the next character

int putchar(int val) {							// Called by printf
	if (val == '\n') __low_level_put('\r');// Convert EOL to CR/LF
	return val;