Reply by " [rabbit-semi]" February 29, 20162016-02-29
The DC 9 asix.lib has the same patch as DC 10. I added it last year per the recommendation of M. Kronenberg at Digi.

From: "Tom Collins [rabbit-semi]"
To: r...
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2016 2:45 PM
Subject: Re: [rabbit-semi] Re: Detecting network connection

There's a chance it's been addressed in this patch for Dynamic C 10, that was not backported to Dynamic C 9:
I'm on vacation so don't have the resources to look at it too closely.  If you had an RCM4200 (or other ASIX-based 4000-series board) to test with, you could confirm that ASIX.LIB from DC10 works correctly with that hardware, and then investigate differences between it and the DC9 version.
I also have a private Git repository of some of the DC10 releases prior to 10.72, so I can review changes made to ASIX.LIB there as well, to see if anything needs backporting to DC9.
I'll do my best to fill the void of Digi's inaction on your support requests.  I'll check back with you on Thursday or Friday when I'm back in the office.

On Feb 23, 2016, at 3:02 PM, [rabbit-semi] wrote:
I may have spoken too soon about this not being a Rabbit issue. Every other Ethernet enabled piece of equipment we have works with the B&B switch, including the RCM6750. It's only the RCM3k series that has the problem. 
Since the RCM6750 works, do you suppose there is something in the RCM6k libs that could be applied to the RCM3k to get it to work? Just a thought.
I'd ask Digi, but they no longer respond to my support requests.

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Reply by " [rabbit-semi]" February 23, 20162016-02-23

There's a chance it's been addressed in this patch for Dynamic C 10, that was not backported to Dynamic C 9:

I'm on vacation so don't have the resources to look at it too closely. If you had an RCM4200 (or other ASIX-based 4000-series board) to test with, you could confirm that ASIX.LIB from DC10 works correctly with that hardware, and then investigate differences between it and the DC9 version.

I also have a private Git repository of some of the DC10 releases prior to 10.72, so I can review changes made to ASIX.LIB there as well, to see if anything needs backporting to DC9.

I'll do my best to fill the void of Digi's inaction on your support requests. I'll check back with you on Thursday or Friday when I'm back in the office.

On Feb 23, 2016, at 3:02 PM, [rabbit-semi] wrote:
> I may have spoken too soon about this not being a Rabbit issue. Every other Ethernet enabled piece of equipment we have works with the B&B switch, including the RCM6750. It's only the RCM3k series that has the problem.
> Since the RCM6750 works, do you suppose there is something in the RCM6k libs that could be applied to the RCM3k to get it to work? Just a thought.
> I'd ask Digi, but they no longer respond to my support requests.
> Steve
Reply by " [rabbit-semi]" February 23, 20162016-02-23
I may have spoken too soon about this not being a Rabbit issue. Every other Ethernet enabled piece of equipment we have works with the B&B switch, including the RCM6750. It's only the RCM3k series that has the problem.

Since the RCM6750 works, do you suppose there is something in the RCM6k libs that could be applied to the RCM3k to get it to work? Just a thought.

I'd ask Digi, but they no longer respond to my support requests.

Reply by " [rabbit-semi]" February 23, 20162016-02-23

Some years ago we had an issue with Moxi switches where, when the Ethernet cable was disconnected and then reconnected, the Rabbit would not detect the presence of the network so you couldn't communicate with it until you power-cycled the Rabbit. These are RCM3900s. This never happened with Netgear switches, which is what we use 98% of the time.

At the time I submitted a tech support ticket to Digi, and they supplied an updated library. I think they tweeked pd_havelink(), and we haven't had a problem since. Until today.

A customer is using a B&B Electronics industrial switch, and they are experiencing the same problem. Disconnect the Ethernet cable, then plug it back in, there is no link light or activity light on switch and you can't communicate with the equipment (Rabbit). If you power-cycle the switch, the connection is restored. And if you power-cycle the Rabbit, the connection is restored. It doesn't matter if we are using DHCP or Static IP.

I don't think this is a Rabbit issue, but is there anything I can do in the Rabbit to correct this? These are layer 2 switches, so there is nothing to configure in switches.
