Reply by " [rabbit-semi]" August 3, 20162016-08-03
Thanks for the information.  I did just what you suggested and it seems to work.
Regarding wireshark I have some new  information.  The problem with capturing multicast packets may not have been a wireshark issue. I ran into someone else that had the same  problem, and he determined that the multicast port number had to be opened on the PC before wireshark could capture. 
He used the following Python 3 script to open the port:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import socket
import structMCAST_GRP = ''
MCAST_PORT = 52200sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP)
sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
sock.bind(('', MCAST_PORT))  # use MCAST_GRP instead of '' to listen only
                                                    # to MCAST_GRP, not all groups on MCAST_PORT
mreq = struct.pack("4sl", socket.inet_aton(MCAST_GRP), socket.INADDR_ANY)sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, mreq)while True:
From: "Tom Collins [rabbit-semi]"
To: r...
Sent: Tuesday, August 2, 2016 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: [rabbit-semi] Multicast

Back from vacation and wanting to follow up on your message.  I'm looking through Dynamic C's TCP/IP stack and have the following to report:
* MAX_UDP_SOCKET_BUFFERS should be equal to the number of UDP sockets you're opening.  There's no benefit to setting it higher than the number of sockets -- it's used to store copies of the udp_Socket pointer passed into udp_open().
* The stack allocates UDP_BUF_SIZE of space for each of the MAX_UDP_SOCKET_BUFFERS.
* As best as I can tell, the UDP sockets each get UDP_BUF_SIZE bytes.  This is good in that a single UDP socket can't starve out other sockets, but it requires you to keep up with datagrams.
* So, I would advise on setting MAX_UDP_SOCKET_BUFFERS based on how many simultaneous UDP sockets you'll have open, and UDP_BUF_SIZE based on how much data you expect to receive between calls to udp_recv().
* If you have just one UDP socket that requires a larger buffer, consider using udp_extopen() to give it a large buffer so you don't waste space by over allocating buffers (via UDP_BUF_SIZE) for your other UDP sockets.
Let me know if you still have any outstanding questions on how the UDP sockets work in Dynamic C, or if the issues you saw were caused by the Wireshark capture bugs you mentioned in another message.

On Jul 22, 2016, at 9:19 AM, Steve Trigero [rabbit-semi] wrote:

Yes, I was referring to MAX_UDP_SOCKET_BUFFERS. I know I need them. I was asking aboutthe ratio of sockets to buffers.  Could I get away with a single UDP socket and say 5 buffers withoutdropping datagrams? 
#yiv8089521912 #yiv8089521912 -- #yiv8089521912ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv8089521912 #yiv8089521912ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv8089521912 #yiv8089521912ygrp-mkp #yiv8089521912hd {color:#628c2a;font-size:85%;font-weight:700;line-height:122%;margin:10px 0;}#yiv8089521912 #yiv8089521912ygrp-mkp #yiv8089521912ads {margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv8089521912 #yiv8089521912ygrp-mkp .yiv8089521912ad {padding:0 0;}#yiv8089521912 #yiv8089521912ygrp-mkp .yiv8089521912ad p {margin:0;}#yiv8089521912 #yiv8089521912ygrp-mkp .yiv8089521912ad a {color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv8089521912 #yiv8089521912ygrp-sponsor #yiv8089521912ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv8089521912 #yiv8089521912ygrp-sponsor #yiv8089521912ygrp-lc #yiv8089521912hd {margin:10px 0px;font-weight:700;font-size:78%;line-height:122%;}#yiv8089521912 #yiv8089521912ygrp-sponsor #yiv8089521912ygrp-lc .yiv8089521912ad {margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv8089521912 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Reply by " [rabbit-semi]" August 2, 20162016-08-02

Back from vacation and wanting to follow up on your message. I'm looking through Dynamic C's TCP/IP stack and have the following to report:

* MAX_UDP_SOCKET_BUFFERS should be equal to the number of UDP sockets you're opening. There's no benefit to setting it higher than the number of sockets -- it's used to store copies of the udp_Socket pointer passed into udp_open().

* The stack allocates UDP_BUF_SIZE of space for each of the MAX_UDP_SOCKET_BUFFERS.

* As best as I can tell, the UDP sockets each get UDP_BUF_SIZE bytes. This is good in that a single UDP socket can't starve out other sockets, but it requires you to keep up with datagrams.

* So, I would advise on setting MAX_UDP_SOCKET_BUFFERS based on how many simultaneous UDP sockets you'll have open, and UDP_BUF_SIZE based on how much data you expect to receive between calls to udp_recv().

* If you have just one UDP socket that requires a larger buffer, consider using udp_extopen() to give it a large buffer so you don't waste space by over allocating buffers (via UDP_BUF_SIZE) for your other UDP sockets.

Let me know if you still have any outstanding questions on how the UDP sockets work in Dynamic C, or if the issues you saw were caused by the Wireshark capture bugs you mentioned in another message.

On Jul 22, 2016, at 9:19 AM, Steve Trigero [rabbit-semi] wrote:

> Yes, I was referring to MAX_UDP_SOCKET_BUFFERS. I know I need them. I was asking about
> the ratio of sockets to buffers. Could I get away with a single UDP socket and say 5 buffers without
> dropping datagrams?
Reply by " [rabbit-semi]" July 27, 20162016-07-27

Good to know. I recently ran into trouble with Wireshark as well, and was really confused about what I was seeing. I was trying to monitor packets going in/out of an Ubuntu VM. One day, everything was working properly. A few days later, it was only capturing one side of the UDP connections.

If I need to capture again, I'll be sure to restart Wireshark after starting everything. I thought I had tried doing that, but maybe I was just trying it after launching the VM.

On Jul 27, 2016, at 12:48 PM, Steve Trigero [rabbit-semi] wrote:

> Well, it turns out to be a wireshark issue. This latest version of wireshark is not as user friendly as it used to be.
> So check this out. I have an RM3900 setup to send a UDP datagram every 500ms to either a Multicast IP or to a
> Broadcast IP. I send a command to the Rabbit telling it which protocol to use.
> I set the Rabbit to use broadcast then start wireshark. It captures all the broadcast traffic. I tell the Rabbit to switch
> to using Multicast and wireshark goes silent. I close wireshark and reopen it. Presto! The multicast datagrams show
> up in the capture. Switch back to sending broadcasts. Wireshark goes silent again. Close and reopen, and theystart
> showing up again.
> So the Rabbit appears to be working, wireshark not so much.
> Steve
Reply by " [rabbit-semi]" July 27, 20162016-07-27
Well, it turns out to be a wireshark issue. This latest version of wireshark is not as user friendly as it used to be.
So check this out. I have an RM3900 setup to send a UDP datagram every 500ms to either a Multicast IP or to a Broadcast IP. I send a command to the Rabbit telling it which protocol to use.
I set the Rabbit to use broadcast then start wireshark. It captures all the broadcast traffic. I tell the Rabbit to switch to using Multicast and wireshark goes silent. I close wireshark and reopen it. Presto! The multicast datagrams show up in the capture. Switch back to sending broadcasts. Wireshark goes silent again. Close and reopen, and they start showing up again.
So the Rabbit appears to be working, wireshark not so much.

From: "Steve Trigero [rabbit-semi]"
To: "r..."
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 2:55 PM
Subject: Re: [rabbit-semi] Multicast

  I just noticed that the one multicast datagram that wireshark captures has no data. Yet udp_send keeps reportingthat it is sending 111 bytes with each call.
I'm beginning to think the datagram wireshark captured is not really my datagram, but something the Rabbit librarysent, possibly as part of initialization. The "Info" description in wireshark for the datagram is "Membership Report Group".

From: "Steve Trigero [rabbit-semi]"
To: "r..."
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: [rabbit-semi] Multicast

  I set the number of buffers equal to the number of UDP sockets. 5-sockets, 5-buffers.
I'm using one socket to send a multicast datagram twice a second to ip Using wireshark, I only see one datagram sent. When I use broadcast, the datagrams are constantly scrolling through the window. 
I stepped through the code and it is constantly calling udp_send(), and udp_send is returning 111, meaning it sent 111 bytes.
I enabled UDP_VERBOSE, and set debug_udp to 7. This is the output:
UDP: sending pkt 0AFA0582:2100 -> E0006464:2100 payload1                    
UDP: got pkt 0AFA0556:137 -> 0AFA05FF:137 payloadP i/f=0                     
UDP: no applicable socket                                                      
UDP: got pkt 0AFA0579:137 -> 0AFA05FF:137 payloadP i/f=0                     
UDP: no applicable socket                                                      
UDP: got pkt 0AFA0554:137 -> 0AFA05FF:137 payloadP i/f=0                     
UDP: no applicable socket                                                      
UDP: got pkt 0AFA0589:2099 -> FFFFFFFF:2100 payload4 i/f=0                  
UDP: ...using ARP table entry                                                  
UDP: sending pkt 0AFA0582:2100 -> E0006464:2100 payload1                    

The same set of print statements repeats. You can see the receipt of a broadcast datagram sent by another piece of equipment at the 8th printout.
Each time I restart the program, wireshark shows one multicast datagram being sent. Do you suppose this is a wireshark configuration issue, because the Rabbit appears to be sending the packets?
I'm using an RCM3900 with DC 9.62.

From: "Dave Moore [rabbit-semi]"
To: r...
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2016 2:45 PM
Subject: Re: [rabbit-semi] Multicast

  That first drop might be something to do with timing for setting up the arp table with resolve information or something.  Or, the debugger slows things down enough for an arp to go before things get noticed.
As far as number of buffers, I think there is just a 1-to-1 correspondence between udp sockets and udp buffers.  Each socket you open in some way needs space to stick incoming datagrams.  I don't think multiple buffers are used by the same socket.  That's just a chunk of space where an incoming datagram gets copied until you "recv" it.  So, you'll just have to make sure that you "recv" before that buffer space gets filled up.  The default is 4096 (UDP_BUF_SIZE).  With 150 byte datagrams, you can probably put a bunch in there before you start dropping them.  You might want to put some stats somewhere to track dropped packets based on not enough space as work out your system design.
You could also use a custom datahandler on that multicast socket so you wouldn't use the system allocated udp buffer space.  I think you get access to the ethernet packet directly that way and can do what you want with it.
-- Dave
On 7/22/2016 9:19 AM, Steve Trigero [rabbit-semi] wrote:

  Ah, you're right about the debug_on variable. I forgot about that. In any case, it's working for now.
Yes, I was referring to MAX_UDP_SOCKET_BUFFERS. I know I need them. I was asking about the ratio of sockets to buffers.  Could I get away with a single UDP socket and say 5 buffers without dropping datagrams? 
This comes up because I am experimenting with Multicast, which I've not used before. Normally, I open 3 sockets with REMIP and PORT set to -1, so they will accept datagrams from any host, whether Broadcast or directed. And I have MAX_UDP_SOCKET_BUFFERS set to 4.
To add Multicast, I needed a socket that was opened with REMIP set to a Multicast IP. It's when I added this new socket is when the issue of losing the first datagram appeared, and has now disappeared.  When I saw the dropped/lost first packet, I thought it might be related to the comment for udp_extopen() in the manual that says:
    "If remip is non-zero, then the process of resolving the correct destination
    hardware address is started. Datagrams cannot be sent until sock_resolved()
    returns TRUE. If you attempt to send datagrams before this, then the
    datagrams may not get sent."
But when I ran the debugger, it went away.  
So now I have 4 UDP sockets, with one being for Multicast, and I increased the buffers to 6. Should I have more Multicast sockets or less Broadcast sockets? Could I get away with one socket of each?

From: "Dave Moore [rabbit-semi]" mailto:r...
To: r...
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 7:42 AM
Subject: Re: [rabbit-semi] Multicast

  Along with UDP_VERBOSE, set the global debug_on to something like 7 on startup.  Should produce more debug output.
And when you mention "UDP sockets" and "number of UDP buffers", are you actually talking about some of the macros (like MAX_UDP_SOCKET_BUFFERS?)  Cuz you do need buffers to hold your packets (unless you alloc and supply your own to the udp handler code.)  I don't believe there is a limitation to the number of udp sockets?  Been a while though since I was in there. -- Dave

On 7/21/2016 2:55 PM, Steve Trigero [rabbit-semi] wrote:

  UDP_VERBOSE doesn't do anything. There is no output when it's defined. I'm using your updated network library, so maybe something happened there.
In any case, after I ran my code in the debugger, it started working. So I recompiled without debug code enabled and reloaded the program, and now it works every time. Scary.
Slight change of subject.
First, what's the relationship between the number of UDP sockets and number of UDP buffers? Since UDP is connectionless, a socket for each potential device that may send a datagram is unnecessary. But does that mean I could have one socket with a bunch of buffers? A further explanation is, in a system we typically have 5 sub-systems, with each sub-system sending a broadcast UDP datagram of its status twice a second. The datagrams are around 150 bytes each. Each sub-system reads the datagrams and collects whatever information it needs from the datagrams. So if there is only one UDP socket and the Rabbit is processing one datagram when another one arrives, or even two datagrams arrive, do the new datagrams get put into unused buffers or are they lost because there is not an unused socket available?

From: "Tom Collins [rabbit-semi]" mailto:r...
To: r...
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2016 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: [rabbit-semi] Multicast

  Do you see the packet come in if you define UDP_VERBOSE in your program?
I've seen instances where the first response to a UDP datagram doesn't go out due to needing to ARP the IP address, but there are some ways around that (telling the stack to use the MAC from the received frame).
I'm on vacation through the end of the month, so don't have access to code I can share, but I'm curious as to whether the datagram moves through the TCP/IP stack at all.

On Jul 21, 2016, at 12:23 PM, [rabbit-semi] wrote:
I added a Multicast socket to my RCM3900 application, using IP  I have a total of 4 UDP sockets open, 3 are opened with an REMIP and Port of -1, and one is opened with the Multicast IP and port 2100. And Max UDP Buffers is set to 5.
After boot-up, the first UDP datagram to the module is not responded to. It doesn't matter if the datagram was a broadcast or a multicast. The first one is not responded to. After the first one, then it starts responding to both broadcasts and multicasts. 
Is there something else I need to do to get that first datagram to work?
I'm using DC 9.62. .

#yiv1363010438 #yiv1363010438 -- #yiv1363010438ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv1363010438 #yiv1363010438ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv1363010438 #yiv1363010438ygrp-mkp #yiv1363010438hd {color:#628c2a;font-size:85%;font-weight:700;line-height:122%;margin:10px 0;}#yiv1363010438 #yiv1363010438ygrp-mkp #yiv1363010438ads {margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv1363010438 #yiv1363010438ygrp-mkp .yiv1363010438ad {padding:0 0;}#yiv1363010438 #yiv1363010438ygrp-mkp .yiv1363010438ad p {margin:0;}#yiv1363010438 #yiv1363010438ygrp-mkp .yiv1363010438ad a {color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv1363010438 #yiv1363010438ygrp-sponsor #yiv1363010438ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv1363010438 #yiv1363010438ygrp-sponsor #yiv1363010438ygrp-lc #yiv1363010438hd {margin:10px 0px;font-weight:700;font-size:78%;line-height:122%;}#yiv1363010438 #yiv1363010438ygrp-sponsor #yiv1363010438ygrp-lc .yiv1363010438ad {margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv1363010438 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{font-size:77%;list-style-type:square;padding:6px 0;}#yiv1363010438 #yiv1363010438ygrp-sponsor #yiv1363010438ov ul {margin:0;padding:0 0 0 8px;}#yiv1363010438 #yiv1363010438ygrp-text {font-family:Georgia;}#yiv1363010438 #yiv1363010438ygrp-text p {margin:0 0 1em 0;}#yiv1363010438 #yiv1363010438ygrp-text tt {font-size:120%;}#yiv1363010438 #yiv1363010438ygrp-vital ul li:last-child {border-right:none !important;}#yiv1363010438
Reply by " [rabbit-semi]" July 26, 20162016-07-26
I just noticed that the one multicast datagram that wireshark captures has no data. Yet udp_send keeps reportingthat it is sending 111 bytes with each call.
I'm beginning to think the datagram wireshark captured is not really my datagram, but something the Rabbit librarysent, possibly as part of initialization. The "Info" description in wireshark for the datagram is "Membership Report Group".

From: "Steve Trigero [rabbit-semi]"
To: "r..."
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: [rabbit-semi] Multicast

  I set the number of buffers equal to the number of UDP sockets. 5-sockets, 5-buffers.
I'm using one socket to send a multicast datagram twice a second to ip Using wireshark, I only see one datagram sent. When I use broadcast, the datagrams are constantly scrolling through the window. 
I stepped through the code and it is constantly calling udp_send(), and udp_send is returning 111, meaning it sent 111 bytes.
I enabled UDP_VERBOSE, and set debug_udp to 7. This is the output:
UDP: sending pkt 0AFA0582:2100 -> E0006464:2100 payload1                    
UDP: got pkt 0AFA0556:137 -> 0AFA05FF:137 payloadP i/f=0                     
UDP: no applicable socket                                                      
UDP: got pkt 0AFA0579:137 -> 0AFA05FF:137 payloadP i/f=0                     
UDP: no applicable socket                                                      
UDP: got pkt 0AFA0554:137 -> 0AFA05FF:137 payloadP i/f=0                     
UDP: no applicable socket                                                      
UDP: got pkt 0AFA0589:2099 -> FFFFFFFF:2100 payload4 i/f=0                  
UDP: ...using ARP table entry                                                  
UDP: sending pkt 0AFA0582:2100 -> E0006464:2100 payload1                    

The same set of print statements repeats. You can see the receipt of a broadcast datagram sent by another piece of equipment at the 8th printout.
Each time I restart the program, wireshark shows one multicast datagram being sent. Do you suppose this is a wireshark configuration issue, because the Rabbit appears to be sending the packets?
I'm using an RCM3900 with DC 9.62.

From: "Dave Moore [rabbit-semi]"
To: r...
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2016 2:45 PM
Subject: Re: [rabbit-semi] Multicast

  That first drop might be something to do with timing for setting up the arp table with resolve information or something.  Or, the debugger slows things down enough for an arp to go before things get noticed.
As far as number of buffers, I think there is just a 1-to-1 correspondence between udp sockets and udp buffers.  Each socket you open in some way needs space to stick incoming datagrams.  I don't think multiple buffers are used by the same socket.  That's just a chunk of space where an incoming datagram gets copied until you "recv" it.  So, you'll just have to make sure that you "recv" before that buffer space gets filled up.  The default is 4096 (UDP_BUF_SIZE).  With 150 byte datagrams, you can probably put a bunch in there before you start dropping them.  You might want to put some stats somewhere to track dropped packets based on not enough space as work out your system design.
You could also use a custom datahandler on that multicast socket so you wouldn't use the system allocated udp buffer space.  I think you get access to the ethernet packet directly that way and can do what you want with it.
-- Dave
On 7/22/2016 9:19 AM, Steve Trigero [rabbit-semi] wrote:

  Ah, you're right about the debug_on variable. I forgot about that. In any case, it's working for now.
Yes, I was referring to MAX_UDP_SOCKET_BUFFERS. I know I need them. I was asking about the ratio of sockets to buffers.  Could I get away with a single UDP socket and say 5 buffers without dropping datagrams? 
This comes up because I am experimenting with Multicast, which I've not used before. Normally, I open 3 sockets with REMIP and PORT set to -1, so they will accept datagrams from any host, whether Broadcast or directed. And I have MAX_UDP_SOCKET_BUFFERS set to 4.
To add Multicast, I needed a socket that was opened with REMIP set to a Multicast IP. It's when I added this new socket is when the issue of losing the first datagram appeared, and has now disappeared.  When I saw the dropped/lost first packet, I thought it might be related to the comment for udp_extopen() in the manual that says:
    "If remip is non-zero, then the process of resolving the correct destination
    hardware address is started. Datagrams cannot be sent until sock_resolved()
    returns TRUE. If you attempt to send datagrams before this, then the
    datagrams may not get sent."
But when I ran the debugger, it went away.  
So now I have 4 UDP sockets, with one being for Multicast, and I increased the buffers to 6. Should I have more Multicast sockets or less Broadcast sockets? Could I get away with one socket of each?

From: "Dave Moore [rabbit-semi]" mailto:r...
To: r...
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 7:42 AM
Subject: Re: [rabbit-semi] Multicast

  Along with UDP_VERBOSE, set the global debug_on to something like 7 on startup.  Should produce more debug output.
And when you mention "UDP sockets" and "number of UDP buffers", are you actually talking about some of the macros (like MAX_UDP_SOCKET_BUFFERS?)  Cuz you do need buffers to hold your packets (unless you alloc and supply your own to the udp handler code.)  I don't believe there is a limitation to the number of udp sockets?  Been a while though since I was in there. -- Dave

On 7/21/2016 2:55 PM, Steve Trigero [rabbit-semi] wrote:

  UDP_VERBOSE doesn't do anything. There is no output when it's defined. I'm using your updated network library, so maybe something happened there.
In any case, after I ran my code in the debugger, it started working. So I recompiled without debug code enabled and reloaded the program, and now it works every time. Scary.
Slight change of subject.
First, what's the relationship between the number of UDP sockets and number of UDP buffers? Since UDP is connectionless, a socket for each potential device that may send a datagram is unnecessary. But does that mean I could have one socket with a bunch of buffers? A further explanation is, in a system we typically have 5 sub-systems, with each sub-system sending a broadcast UDP datagram of its status twice a second. The datagrams are around 150 bytes each. Each sub-system reads the datagrams and collects whatever information it needs from the datagrams. So if there is only one UDP socket and the Rabbit is processing one datagram when another one arrives, or even two datagrams arrive, do the new datagrams get put into unused buffers or are they lost because there is not an unused socket available?

From: "Tom Collins [rabbit-semi]" mailto:r...
To: r...
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2016 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: [rabbit-semi] Multicast

  Do you see the packet come in if you define UDP_VERBOSE in your program?
I've seen instances where the first response to a UDP datagram doesn't go out due to needing to ARP the IP address, but there are some ways around that (telling the stack to use the MAC from the received frame).
I'm on vacation through the end of the month, so don't have access to code I can share, but I'm curious as to whether the datagram moves through the TCP/IP stack at all.

On Jul 21, 2016, at 12:23 PM, [rabbit-semi] wrote:
I added a Multicast socket to my RCM3900 application, using IP  I have a total of 4 UDP sockets open, 3 are opened with an REMIP and Port of -1, and one is opened with the Multicast IP and port 2100. And Max UDP Buffers is set to 5.
After boot-up, the first UDP datagram to the module is not responded to. It doesn't matter if the datagram was a broadcast or a multicast. The first one is not responded to. After the first one, then it starts responding to both broadcasts and multicasts. 
Is there something else I need to do to get that first datagram to work?
I'm using DC 9.62. .

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Reply by " [rabbit-semi]" July 26, 20162016-07-26
I set the number of buffers equal to the number of UDP sockets. 5-sockets, 5-buffers.
I'm using one socket to send a multicast datagram twice a second to ip Using wireshark, I only see one datagram sent. When I use broadcast, the datagrams are constantly scrolling through the window. 
I stepped through the code and it is constantly calling udp_send(), and udp_send is returning 111, meaning it sent 111 bytes.
I enabled UDP_VERBOSE, and set debug_udp to 7. This is the output:
UDP: sending pkt 0AFA0582:2100 -> E0006464:2100 payload1                    
UDP: got pkt 0AFA0556:137 -> 0AFA05FF:137 payloadP i/f=0                     
UDP: no applicable socket                                                      
UDP: got pkt 0AFA0579:137 -> 0AFA05FF:137 payloadP i/f=0                     
UDP: no applicable socket                                                      
UDP: got pkt 0AFA0554:137 -> 0AFA05FF:137 payloadP i/f=0                     
UDP: no applicable socket                                                      
UDP: got pkt 0AFA0589:2099 -> FFFFFFFF:2100 payload4 i/f=0                  
UDP: ...using ARP table entry                                                  
UDP: sending pkt 0AFA0582:2100 -> E0006464:2100 payload1                    

The same set of print statements repeats. You can see the receipt of a broadcast datagram sent by another piece of equipment at the 8th printout.
Each time I restart the program, wireshark shows one multicast datagram being sent. Do you suppose this is a wireshark configuration issue, because the Rabbit appears to be sending the packets?
I'm using an RCM3900 with DC 9.62.

From: "Dave Moore [rabbit-semi]"
To: r...
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2016 2:45 PM
Subject: Re: [rabbit-semi] Multicast

  That first drop might be something to do with timing for setting up the arp table with resolve information or something.  Or, the debugger slows things down enough for an arp to go before things get noticed.
As far as number of buffers, I think there is just a 1-to-1 correspondence between udp sockets and udp buffers.  Each socket you open in some way needs space to stick incoming datagrams.  I don't think multiple buffers are used by the same socket.  That's just a chunk of space where an incoming datagram gets copied until you "recv" it.  So, you'll just have to make sure that you "recv" before that buffer space gets filled up.  The default is 4096 (UDP_BUF_SIZE).  With 150 byte datagrams, you can probably put a bunch in there before you start dropping them.  You might want to put some stats somewhere to track dropped packets based on not enough space as work out your system design.
You could also use a custom datahandler on that multicast socket so you wouldn't use the system allocated udp buffer space.  I think you get access to the ethernet packet directly that way and can do what you want with it.
-- Dave
On 7/22/2016 9:19 AM, Steve Trigero [rabbit-semi] wrote:

  Ah, you're right about the debug_on variable. I forgot about that. In any case, it's working for now.
Yes, I was referring to MAX_UDP_SOCKET_BUFFERS. I know I need them. I was asking about the ratio of sockets to buffers.  Could I get away with a single UDP socket and say 5 buffers without dropping datagrams? 
This comes up because I am experimenting with Multicast, which I've not used before. Normally, I open 3 sockets with REMIP and PORT set to -1, so they will accept datagrams from any host, whether Broadcast or directed. And I have MAX_UDP_SOCKET_BUFFERS set to 4.
To add Multicast, I needed a socket that was opened with REMIP set to a Multicast IP. It's when I added this new socket is when the issue of losing the first datagram appeared, and has now disappeared.  When I saw the dropped/lost first packet, I thought it might be related to the comment for udp_extopen() in the manual that says:
    "If remip is non-zero, then the process of resolving the correct destination
    hardware address is started. Datagrams cannot be sent until sock_resolved()
    returns TRUE. If you attempt to send datagrams before this, then the
    datagrams may not get sent."
But when I ran the debugger, it went away.  
So now I have 4 UDP sockets, with one being for Multicast, and I increased the buffers to 6. Should I have more Multicast sockets or less Broadcast sockets? Could I get away with one socket of each?

From: "Dave Moore [rabbit-semi]" mailto:r...
To: r...
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 7:42 AM
Subject: Re: [rabbit-semi] Multicast

  Along with UDP_VERBOSE, set the global debug_on to something like 7 on startup.  Should produce more debug output.
And when you mention "UDP sockets" and "number of UDP buffers", are you actually talking about some of the macros (like MAX_UDP_SOCKET_BUFFERS?)  Cuz you do need buffers to hold your packets (unless you alloc and supply your own to the udp handler code.)  I don't believe there is a limitation to the number of udp sockets?  Been a while though since I was in there. -- Dave

On 7/21/2016 2:55 PM, Steve Trigero [rabbit-semi] wrote:

  UDP_VERBOSE doesn't do anything. There is no output when it's defined. I'm using your updated network library, so maybe something happened there.
In any case, after I ran my code in the debugger, it started working. So I recompiled without debug code enabled and reloaded the program, and now it works every time. Scary.
Slight change of subject.
First, what's the relationship between the number of UDP sockets and number of UDP buffers? Since UDP is connectionless, a socket for each potential device that may send a datagram is unnecessary. But does that mean I could have one socket with a bunch of buffers? A further explanation is, in a system we typically have 5 sub-systems, with each sub-system sending a broadcast UDP datagram of its status twice a second. The datagrams are around 150 bytes each. Each sub-system reads the datagrams and collects whatever information it needs from the datagrams. So if there is only one UDP socket and the Rabbit is processing one datagram when another one arrives, or even two datagrams arrive, do the new datagrams get put into unused buffers or are they lost because there is not an unused socket available?

From: "Tom Collins [rabbit-semi]" mailto:r...
To: r...
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2016 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: [rabbit-semi] Multicast

  Do you see the packet come in if you define UDP_VERBOSE in your program?
I've seen instances where the first response to a UDP datagram doesn't go out due to needing to ARP the IP address, but there are some ways around that (telling the stack to use the MAC from the received frame).
I'm on vacation through the end of the month, so don't have access to code I can share, but I'm curious as to whether the datagram moves through the TCP/IP stack at all.

On Jul 21, 2016, at 12:23 PM, [rabbit-semi] wrote:
I added a Multicast socket to my RCM3900 application, using IP  I have a total of 4 UDP sockets open, 3 are opened with an REMIP and Port of -1, and one is opened with the Multicast IP and port 2100. And Max UDP Buffers is set to 5.
After boot-up, the first UDP datagram to the module is not responded to. It doesn't matter if the datagram was a broadcast or a multicast. The first one is not responded to. After the first one, then it starts responding to both broadcasts and multicasts. 
Is there something else I need to do to get that first datagram to work?
I'm using DC 9.62. .

#yiv8237070694 #yiv8237070694 -- #yiv8237070694ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv8237070694 #yiv8237070694ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv8237070694 #yiv8237070694ygrp-mkp #yiv8237070694hd {color:#628c2a;font-size:85%;font-weight:700;line-height:122%;margin:10px 0;}#yiv8237070694 #yiv8237070694ygrp-mkp #yiv8237070694ads {margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv8237070694 #yiv8237070694ygrp-mkp .yiv8237070694ad {padding:0 0;}#yiv8237070694 #yiv8237070694ygrp-mkp .yiv8237070694ad p {margin:0;}#yiv8237070694 #yiv8237070694ygrp-mkp .yiv8237070694ad a {color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv8237070694 #yiv8237070694ygrp-sponsor #yiv8237070694ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv8237070694 #yiv8237070694ygrp-sponsor #yiv8237070694ygrp-lc #yiv8237070694hd {margin:10px 0px;font-weight:700;font-size:78%;line-height:122%;}#yiv8237070694 #yiv8237070694ygrp-sponsor #yiv8237070694ygrp-lc .yiv8237070694ad {margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv8237070694 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a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv8237070694 div#yiv8237070694ygrp-mlmsg #yiv8237070694ygrp-msg p a span.yiv8237070694yshortcuts {font-family:Verdana;font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;}#yiv8237070694 .yiv8237070694green {color:#628c2a;}#yiv8237070694 .yiv8237070694MsoNormal {margin:0 0 0 0;}#yiv8237070694 o {font-size:0;}#yiv8237070694 #yiv8237070694photos div {float:left;width:72px;}#yiv8237070694 #yiv8237070694photos div div {border:1px solid #666666;min-height:62px;overflow:hidden;width:62px;}#yiv8237070694 #yiv8237070694photos div label {color:#666666;font-size:10px;overflow:hidden;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;width:64px;}#yiv8237070694 #yiv8237070694reco-category {font-size:77%;}#yiv8237070694 #yiv8237070694reco-desc {font-size:77%;}#yiv8237070694 .yiv8237070694replbq {margin:4px;}#yiv8237070694 #yiv8237070694ygrp-actbar div a:first-child {margin-right:2px;padding-right:5px;}#yiv8237070694 #yiv8237070694ygrp-mlmsg {font-size:13px;font-family:Arial, helvetica, clean, 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Reply by " [rabbit-semi]" July 25, 20162016-07-25
That first drop might be something to do with timing for setting up the
arp table with resolve information or something. Or, the debugger slows
things down enough for an arp to go before things get noticed.
As far as number of buffers, I think there is just a 1-to-1
correspondence between udp sockets and udp buffers. Each socket you
open in some way needs space to stick incoming datagrams. I don't think
multiple buffers are used by the same socket. That's just a chunk of
space where an incoming datagram gets copied until you "recv" it. So,
you'll just have to make sure that you "recv" before that buffer space
gets filled up. The default is 4096 (UDP_BUF_SIZE). With 150 byte
datagrams, you can probably put a bunch in there before you start
dropping them. You might want to put some stats somewhere to track
dropped packets based on not enough space as work out your system design.
You could also use a custom datahandler on that multicast socket so you
wouldn't use the system allocated udp buffer space. I think you get
access to the ethernet packet directly that way and can do what you want
with it.
-- Dave

On 7/22/2016 9:19 AM, Steve Trigero [rabbit-semi]
> Ah, you're right about the debug_on variable. I forgot about that. In
> any case, it's working for now.
> Yes, I was referring to MAX_UDP_SOCKET_BUFFERS. I know I need them. I
> was asking about
> the ratio of sockets to buffers. Could I get away with a single UDP
> socket and say 5 buffers without
> dropping datagrams?
> This comes up because I am experimenting with Multicast, which I've
> not used before. Normally,
> I open 3 sockets with REMIP and PORT set to -1, so they will accept
> datagrams from any host,
> whether Broadcast or directed. And I have MAX_UDP_SOCKET_BUFFERS set to 4.
> To add Multicast, I needed a socket that was opened with REMIP set to
> a Multicast IP. It's when I
> added this new socket is when the issue of losing the first datagram
> appeared, and has now disappeared.
> When I saw the dropped/lost first packet, I thought it might be
> related to the comment for udp_extopen()
> in the manual that says:
> "If remip is non-zero, then the process of resolving the correct
> destination
> hardware address is started. Datagrams cannot be sent until
> sock_resolved()
> returns TRUE. If you attempt to send datagrams before this, then the
> datagrams may not get sent."
> But when I ran the debugger, it went away.
> So now I have 4 UDP sockets, with one being for Multicast, and I
> increased the buffers to 6. Should I
> have more Multicast sockets or less Broadcast sockets? Could I get
> away with one socket of each?
> Steve
> *From:* "Dave Moore [rabbit-semi]"
> *To:* r...
> *Sent:* Friday, July 22, 2016 7:42 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [rabbit-semi] Multicast
> Along with UDP_VERBOSE, set the global debug_on to something like
> 7 on startup. Should produce more debug output.
> And when you mention "UDP sockets" and "number of UDP buffers",
> are you actually talking about some of the macros (like
> MAX_UDP_SOCKET_BUFFERS?) Cuz you do need buffers to hold your
> packets (unless you alloc and supply your own to the udp handler
> code.) I don't believe there is a limitation to the number of udp
> sockets? Been a while though since I was in there.
> -- Dave
> On 7/21/2016 2:55 PM, Steve Trigero
> [rabbit-semi] wrote:
>> UDP_VERBOSE doesn't do anything. There is no output when it's
>> defined. I'm using your updated network library, so maybe
>> something happened there.
>> In any case, after I ran my code in the debugger, it started
>> working. So I recompiled without debug code enabled and reloaded
>> the program, and now it works every time. Scary.
>> Slight change of subject.
>> First, what's the relationship between the number of UDP
>> sockets and number of UDP buffers? Since UDP is connectionless, a
>> socket for each potential device that may send a datagram is
>> unnecessary. But does that mean I could have one socket with a bunch
>> of buffers? A further explanation is, in a system we typically
>> have 5 sub-systems, with each sub-system sending a broadcast UDP
>> datagram of its status twice a second. The datagrams are around
>> 150 bytes each. Each sub-system reads the datagrams and collects
>> whatever information it needs from the datagrams. So if there is
>> only one UDP socket and the Rabbit is processing one datagram
>> when another one arrives, or even two datagrams arrive, do the
>> new datagrams get put into unused buffers or are they lost because
>> there is not an unused socket available?
>> Steve
>> *From:* "Tom Collins
>> [rabbit-semi]"
>> mailto:r...
>> *To:* r...
>> *Sent:* Thursday, July 21, 2016 11:28 AM
>> *Subject:* Re: [rabbit-semi] Multicast
>> Do you see the packet come in if you define UDP_VERBOSE in
>> your program?
>> I've seen instances where the first response to a UDP
>> datagram doesn't go out due to needing to ARP the IP address,
>> but there are some ways around that (telling the stack to use
>> the MAC from the received frame).
>> I'm on vacation through the end of the month, so don't have
>> access to code I can share, but I'm curious as to whether the
>> datagram moves through the TCP/IP stack at all.
>> -Tom
>> On Jul 21, 2016, at 12:23 PM,
>> [rabbit-semi] wrote:
>>> I added a Multicast socket to my RCM3900 application, using
>>> IP I have a total of 4 UDP sockets open, 3
>>> are opened with an REMIP and Port of -1, and one is opened
>>> with the Multicast IP and port 2100. And Max UDP Buffers is
>>> set to 5.
>>> After boot-up, the first UDP datagram to the module is not
>>> responded to. It doesn't matter if the datagram was a
>>> broadcast or a multicast. The first one is not responded to.
>>> After the first one, then it starts responding to both
>>> broadcasts and multicasts.
>>> Is there something else I need to do to get that first
>>> datagram to work?
>>> I'm using DC 9.62.
>>> .
Reply by " [rabbit-semi]" July 22, 20162016-07-22
Ah, you're right about the debug_on variable. I forgot about that. In any case, it's working for now.
Yes, I was referring to MAX_UDP_SOCKET_BUFFERS. I know I need them. I was asking about the ratio of sockets to buffers.  Could I get away with a single UDP socket and say 5 buffers withoutdropping datagrams? 
This comes up because I am experimenting with Multicast, which I've not used before. Normally,I open 3 sockets with REMIP and PORT set to -1, so they will accept datagrams from any host,whether Broadcast or directed. And I have MAX_UDP_SOCKET_BUFFERS set to 4.
To add Multicast, I needed a socket that was opened with REMIP set to a Multicast IP. It's when Iadded this new socket is when the issue of losing the first datagram appeared, and has now disappeared.  When I saw the dropped/lost first packet, I thought it might be related to the comment for udp_extopen() in the manual that says:
    "If remip is non-zero, then the process of resolving the correct destination
    hardware address is started. Datagrams cannot be sent until sock_resolved()
    returns TRUE. If you attempt to send datagrams before this, then the
    datagrams may not get sent."
But when I ran the debugger, it went away.  
So now I have 4 UDP sockets, with one being for Multicast, and I increased the buffers to 6. Should Ihave more Multicast sockets or less Broadcast sockets? Could I get away with one socket of each?

From: "Dave Moore [rabbit-semi]"
To: r...
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 7:42 AM
Subject: Re: [rabbit-semi] Multicast

  Along with UDP_VERBOSE, set the global debug_on to something like 7 on startup.  Should produce more debug output.
And when you mention "UDP sockets" and "number of UDP buffers", are you actually talking about some of the macros (like MAX_UDP_SOCKET_BUFFERS?)  Cuz you do need buffers to hold your packets (unless you alloc and supply your own to the udp handler code.)  I don't believe there is a limitation to the number of udp sockets?  Been a while though since I was in there. -- Dave

On 7/21/2016 2:55 PM, Steve Trigero [rabbit-semi] wrote:

  UDP_VERBOSE doesn't do anything. There is no output when it's defined. I'm using your updated network library, so maybe something happened there.
In any case, after I ran my code in the debugger, it started working. So I recompiled without debug code enabled and reloaded the program, and now it works every time. Scary.
Slight change of subject.
First, what's the relationship between the number of UDP sockets and number of UDP buffers? Since UDP is connectionless, a socket for each potential device that may send a datagram is unnecessary. But does that mean I could have one socket with a bunch of buffers? A further explanation is, in a system we typically have 5 sub-systems, with each sub-system sending a broadcast UDP datagram of its status twice a second. The datagrams are around 150 bytes each. Each sub-system reads the datagrams and collects whatever information it needs from the datagrams. So if there is only one UDP socket and the Rabbit is processing one datagram when another one arrives, or even two datagrams arrive, do the new datagrams get put into unused buffers or are they lost because there is not an unused socket available?

From: "Tom Collins [rabbit-semi]" mailto:r...
To: r...
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2016 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: [rabbit-semi] Multicast

  Do you see the packet come in if you define UDP_VERBOSE in your program?
I've seen instances where the first response to a UDP datagram doesn't go out due to needing to ARP the IP address, but there are some ways around that (telling the stack to use the MAC from the received frame).
I'm on vacation through the end of the month, so don't have access to code I can share, but I'm curious as to whether the datagram moves through the TCP/IP stack at all.

On Jul 21, 2016, at 12:23 PM, [rabbit-semi] wrote:
I added a Multicast socket to my RCM3900 application, using IP  I have a total of 4 UDP sockets open, 3 are opened with an REMIP and Port of -1, and one is opened with the Multicast IP and port 2100. And Max UDP Buffers is set to 5.
After boot-up, the first UDP datagram to the module is not responded to. It doesn't matter if the datagram was a broadcast or a multicast. The first one is not responded to. After the first one, then it starts responding to both broadcasts and multicasts. 
Is there something else I need to do to get that first datagram to work?
I'm using DC 9.62. .

#yiv3715481391 #yiv3715481391 -- #yiv3715481391ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv3715481391 #yiv3715481391ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv3715481391 #yiv3715481391ygrp-mkp #yiv3715481391hd {color:#628c2a;font-size:85%;font-weight:700;line-height:122%;margin:10px 0;}#yiv3715481391 #yiv3715481391ygrp-mkp #yiv3715481391ads {margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv3715481391 #yiv3715481391ygrp-mkp .yiv3715481391ad {padding:0 0;}#yiv3715481391 #yiv3715481391ygrp-mkp .yiv3715481391ad p {margin:0;}#yiv3715481391 #yiv3715481391ygrp-mkp .yiv3715481391ad a {color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv3715481391 #yiv3715481391ygrp-sponsor #yiv3715481391ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv3715481391 #yiv3715481391ygrp-sponsor #yiv3715481391ygrp-lc #yiv3715481391hd {margin:10px 0px;font-weight:700;font-size:78%;line-height:122%;}#yiv3715481391 #yiv3715481391ygrp-sponsor #yiv3715481391ygrp-lc .yiv3715481391ad {margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv3715481391 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Reply by " [rabbit-semi]" July 22, 20162016-07-22
Along with UDP_VERBOSE, set the global debug_on to something like 7 on
startup. Should produce more debug output.

And when you mention "UDP sockets" and "number of UDP buffers", are you
actually talking about some of the macros (like
MAX_UDP_SOCKET_BUFFERS?) Cuz you do need buffers to hold your packets
(unless you alloc and supply your own to the udp handler code.) I don't
believe there is a limitation to the number of udp sockets? Been a
while though since I was in there.

-- Dave
On 7/21/2016 2:55 PM, Steve Trigero [rabbit-semi]
> UDP_VERBOSE doesn't do anything. There is no output when it's defined.
> I'm using your updated network library, so maybe
> something happened there.
> In any case, after I ran my code in the debugger, it started working.
> So I recompiled without debug code enabled and reloaded
> the program, and now it works every time. Scary.
> Slight change of subject.
> First, what's the relationship between the number of UDP sockets and
> number of UDP buffers? Since UDP is connectionless, a
> socket for each potential device that may send a datagram is
> unnecessary. But does that mean I could have one socket with a bunch
> of buffers? A further explanation is, in a system we typically have 5
> sub-systems, with each sub-system sending a broadcast UDP
> datagram of its status twice a second. The datagrams are around 150
> bytes each. Each sub-system reads the datagrams and collects
> whatever information it needs from the datagrams. So if there is only
> one UDP socket and the Rabbit is processing one datagram
> when another one arrives, or even two datagrams arrive, do the new
> datagrams get put into unused buffers or are they lost because
> there is not an unused socket available?
> Steve
> *From:* "Tom Collins [rabbit-semi]"
> *To:* r...
> *Sent:* Thursday, July 21, 2016 11:28 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [rabbit-semi] Multicast
> Do you see the packet come in if you define UDP_VERBOSE in your
> program?
> I've seen instances where the first response to a UDP datagram
> doesn't go out due to needing to ARP the IP address, but there are
> some ways around that (telling the stack to use the MAC from the
> received frame).
> I'm on vacation through the end of the month, so don't have access
> to code I can share, but I'm curious as to whether the datagram
> moves through the TCP/IP stack at all.
> -Tom
> On Jul 21, 2016, at 12:23 PM,
> [rabbit-semi] wrote:
>> I added a Multicast socket to my RCM3900 application, using IP
>> I have a total of 4 UDP sockets open, 3 are
>> opened with an REMIP and Port of -1, and one is opened with the
>> Multicast IP and port 2100. And Max UDP Buffers is set to 5.
>> After boot-up, the first UDP datagram to the module is not
>> responded to. It doesn't matter if the datagram was a broadcast
>> or a multicast. The first one is not responded to. After the
>> first one, then it starts responding to both broadcasts and
>> multicasts.
>> Is there something else I need to do to get that first datagram
>> to work?
>> I'm using DC 9.62.
>> .
Reply by "' [rabbit-semi]" July 22, 20162016-07-22

I've noticed the same issue. My application (run on a RCM3900,
compiled with DC 9.62) send UDP message events to a server. The
first one (and only that one) is lost, then everything goes well. I
never understood why.

Il 21/07/2016 23:55, Steve Trigero [rabbit-semi] ha scritto:


new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:16px;">
doesn't do anything. There is no output when it's
defined. I'm using your updated network library, so

happened there.

id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1469108232123_7639">In any case,
after I ran my code in the debugger, it started
working. So I recompiled without debug code enabled
and reloaded

id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1469108232123_7772">the program,
and now it works every time. Scary.


id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1469108232123_7700" dir="ltr">Slight
change of subject.
id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1469108232123_7778" dir="ltr">

id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1469108232123_7779" dir="ltr">First,
what's the relationship between the number of UDP
sockets and number of UDP buffers? Since UDP is
connectionless, a
id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1469108232123_7890" dir="ltr">socket
for each potential device that may send a datagram is
unnecessary. But does that mean I could have one socket
with a bunch
id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1469108232123_7891" dir="ltr">of
buffers? A further explanation is, in a system we
typically have 5 sub-systems, with each sub-system
sending a broadcast UDP
id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1469108232123_7903" dir="ltr">datagram
of its status twice a second. The datagrams are around
150 bytes each. Each sub-system reads the datagrams and
id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1469108232123_7892" dir="ltr">whatever
information it needs from the datagrams. So if there is
only one UDP socket and the Rabbit is processing one
id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1469108232123_7893" dir="ltr">when
another one arrives, or even two datagrams arrive, do
the new datagrams get put into unused buffers or are
they lost because
id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1469108232123_7904" dir="ltr">there
is not an unused socket available?
id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1469108232123_7905" dir="ltr">

id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1469108232123_7906" dir="ltr">Steve

Marco Rossi


Posted by: "Marco Rossi | Cemit s.r.l." <>


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