Reply by Dan Lyke June 4, 20092009-06-04
On Thu, 04 Jun 2009 06:45:22 -0000
"pratibha_275" wrote:
> Hi! I got an ADC Driver file from the at91 SAM Portal for my
> AT91SAM9260-EK. When i put it into the EK(insmod ARM_ADC.ko ADC
> Driver), it gets inserted without giving any error, but i found
> no /dev/at91adc in EK, as i was expecting in my device.

So this is some variant of Linux? I run Linux with BusyBox as compiled
by Buildroot, and the solution to this (if your hotplug isn't fully
configured) is to run

mdev -s

after your modprobe or insmod.

Reply by pratibha_275 June 4, 20092009-06-04
Hi! I got an ADC Driver file from the at91 SAM Portal for my AT91SAM9260-EK. When i put it into the EK(insmod ARM_ADC.ko ADC Driver), it gets inserted without giving any error, but i found no /dev/at91adc in EK, as i was expecting in my device. And therefore i am not being able to read anything from ADC.I am pasting my Driver here. Please HELP!


// Set the period between reads (max allowed value 1000)
// Assume client always reads data at 1 second intervals; so the client will read:
// Allocate to be at least 5 x bigger so that ISR will never catch up with reading.

int at91adc_devno;
struct cdev at91adc_cdev;
struct file_operations at91adc_fops;

unsigned short *at91adc_pbuf0, *at91adc_pbuf1, at91adc_appidx;
void __iomem *at91tc0_base;
void __iomem *at91adc_base;
struct clk *at91adc_clk;
struct clk *at91tc0_clk;

| Timer counter 0 ISR: Sample both ADC channels and copy the data to module ring buffer. |
static irqreturn_t at91tc0_isr (int irq, void *dev_id)
int status;
//struct timeval time;
static int timecount = 0;

// Read TC0 status register to reset RC compare status.
status = ioread32(at91tc0_base + AT91_TC_SR);

if (timecount >= SAMPLE_INTERVAL_MS)
timecount = 0;
//printk(KERN_INFO "Time %u:%u\n",time.tv_sec, time.tv_usec);

// Trigger the ADC (this will be done using TIOA automatically eventually).
iowrite32(AT91_ADC_START, (at91adc_base + AT91_ADC_CR));

// Wait for conversion to be complete.
while ((ioread32(at91adc_base + AT91_ADC_SR) & AT91_ADC_DRDY) == 0) cpu_relax();

// Copy converted data to module ring buffer.
at91adc_pbuf0[at91adc_appidx] = ioread32(at91adc_base + AT91_ADC_CHR(0));
at91adc_pbuf1[at91adc_appidx] = ioread32(at91adc_base + AT91_ADC_CHR(1));

// Increment the ring buffer index and check for wrap around.
at91adc_appidx += 1;
if (at91adc_appidx >= MAX_ADCSAMPLES) at91adc_appidx = 0;
//printk(KERN_INFO "Timer ISR\n");

| Module initialization: Allocate device numbers, register device, setup ADC and timer |
| counter registers for 100 msec periodic sampling. |
int init_module(void)
int ret;

// Dynamically allocate major number and minor number
ret = alloc_chrdev_region(&at91adc_devno,0,2, "at91adc");// pointer to where the device number t
//be stored,first minor number requested,number of devices,device name

if (ret < 0)
printk(KERN_INFO "at91adc: Device number allocation failed\n");
ret = -ENODEV;
goto exit_1;

// Initialize cdev structure.
cdev_init(&at91adc_cdev,&at91adc_fops); // pointer to the cdev structure, pointer to the file
//operations structure.
at91adc_cdev.owner = THIS_MODULE;
at91adc_cdev.ops = &at91adc_fops;

// Register the device with kernel
ret = cdev_add(&at91adc_cdev,at91adc_devno,2); // pointer to the initialized cdev structure,
//device number allocated,number of devices

if (ret != 0)
printk(KERN_INFO "at91adc: Device registration failed\n");
goto exit_2;

// Character device driver initialization complete. Do device specific initialization now.

// Allocate ring buffer memory for storing ADC values for both channels.
at91adc_pbuf0 = (unsigned short *)kmalloc((MAX_ADCSAMPLES * sizeof(unsigned short)),GFP_KERNEL);
// Number of bytes,Flags
at91adc_pbuf1 = (unsigned short *)kmalloc((MAX_ADCSAMPLES * sizeof(unsigned short)),GFP_KERNEL);
// Number of bytes, Flags
if ((at91adc_pbuf0 == NULL) || (at91adc_pbuf1 == NULL))
printk(KERN_INFO "at91adc: Memory allocation failed\n");
goto exit_3;

// Initialize the ring buffer and append index.
at91adc_appidx = 0;
for (ret = 0; ret < MAX_ADCSAMPLES; ret++)
at91adc_pbuf0[ret] = 0;
at91adc_pbuf1[ret] = 0;

// Initialize ADC. The following two lines set the appropriate PMC bit
// for the ADC. Easier than mapping PMC registers and then setting the bit.
at91adc_clk = clk_get(NULL, "adc_clk"); // Device pointer - not required.Clock name.
// Map ADC registers to the current address space.
at91adc_base = ioremap_nocache(AT91SAM9260_BASE_ADC, 64);// Physical address,Number of bytes to be mapped.

if (at91adc_base == NULL)
printk(KERN_INFO "at91adc: ADC memory mapping failed\n");
ret = -EACCES;
goto exit_4;

// MUX GPIO pins for ADC (peripheral A) operation
at91_set_A_periph(AT91_PIN_PC0, 0);
at91_set_A_periph(AT91_PIN_PC1, 0);

// Reset the ADC
iowrite32(AT91_ADC_SWRST, (at91adc_base + AT91_ADC_CR));

// Enable both ADC channels
iowrite32((AT91_ADC_CH(1) | AT91_ADC_CH(0)), (at91adc_base + AT91_ADC_CHER));

// Configure ADC mode register.
// From table 43-31 in page #775 and page#741 of AT91SAM9260 user manual:
// Maximum ADC clock frequency = 5MHz = MCK / ((PRESCAL+1) * 2)
// PRESCAL = ((MCK / 5MHz) / 2) -1 = ((100MHz / 5MHz)/2)-1) = 9
// Maximum startup time = 15uS = (STARTUP+1)*8/ADC_CLOCK
// STARTUP = ((15uS*ADC_CLOK)/8)-1 = ((15uS*5MHz)/8)-1 = 9
// Minimum hold time = 1.2uS = (SHTIM+1)/ADC_CLOCK
// SHTIM = (1.2uS*ADC_CLOCK)-1 = (1.2uS*5MHz)-1 = 5, Use 9 to ensure 2uS hold time.
// Enable sleep mode and hardware trigger from TIOA output from TC0.
iowrite32((AT91_ADC_SHTIM_(9) | AT91_ADC_STARTUP_(9) | AT91_ADC_PRESCAL_(9) |
AT91_ADC_SLEEP | AT91_ADC_TRGEN), (at91adc_base + AT91_ADC_MR));

// Initialize Timer Counter module 0. The following two lines set the appropriate
// PMC bit for TC0. Easier than mapping PMC registers and then setting the bit.
at91tc0_clk = clk_get(NULL, "tc0_clk"); // Device pointer - not required., Clock name.


// Map TC0 registers to the current address space.
at91tc0_base = ioremap_nocache(AT91SAM9260_BASE_TC0, 64);// Physical address,Number of bytes to be mapped.

if (at91tc0_base == NULL)
printk(KERN_INFO "at91adc: TC0 memory mapping failed\n");
ret = -EACCES;
goto exit_5;

// Configure TC0 in waveform mode, TIMER_CLK1 and to generate interrupt on RC compare.
// Load 50000 to RC so that with TIMER_CLK1 = MCK/2 = 50MHz, the interrupt will be
// generated every 1/50MHz * 50000 = 20nS * 50000 = 1 milli second.
// NOTE: Even though AT91_TC_RC is a 32-bit register, only 16-bits are programmble.

iowrite32(50000, (at91tc0_base + AT91_TC_RC));
iowrite32((AT91_TC_WAVE | AT91_TC_WAVESEL_UP_AUTO), (at91tc0_base + AT91_TC_CMR));
iowrite32(AT91_TC_CPCS, (at91tc0_base + AT91_TC_IER));
iowrite32((AT91_TC_SWTRG | AT91_TC_CLKEN), (at91tc0_base + AT91_TC_CCR));

// Install interrupt for TC0.
ret = request_irq(AT91SAM9260_ID_TC0,at91tc0_isr, 0, "at91adc", NULL);// Interrupt number
// Pointer to the interrupt sub-routine, Flags - fast, shared or contributing to entropy pool
// Device name to show as owner in /proc/interrupts,Private data for shared interrupts
if (ret != 0)
printk(KERN_INFO "at91adc: Timer interrupt request failed\n");
ret = -EBUSY;
goto exit_6;

printk(KERN_INFO "at91adc: ADC Loaded module\n");
return 0;





// Free device number allocated.
unregister_chrdev_region(at91adc_devno, // allocated device number
2); // number of devices

return ret;

void cleanup_module(void)
// Reset PMC bit for ADC and TC0

// Free TC0 IRQ.
free_irq(AT91SAM9260_ID_TC0,NULL); // Interrupt number
// Private data for shared interrupts

// Unmap ADC and TC0 register map.

// Free kernel memory allocated

// Free device number allocated.
unregister_chrdev_region(at91adc_devno, 2); // allocated device number, number of devices

printk(KERN_INFO "at91adc: Unloaded ADC module\n");

| Module open: |
static int at91adc_open (struct inode *inode, struct file *filp)
printk(KERN_INFO "at91adc: Open func ADC module\n");
return 0;

| Module close: |
static int at91adc_release (struct inode *inode, struct file *filp)
printk(KERN_INFO "at91adc: Release func ADC module\n");
return 0;

| Module read: Return last READ_SAMPLES samples from ADC chan 0 or 1 depending on the |
| minor number. |
static ssize_t at91adc_read (struct file *filp, char __iomem *buf, size_t bufsize, loff_t *f_pos)
unsigned int minor;
unsigned short idx, readidx, *psrc;

// Latch the index of the latest data
readidx = at91adc_appidx;
readidx = (readidx >= READ_SAMPLES) ? readidx - READ_SAMPLES : MAX_ADCSAMPLES - (READ_SAMPLES - readidx);

// Read from ADC channel 0 or 1 depending on minor number.
minor = iminor(filp->f_dentry->d_inode);
printk(KERN_INFO "at91adc: AAAA\n");
// Select the source buffer pointer based on the minor number.
if (minor == 0) psrc = at91adc_pbuf0;
else if (minor == 1) psrc = at91adc_pbuf1;
else return 0;
printk(KERN_INFO "at91adc: BBBB\n");
// Return up to READ_SAMPLES samples depending on the size of the buffer.
for (idx = 0; idx < READ_SAMPLES; idx++)
if (bufsize < sizeof(unsigned short)) break;
if (copy_to_user(buf, &psrc[readidx], sizeof(unsigned short)) != 0) return -EFAULT;
buf = buf + sizeof(unsigned short);
bufsize = bufsize - sizeof(unsigned short);
readidx += 1;
if (readidx >= MAX_ADCSAMPLES) readidx = 0;
printk(KERN_INFO "at91adc: CCCC\n");
// Return number of characters copied.
return (idx * sizeof(unsigned short));

struct file_operations at91adc_fops = {
.owner = THIS_MODULE,
.open = at91adc_open,
.read = at91adc_read,
.release = at91adc_release,


MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Initialize and read AT91SAM9260 ADC channels");