Reply by Hoai Anh July 15, 20102010-07-15
Hi all,
I have a piece of code and dont know why it does not run. Clock is as default (1Mhz)
void SD16Setup (void)
SD16CTL = SD16REFON + SD16SSEL_0; // 1.2V ref, MCLK
SD16INCTL0 = SD16GAIN_32 + SD16INCH_4 + SD16INTDLY_0; // x gain, channel A4+/-
SD16AE = SD16AE1 + SD16AE2; //Enable analog input A4+, A4-
SD16CCTL0 = SD16IE + SD16DF;// Continuous conv, interrupt and bipolar,OSR%6

void Zero_Calib(void)
SD16CCTL0 |= SD16SC; // Start conversion
while(!(SD16CCTL0 & SD16IFG))
P1OUT = Zero_Calib_LED; //start LED at P1.4
CalMin = Result;

#pragma vector=SD16_VECTOR
__interrupt void SD16ISR(void)
CurrentADC = (int)SD16MEM0; //store the conversion
SumSD16 += CurrentADC; //Sum up results
if (++SD16Count >%6)
MeanSD16 = SumSD16>>8; //Divide 256
SD16CCTL0 &= ~SD16SC; //Disable conversion
Result = (long)(MeanSD16*LSB*SD16Gain);

The Zero_Calib function is called by P1 ISR, basically, when the button is pressed the Zero_Calib is called and do the SD16 conversion. Inside the SD16ISR, sum of 256 conversion are calculated then the mean value is calculated after that and store to Result.

I think I do not let the ADC enough time to do the whole conversion. If I just call the SD16 ISR from the main and do nothing else, the result is perfect. Is there any way to fix this problem?


Beginning Microcontrollers with the MSP430