Reply by "Hayashi, Steve" December 2, 20102010-12-02
The problem is in the software you've written. Does that help?
Without actually seeing the code, my guess is that you failed to clear UCSWRST, but that's just a shot in the dark.


-----Original Message-----
From: m... [mailto:m...] On Behalf Of Ammar Sondes
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 3:56 PM
To: m...
Subject: [msp430] SPI clock


I m using the MSP430F5438 device and I need to use the SPI communication between
the MSP430F5438 ( the master) and the MSP430F2370 (slave). The SPI clock is
sourced by the SMCLK = 1MHz.

The problem is that I obtain a signal in the SMCLK pin but there is no signal
in the SPI clock pin and SPI transmission could'nt start.
Can anyone help me please.

Beginning Microcontrollers with the MSP430

Reply by Ammar Sondes November 30, 20102010-11-30

I m using the MSP430F5438 device and I need to use the SPI communication between
the MSP430F5438 ( the master) and the MSP430F2370 (slave). The SPI clock is
sourced by the SMCLK = 1MHz.

The problem is that I obtain a signal in the SMCLK pin but there is no signal
in the SPI clock pin and SPI transmission could'nt start.
Can anyone help me please.