Reply by Wouter van Ooijen August 8, 20102010-08-08
> I am using LpcXpresso 3.3.4 that is a specialized Eclipse CDT relelase
> made from code-red to use with some NXP microcontrollers. Some times
> without any apparent reason after rebuilding the project may happen that
> debugging step by step the it shows the message in subject. The function
> source code exists, I may find it but seems that gdb doesn't know where
> to go to read the debugging symbols. It seems a problem also in gdb or
> in eclipse/gdb plugin.
> I am not able to understand why it happens but when happens I am not
> able to solve the problem, so I have to create a new project containing
> the same files and rebuild it. Every suggestion is welcome.

IIRC one cause can be a space in the pathname and/or file name.


Wouter van Ooijen

-- -------
Van Ooijen Technische Informatica:
consultancy, development, PICmicro products
docent Hogeschool van Utrecht:

An Engineer's Guide to the LPC2100 Series

Reply by "M. Manca" August 4, 20102010-08-04
> Are you enabling optimizations in the compiler?

no -O0 and -g3

> Is it possible that the function is being declare as "inline" and
> therefore, the debugger cannot step through it?

I have several static inline function in that file (and I can step
trough them) but the function giving the problem isn't inline and
doesn't use any inline function inside.
I have the same problem with the IRQ_Handler that is part of the module,
I can step trough all other function in that module, so ot os very strange.
Reply by alexander_ribero August 3, 20102010-08-03

Are you enabling optimizations in the compiler?
Is it possible that the function is being declare as "inline" and therefore, the debugger cannot step through it?


Reply by "M. Manca" August 3, 20102010-08-03
I am using LpcXpresso 3.3.4 that is a specialized Eclipse CDT relelase
made from code-red to use with some NXP microcontrollers. Some times
without any apparent reason after rebuilding the project may happen that
debugging step by step the it shows the message in subject. The function
source code exists, I may find it but seems that gdb doesn't know where
to go to read the debugging symbols. It seems a problem also in gdb or
in eclipse/gdb plugin.
I am not able to understand why it happens but when happens I am not
able to solve the problem, so I have to create a new project containing
the same files and rebuild it. Every suggestion is welcome.
Best regards,