Reply by "galvin.shock" April 20, 20112011-04-20

I'm currently using EA LPC2478 Developer's kit to do some display on my new LCD screen, hence i need to send out data using the SPI interface. Probing from the SPI signal, i found that the first data is managed to send out, BUT after that there is no any data transaction. This is how i think: setup for SPI interface is correctly done since the first data is sent out, but maybe some register, interrupt or other things is not registered properly and cause the problem. But i found that the SPI is stop working after awhile, then i try to use the SFR to do troubleshooting, this is what i do:

# echo S0SPDR :0x1234 > /dev/sfr

from here, i'm trying to send data "0x1234" to the spi then use the oscilloscope to check the signal, but i found that the data is not send out and i do a read on this register and found that the register value become "0xffff", anyone has idea what happened??

scratching my head for a week but still cannot find out the root cause ...


An Engineer's Guide to the LPC2100 Series