Reply by Stef August 10, 20072007-08-10
In comp.arch.embedded, <> wrote:

Sorry, no answer to your question. But if you have to ask in 2 (or more?)
separate groups, please cross-post and do not multi-post and choose the
groups carefully and consider setting a followup-to. With cross-posting,
answers are visible in both groups so you get less duplication in the

Stef    (remove caps, dashes and .invalid from e-mail address to reply by mail)

Reply by August 10, 20072007-08-10

I have been struggling on a Virtex II Pro in order to make the
XilFatFS work properly. What I want to do is use the Compact Flash to
boot the board which I did successfully by formating the CF with mkdos
and also gparted using the FAT 16 format.

Now I also want to use the functions fOpen, chdir, mkdir and readdir
from the sysace library and I tried on a FAT 32 as the primary
partition and it doesn't seem to work as the error led is still
blinking but if I use the FAT 16 with or without the system.ace, it
stops blinking and when I call twice mkdir it creates the dir but
afterwards, doesn't seem to do much.

Also, I could not make the readdir function work so if anyone had
experiences with these, I would really appreciate it.
Thank you,
