Reply by Stef September 25, 20072007-09-25
In comp.arch.embedded,
Herbert Kleebauer <> wrote:
> > Here a very simple piece of C code which I use to display ADC data read > from an Atmel Tiny45 by a two wire interface using the parallel port. > You can download Visual C++ from Microsoft.
<snip code> Thanks for that, saved it as an example for whenever I need to do some graphics using VC++. But for the current application, I will stay with gnuplot. It really worked well on my first day of real use. I prepared a little command file for it, so creating the graphs is a matter of seconds now. -- Stef (remove caps, dashes and .invalid from e-mail address to reply by mail)
Reply by Herbert Kleebauer September 25, 20072007-09-25
Stef wrote:

> it looks like it's highly specific to the original task it was created for. > So adapting it might be a big job and my Delphi skills are non existant. > I have used Borland C++ builder and did some Pascal way back.
Here a very simple piece of C code which I use to display ADC data read from an Atmel Tiny45 by a two wire interface using the parallel port. You can download Visual C++ from Microsoft. #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE 1 #define debug 1 #ifdef debug #include <io.h> #include <conio.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdio.h> #endif #include <windows.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <conio.h> #define pi 3.1415927 #define size 10000 /**************************************************************************/ HDC globalhdc; HWND windowhandle; HPEN greenpen,bluepen,redpen,blackpen,black5pen,whitepen,oldpen; HFONT newfont,oldfont; int xpos=100,ypos=100,xsize=1000,ysize=750,xold,yold,ldown,rdown,nmax=10; int start=0, zoom=1; zoom0=3; zoom1[7]={-10,-5,-2,1,2,5,10}; int loop=0; double a[110]={0.0, 1.0}, b[110]={0.0, 0.5}, r[805]; int adc0[size+10],adc1[size+10],adc2[size+10],adc3[size+10]; FILE *save; char fname[7]={'s','a','v','e','.','a',0}; /**************************************************************************/ #ifdef debug void init_stdout() {int hCrt; FILE *hf; AllocConsole(); hCrt = _open_osfhandle((long)GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),_O_TEXT); hf = _fdopen( hCrt, "w" ); *stdout = *hf; setvbuf( stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0 ); printf("stdout is working!!!\n"); hCrt = _open_osfhandle((long)GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE),_O_TEXT); hf = _fdopen( hCrt, "r" ); *stdin = *hf; setvbuf( stdin, NULL, _IONBF, 0 ); printf("print a character followed by a <CR> to test stdin: "); /* printf("\nYou typed: %c\n",getchar()); */ } #endif void read_dat(int max) {int i,j,n,clock=0,data[5]; Rectangle(globalhdc,0,0,1000,750); SelectObject(globalhdc,redpen); MoveToEx(globalhdc,0,240,NULL); _outp(0x378,clock); /* reset clock */ if (max>10000) max=10000; for (n=0; n<max; n++) {while ((char)_inp(0x379) < 0); /* wait for bit7 = 0 */ for (i=0; i<5; i++) {data[i]=-1; for (j=1; j<=8; j++) {_outp(0x378,j&1); /* toggle clock */ _inp(0x379); _inp(0x379); data[i]=(data[i]<<1)+((_inp(0x379)>>7)&1); } if (i) data[i]=~( (data[i]<<2) + ((data[0]>>((4-i)*2))&0x03)); } _outp(0x378,1); _outp(0x378,0); adc0[n]=data[1]; adc1[n]=data[2]; adc2[n]=data[3]; adc3[n]=data[4]; LineTo(globalhdc,n/10,240-(data[2]-0x200)/7); SetPixel(globalhdc,n/10,400-(data[3]-0x200)/7,0); } } /**************************************************************************/ LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); VOID zeichne(HDC); /**************************************************************************/ int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) {int i; MSG msg; WNDCLASS wc; = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)WndProc; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0; wc.hInstance = hInstance; wc.hIcon = NULL; wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW+1); wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; wc.lpszClassName = "hand"; if (!RegisterClass(&wc)) return (FALSE); if (!(windowhandle=CreateWindow("hand", "", WS_POPUP|WS_VISIBLE,xpos, ypos, xsize, ysize,NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL))) return (FALSE); globalhdc=GetDC(windowhandle); /**************************************************************************/ #ifdef debug init_stdout(); #endif /**************************************************************************/ for (i=0; i<10000; i++) {adc0[i]=(int)(sin(i/100.0)*0x1ff+0x200); adc1[i]=(int)(cos(i/100.0)*0x1ff+0x200); adc2[i]=(int)(sin(i/150.0)*0x1ff+0x200); adc3[i]=(int)(cos(i/150.0)*0x1ff+0x200);} greenpen=CreatePen(PS_SOLID,1,0x00ff00); bluepen =CreatePen(PS_SOLID,1,0xffb0b0); redpen =CreatePen(PS_SOLID,1,0xb0b0ff); blackpen=CreatePen(PS_SOLID,1,0x000000); black5pen=CreatePen(PS_SOLID,5,0x000000); oldpen = SelectObject(globalhdc,bluepen); zeichne(globalhdc); while (1) {if (loop && !PeekMessage(&msg, NULL,0,0,PM_NOREMOVE)) keybd_event(0x30,0,0,0); if (GetMessage(&msg, NULL,0,0)) {TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg);} else break; } DeleteObject(greenpen); DeleteObject(bluepen); DeleteObject(redpen); DeleteObject(blackpen); DeleteObject(black5pen); SelectObject(globalhdc,oldpen); ReleaseDC(NULL,globalhdc); return (msg.wParam); } /**************************************************************************/ LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC hdc; int i,j; switch (message) {case WM_CHAR: if (wParam>='1' && wParam<='9') {read_dat((wParam-'0')*1000); zeichne(globalhdc); break;} if (wParam>='c' && wParam<='z') {fname[5]=wParam; if ( (save = fopen(fname,"rb")) == NULL) break; fread(adc0, sizeof(int), 10000, save); fread(adc1, sizeof(int), 10000, save); fread(adc2, sizeof(int), 10000, save); fread(adc3, sizeof(int), 10000, save); fclose(save); zeichne(globalhdc); break;} if (wParam>='C' && wParam<='Z') {fname[5]=wParam; if ( (save = fopen(fname,"wb")) == NULL) break; fwrite(adc0, sizeof(int), 10000, save); fwrite(adc1, sizeof(int), 10000, save); fwrite(adc2, sizeof(int), 10000, save); fwrite(adc3, sizeof(int), 10000, save); fclose(save); break;} switch(wParam) {case 'a' : for (i=0; i<10000; i++) {adc0[i]=(int)(sin(i/50.0)*0x1ff+0x200); adc1[i]=(int)(cos(i/20.0)*0x1ff+0x200); adc2[i]=(int)(sin(i/15.0)*0x1ff+0x200); adc3[i]=(int)(cos(i/5.0)*0x1ff+0x200);} zeichne(globalhdc); break; case 'b' : for (i=0; i<10000; i++) {adc0[i]=(int)(sin(i/150.0)*0x1ff+0x200); adc1[i]=(int)(cos(i/175.0)*0x1ff+0x200); adc2[i]=(int)(sin(i/50.0)*0x1ff+0x200); adc3[i]=(int)(cos(i/350.0)*0x1ff+0x200);} zeichne(globalhdc); break; case '0' : read_dat(10000); zeichne(globalhdc); break; case ' ' : loop=!loop; break; default:; } break; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: xold=LOWORD(lParam); yold=HIWORD(lParam); ldown=1; if (yold>700 && yold<750) {if (xold>=13 && xold<313) {i=(xold-13 )/30; start=1000*i;} else if (xold>=343 && xold<643) {i=(xold-343)/30 ;start=start/1000*1000+i*100;} else if (xold>=673 && xold<988) {zoom0=(xold-673)/45; zoom=zoom1[zoom0];} if (zoom>0) {if ((start+(1000+(zoom-1))/zoom) > size) start= (size-(1000+(zoom-1))/zoom)/100*100;} else {if ((start+1000*(-zoom)) >size) start= (size-1000*(-zoom))/100*100;} zeichne(globalhdc); } break; case WM_LBUTTONUP: if (ldown<0) zeichne(globalhdc); ldown=0; break; case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: xold=LOWORD(lParam); yold=HIWORD(lParam); rdown=1; break; case WM_RBUTTONUP: rdown=0; break; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: if (rdown) {i=LOWORD(lParam); j=HIWORD(lParam); xpos=xpos-xold+LOWORD(lParam); ypos=ypos-yold+HIWORD(lParam); SetWindowPos(windowhandle,HWND_TOP,xpos,ypos,xsize,ysize,0); } break; case WM_PAINT: if (!rdown) {hdc = BeginPaint (hWnd, &ps); zeichne(hdc); EndPaint (hWnd, &ps); } break; case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage(0); break; default: return (DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam)); } return (0); } /**************************************************************************/ void zeichne(hdc) HDC hdc; {int i,k; char txt[20]; static char* (txt1[7])={"1:10"," 1:5"," 1:2"," 1:1"," 2:1"," 5:1","10:1"}; SelectObject(hdc,greenpen); Rectangle(hdc,0,0,1000,750); SelectObject(hdc,blackpen); MoveToEx(hdc,0,80,NULL); LineTo(hdc,999,80); MoveToEx(hdc,0,240,NULL); LineTo(hdc,999,240); MoveToEx(hdc,0,400,NULL); LineTo(hdc,999,400); MoveToEx(hdc,0,560,NULL); LineTo(hdc,999,560); SelectObject(hdc,redpen); MoveToEx(hdc,0,240-(adc1[start]-0x200)/7,NULL); for (i=0; i<1000/zoom; i++) {k=(adc1[start+i]-0x200)/7; LineTo(hdc,i*zoom,240-k);} for (i=0; i<(-1000*zoom); i++) {k=(adc1[start+i]-0x200)/7; LineTo(hdc,i/(-zoom),240-k);} SelectObject(hdc,bluepen); MoveToEx(hdc,0,400-(adc2[start]-0x200)/7,NULL); for (i=0; i<1000/zoom; i++) {k=(adc2[start+i]-0x200)/7; LineTo(hdc,i*zoom,400-k);} for (i=0; i<(-1000*zoom); i++) {k=(adc2[start+i]-0x200)/7; LineTo(hdc,i/(-zoom),400-k);} for (i=0; i<1000/zoom; i++) {/*k=(adc0[start+i]-0x200)/7; SetPixel(hdc,i*zoom,80-k,0);*/ k=(adc1[start+i]-0x200)/7; SetPixel(hdc,i*zoom,240-k,0); k=(adc2[start+i]-0x200)/7; SetPixel(hdc,i*zoom,400-k,0); /*k=(adc3[start+i]-0x200)/7; SetPixel(hdc,i*zoom,560-k,0)*/; } for (i=0; i<(-1000*zoom); i++) {/*k=(adc0[start+i]-0x200)/7; SetPixel(hdc,i/(-zoom),80-k,0);*/ k=(adc1[start+i]-0x200)/7; SetPixel(hdc,i/(-zoom),240-k,0); k=(adc2[start+i]-0x200)/7; SetPixel(hdc,i/(-zoom),400-k,0); /*k=(adc3[start+i]-0x200)/7; SetPixel(hdc,i/(-zoom),560-k,0);*/ } /* SetTextColor(hdc,0x0); */ SetBkColor(hdc,0xffffff); /* newfont=GetStockObject(ANSI_VAR_FONT); oldfont= SelectObject(hdc,newfont); */ txt[0]='0'; txt[1]='.'; for (i=0; i<10; i++){TextOut(hdc,20+i*30,700, txt,2); txt[0]++;} txt[0]='.'; txt[1]='0'; for (i=0; i<10; i++){TextOut(hdc,350+i*30,700, txt,2); txt[1]++;} for (i=0; i<7; i++) TextOut(hdc,680+i*45,700, txt1[i],4); /* SetTextColor(hdc,0x0); */ SetBkColor(hdc,0xffff00); i=start/1000; txt[1]='.'; txt[0]='0'+i; TextOut(hdc,20+i*30,700, txt,2); SetBkColor(hdc,0x0080ff); i=(start%1000)/100; txt[1]='0'+i; txt[0]='.'; TextOut(hdc,350+i*30,700, txt,2); SetBkColor(hdc,0x80ff00); TextOut(hdc,680+zoom0*45,700, txt1[zoom0],4); /* SelectObject(globalhdc,oldfont); */ }
Reply by CBFalconer September 24, 20072007-09-24
msg wrote:
... snip ...
> > Even though I originally suggested 'gnuplot' I would be remiss to > not mention using the vt100 graphics character set of a display > terminal (or emulation) to display waveform data. I run an 'ascii > oscilloscope' which provides the basic features of waveform display > including scale factor, position controls, reticule, sweep rate, > triggering, etc. and the displayed waveform has good fidelity on a > 24 X 80 character screen and adequate refresh rates at serial port > speeds above 9600 baud.
_- and | can implement a 48 x 80 display on a 24 x 80 field. = and + may also be useful. -- Chuck F (cbfalconer at maineline dot net) Available for consulting/temporary embedded and systems. <> -- Posted via a free Usenet account from
Reply by msg September 24, 20072007-09-24
Stef wrote:

> In comp.arch.embedded, > Paul E. Schoen <> wrote: > >>I wrote a program that reads analog data (of 60 Hz current) at 2400 samples >>per second through a serial port at 57.6 kbps. It displays the relative >>value on a bar graph, and actual RMS current during operation, and it >>displays up to 5 pulses of current with various on and off times.
<snip> To the O.P.: Even though I originally suggested 'gnuplot' I would be remiss to not mention using the vt100 graphics character set of a display terminal (or emulation) to display waveform data. I run an 'ascii oscilloscope' which provides the basic features of waveform display including scale factor, position controls, reticule, sweep rate, triggering, etc. and the displayed waveform has good fidelity on a 24 X 80 character screen and adequate refresh rates at serial port speeds above 9600 baud. I reiterate also the additional solution of using the tek4014 graphics primitives if your terminal emulator supports them. All this presumes the need for realtime display; if your requirement is only for data reduction and offline display than 'gnuplot' should suffice. Regards, Michael
Reply by Stef September 24, 20072007-09-24
In comp.arch.embedded,
Paul E. Schoen <> wrote:
> I wrote a program that reads analog data (of 60 Hz current) at 2400 samples > per second through a serial port at 57.6 kbps. It displays the relative > value on a bar graph, and actual RMS current during operation, and it > displays up to 5 pulses of current with various on and off times. After the
> If this program might be of some use, I could send you some of the source > files (in Borland Delphi) if you need to modify it for your purposes.
Sounds like very nice software, also nice waveform pic in the manual. But it looks like it's highly specific to the original task it was created for. So adapting it might be a big job and my Delphi skills are non existant. I have used Borland C++ builder and did some Pascal way back. Thanks for the offer, but at the moment gnuplot looks looks like my best option. -- Stef (remove caps, dashes and .invalid from e-mail address to reply by mail)
Reply by Paul E. Schoen September 22, 20072007-09-22
"Stef" <> wrote in message 
> In comp.arch.embedded, > Hans-Bernhard Br&#4294967295;ker <> wrote: >> Stef wrote: >>> Same applies to gnuplot, need to generate a new plot for each change in >>> the axis. >> >> Not really. See "help mouse". >> > Hey! You _can_ zoom with the mouse, never knew that, thanks. > Got gnuplot to run on linux, not on cygwin yet, that says: > > Terminal type set to 'unknown' > > While linux finds an X11 terminal and works great. Zoom in with the > mouse (right click!) and back with 'p' or 'u'. > > But why bother with the cygwin version if you can download de W32 version > from the gnuplot homepage? ;-) That also works great so I'm happy for > now. >
I wrote a program that reads analog data (of 60 Hz current) at 2400 samples per second through a serial port at 57.6 kbps. It displays the relative value on a bar graph, and actual RMS current during operation, and it displays up to 5 pulses of current with various on and off times. After the test sequence, the waveform can be displayed, expanded and contracted, and there are two cursors which can be placed at any two points in time, and the true RMS value of the signal between them is displayed. The waveform can be saved in a file with a fairly simple format of a short header, and integer values for the remaining data. It can be adapted to your sampling rate. It is also possible to read these saved waveform files into the program, and play them back in simulated real time, and use the waveform viewer to zoom in and analyze the waveform. It is available for free download at, and the zipfile has a detailed help file that describes the waveform file. I also have an old MSDOS utility that can convert the proprietary waveform file (.owf) to a standard RIFF format (.wav) that can be played on media player or tweaked with audio tools like GoldWave. However, my bursts of 60 Hz are rather boring and annoying to listen to. If this program might be of some use, I could send you some of the source files (in Borland Delphi) if you need to modify it for your purposes. Paul
Reply by Stef September 21, 20072007-09-21
In comp.arch.embedded,
Hans-Bernhard Br&#4294967295;ker <> wrote:
> Stef wrote: >> Same applies to gnuplot, need to generate a new plot for each change in >> the axis. > > Not really. See "help mouse". >
Hey! You _can_ zoom with the mouse, never knew that, thanks. Got gnuplot to run on linux, not on cygwin yet, that says: Terminal type set to 'unknown' While linux finds an X11 terminal and works great. Zoom in with the mouse (right click!) and back with 'p' or 'u'. But why bother with the cygwin version if you can download de W32 version from the gnuplot homepage? ;-) That also works great so I'm happy for now. -- Stef (remove caps, dashes and .invalid from e-mail address to reply by mail)
Reply by September 21, 20072007-09-21
Stef wrote:
> Same applies to gnuplot, need to generate a new plot for each change in > the axis.
Not really. See "help mouse".
Reply by Stef September 21, 20072007-09-21
In comp.arch.embedded,
Jonathan Kirwan <> wrote:
> On Fri, 21 Sep 2007 19:28:16 GMT, I wrote: > >>On Fri, 21 Sep 2007 21:24:32 +0200, Hans-Bernhard Br&#4294967295;ker >><> wrote: >> >>>Stef wrote: >>>> Anyone know af any other waveform viewers, preferably with windows >>>> binaries for download? If need be, I can change the dataformat or write >>>> a simpe converter. >>> >>>I think your own search failed because you used an overly restrictive >>>keyword. The kind of program you're looking for is a plotting program. >>> "Waveforms" are just one type of plottable data file. >>> >>>'gnuplot' and any of its competitors can plot your file just fine. >>> >>> set datafile separator ',' >>> plot "log" using 1:2 with linespoints >> >>I got the impression, possibly faulty, that the OP is looking for a >>realtime viewer that accepts data from the serial port and scrolls the >>display in realtime. >> >>Does gnuplot do that? > > Well, maybe on closer reading of the OP's comments, I'm no longer sure > what is being sought.
No, I am not looking for realtime display (would be nice later on maybe), but I search an 'interactive' off-line viewer. Load the file and have the ability to zoom and scroll through the graph. The timebase of the graph will be fairly long and I need to be able to zoom in to some details. I can view what I want in MS Excel, but the zooming and scrolling needs to be done by repeatedly changing the X-axis scale, a bit cumbersome. Same applies to gnuplot, need to generate a new plot for each change in the axis. I imagine there must be something for analog signals that behaves like the waveform viewer that comes with Mentor Modelsim. Real easy and fast to go through your data in that one. Just found out that it can in fact display a VHDL vector as an analog signal. If I could somehow load my data, but what's the fileformat? I could translate my data to a VHDL testbench source and than simulate that, but there must be an easier option to just view a bit of data. ;-) -- Stef (remove caps, dashes and .invalid from e-mail address to reply by mail)
Reply by Jonathan Kirwan September 21, 20072007-09-21
On Fri, 21 Sep 2007 19:28:16 GMT, I wrote:

>On Fri, 21 Sep 2007 21:24:32 +0200, Hans-Bernhard Br&#4294967295;ker ><> wrote: > >>Stef wrote: >>> Anyone know af any other waveform viewers, preferably with windows >>> binaries for download? If need be, I can change the dataformat or write >>> a simpe converter. >> >>I think your own search failed because you used an overly restrictive >>keyword. The kind of program you're looking for is a plotting program. >> "Waveforms" are just one type of plottable data file. >> >>'gnuplot' and any of its competitors can plot your file just fine. >> >> set datafile separator ',' >> plot "log" using 1:2 with linespoints > >I got the impression, possibly faulty, that the OP is looking for a >realtime viewer that accepts data from the serial port and scrolls the >display in realtime. > >Does gnuplot do that?
Well, maybe on closer reading of the OP's comments, I'm no longer sure what is being sought. Jon