Reply by Iggins April 10, 20082008-04-10
About tiny tiny C code:

If I wanted to use a set amount of memory, like

unsigned char byteMem[2048]

in which to store and manipulate a number of byte queues; my standard
C approach would be to create a set of structs the let me pool out
chunks of memory from the space for the byte queues to work in.

I am not having luck finding references on how to keep the most
possible usable space for my queues to use.

2 questions:
- What are some good books or other reading on memory efficient C
- Have I missed some easy optimizations in the following code?

The QueueSlot uses 8 bits for a queue identifier and 8 bits for
storing a value. Is better memory efficiency just a matter of using
more of memory for data storage?

Feel free to chop out most of this in replies:

I wrote some some C code that is straight forward enough
/* compactqueues.h

//A place to store the queues
typedef struct {

	int dataLength;
	unsigned char* data;

} Store;

// A memory layout for a queue slot
// A tag and a value
// This approach is decidely in favor of very  dynamic behavior
sacrificing some
// memory space for tagging. But any queue can easily grow to any size
// permitted by the buffer limit.
typedef struct {

	unsigned char slotTag : 8;
	unsigned char slotValue : 8;

} QueueSlot;

//A queue in this approach needs to have
//a distinct tag value
//a headIndex for implicit queue ordering
//and access to the buffer
typedef struct {

	unsigned char myTag : 4;
	int		headIndex;
	Store	*storeAccess;

} Queue;

//This is a convenience collection to pool access to the
//management bits
typedef struct {
	Queue	*queuePool;
	unsigned char *queueMarkers;
	unsigned char poolSize;
	Store *storeKeeper;
} QueueKeeper;

// An initialization function
// To scrub the store buffer to 0's
void initQueuePool();

Queue * create_queue();

void destroy_queue(Queue * q);

void enqueue_byte(Queue * q, unsigned char b);

unsigned char dequeue_byte(Queue * aQueue);

/* compactqueues.c
#include "CompactQueue.h"
#include <stdio.h>
//#include <time.h>

//#define DEFAULT_STORE_SIZE 2048

//unsigned short externStoreSize = DEFAULT_STORE_SIZE;

//unsigned char TagGenerator = 0;

QueueKeeper* externQueueKeeper;

void on_out_of_memory() {

	fprintf( stdout, "Out of memory! \n" );

	while (1) {
		//dont return? well ok then



void on_illegal_operation() {
	fprintf( stdout, "Illegal operation! \n" );

	while (1) {
		//dont return? well ok then


void initQueuePool() {

	if ( externQueueKeeper ) {
		//Scrub the marker slots to 0
		for ( short i=0; i< externQueueKeeper->poolSize; ++i ) {
			externQueueKeeper->queueMarkers[i] = 0;

		//Scrub the data slots to 0
		if ( externQueueKeeper->storeKeeper ) {

			Store* localStoreAccess = externQueueKeeper->storeKeeper;
			unsigned char* store = localStoreAccess->data;

			if (store) {

				QueueSlot * asSlot = (QueueSlot*) store;

				int slotCount = localStoreAccess->dataLength / sizeof(QueueSlot) ;

				for ( int i=0;i< slotCount; ++i) {

					asSlot->slotTag = 0;
					asSlot->slotValue = 0;
					//fprintf( stdout, "Clear QueueSlots - Slot - %i, Value - %i \n",
asSlot->slotTag, asSlot->slotValue );






Queue* create_queue() {

	if ( !externQueueKeeper )
		return 0;

	short indexToTake = -1;

	for ( short i=0; i< externQueueKeeper->poolSize; ++i ) {
		if (  externQueueKeeper->queueMarkers[i] == 0 ) {
			indexToTake = i;
			//fprintf(stdout, "indexToTake - %i\n", indexToTake );


	if ( indexToTake > -1 ) {
		externQueueKeeper->queueMarkers[indexToTake] = 1;
		externQueueKeeper->queuePool[indexToTake].myTag = indexToTake + 1;
		externQueueKeeper->queuePool[indexToTake].headIndex = 0;
		externQueueKeeper->queuePool[indexToTake].storeAccess =
		return &(externQueueKeeper->queuePool[indexToTake]);

	return 0;

void destroy_queue(Queue * q) {

	if ( q && q->storeAccess ) {

		Store* localStoreAccess = q->storeAccess;
		unsigned char* store = localStoreAccess->data;

		if (store) {

			QueueSlot * asSlot = (QueueSlot*) store;

			int slotCount = localStoreAccess->dataLength / sizeof(QueueSlot) ;

			int headOffset = q->headIndex;
			int slotsFreed = 0;
			for ( int i=0 ;i < slotCount; ++i) {

				QueueSlot* currentSlot = (asSlot + headOffset%slotCount);

				if ( currentSlot->slotTag == q->myTag ) {
					currentSlot->slotTag = 0;
					currentSlot->slotValue = 0;

			//fprintf( stdout, "Destroying Queue - %i. %i slots left in use are
now free.\n", q->myTag, slotsFreed );

			//Reset Queue for reuse from the pool.
			externQueueKeeper->queueMarkers[q->myTag] = 0;
			q->headIndex = 0;
			q->myTag = 0;
			q->storeAccess = 0;

			//now the queue for pool slot <myTag> can be found for use again



void enqueue_byte(Queue * q, unsigned char b) {

	if ( q && q->storeAccess ) {

		Store* localStoreAccess = q->storeAccess;
		unsigned char* store = localStoreAccess->data;

		if (store) {

			QueueSlot * asSlot = (QueueSlot*) store;

			int slotCount = localStoreAccess->dataLength / sizeof(QueueSlot) ;

			int headOffset = q->headIndex;
			int slotUsed = -1;
			for ( int i=0 ;i < slotCount; ++i) {
				int currentIndex = (i + headOffset%slotCount);
				QueueSlot* currentSlot = (asSlot + headOffset%slotCount);

				if ( currentSlot->slotTag == 0 ) {
					slotUsed = currentIndex;
					currentSlot->slotTag = q->myTag;// this slot know belongs to the
queue passed in
					currentSlot->slotValue = b;

					//fprintf( stdout, "Slot %i belongs to queue- %i, with Value - %i
\n", currentIndex, currentSlot->slotTag, currentSlot->slotValue );


			if ( slotUsed == -1 ) {
				fprintf( stdout, "No Slot open. Enqueue failed \n" );




unsigned char dequeue_byte(Queue * q) {

	unsigned char dequeueduchar = 0;

	if ( q && q->storeAccess ) {

		Store* localStoreAccess = q->storeAccess;
		unsigned char* store = localStoreAccess->data;

		if ( store ) {

			QueueSlot * asSlot = (QueueSlot*) store;

			int slotCount = localStoreAccess->dataLength / sizeof(QueueSlot) ;
			int headOffset = q->headIndex;

			unsigned char seeking = 1; //first seek the bit to dequeue, then
try to update the headIndex

			for ( int i=0;i< slotCount; ++i) {
				int currentIndex = (i + headOffset%slotCount);
				QueueSlot* currentSlot = (asSlot + headOffset%slotCount);
				//find the first slot with myTag as the slotTag value
				//use mod to do a complete loop around starting from the headIndex
				if ( seeking ) {

					if ( currentSlot->slotTag == q->myTag ) {
						dequeueduchar = currentSlot->slotValue;

						//free the slot for use
						currentSlot->slotValue = 0;
						currentSlot->slotTag = 0;
						q->headIndex = 0; //this will get updated to the true next
headIndex if there really is a next one, if not then it should be 0
						//fprintf( stdout, "Free slot %i from Queue- %i, returning Value
- %i \n", currentIndex, currentSlot->slotTag, dequeueduchar );
						seeking = 0;
				} else {

					if ( currentSlot->slotTag == q->myTag ) {

						q->headIndex = currentIndex;
						//fprintf( stdout, "Updating headIndex of Queue- %i to slot - %i
\n", q->myTag, currentIndex );

						return dequeueduchar;


			//if ( q->headIndex == 0 )
			//	fprintf( stdout, "Reseting headIndex of Queue- %i to slot 0 \n",
q->myTag );

			//if nothing to dequeue for given queue
			if ( seeking == 1 )



	return dequeueduchar;

/* main.c - Test it out

#include <stdio.h>
#include "CompactQueue.h"

extern QueueKeeper* externQueueKeeper;
//extern unsigned short externStoreSize;

int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {

	Store aStore;
	const int storeSize = 2048;
	//aStore.dataLength = externStoreSize;
	unsigned char storeData[storeSize];
	aStore.dataLength = storeSize; = storeData;
	const unsigned char poolSize = 64;

	//setup the zooKeeper, I mean queueKeeper
	QueueKeeper aQueueKeeper;

	Queue aQueuePool[poolSize];
	unsigned char queueMarkers[poolSize];
	aQueueKeeper.queuePool = aQueuePool;
	aQueueKeeper.queueMarkers = queueMarkers;
	aQueueKeeper.poolSize = poolSize;
	aQueueKeeper.storeKeeper = &aStore;
	externQueueKeeper = &aQueueKeeper;

	//Queues in action

	Queue* q1 = create_queue();
	Queue* q2 = create_queue();

	enqueue_byte(q1, 0);
	enqueue_byte(q1, 1);

	enqueue_byte(q2, 3);
	enqueue_byte(q1, 2);
	enqueue_byte(q2, 4);

	printf("%d ", dequeue_byte(q1));
	printf("%d\n", dequeue_byte(q1));
	enqueue_byte(q1, 5);
	enqueue_byte(q2, 6);

	printf("%d ", dequeue_byte(q1));
	printf("%d\n", dequeue_byte(q1));
	printf("%d ", dequeue_byte(q2));
	printf("%d ", dequeue_byte(q2));
	printf("%d\n", dequeue_byte(q2));

    return 0;