Reply by quaratie July 6, 20042004-07-06
Hello Group,

Can someone shed some light on why this code is broke,
I followed the users guide but I must be missing something.
I am working with the MSP430F1232. 
Port P2.1 seems to work, I do hit the interrupt for both P2.1 and
P2.4 when both bottons are pushed but never enter the code below to 
turn on the LED. I am using CrossStudio.

-- Thanks..
        if(P2IFG &= 0x10){
    	        P2IFG &= ~0x10;	 //Clear interrupt flag


Trying to set up falling edge interrupt.

init code below in main()

    //pushbutton S1
    P2DIR &= ~0x02;  //P2.1 Input for interrupt
    P2IES |= 0x02;   //P2.1 interrupt edge high to low 
    P2IFG &= ~0x02;  //Clear P2.1 interrupt flag
    P2IE  |= 0x02;   //Enable P2.1 interrupts

    //pushbutton S2
    P2DIR &= ~0x10;  //P2.4 Input for interrupt
    P2IES |= 0x10;   //P2.4 interrupt edge high to low 
    P2IFG &= ~0x10;  //Clear P2.4 interrupt flag
    P2IE  |= 0x10;   //Enable P2.4 interrupts

last thing I do in main is enable interrupts with
 _EINT();                              // Enable interrupts

interrupt handler
void port_2(void) __interrupt[PORT2_VECTOR]  

	 * This interrupt services two port pins.
	 * PORT PIN 2.1 is a pushbutton.
	 * PORT PIN 2.4 is a pushbutton


	if(P2IFG &= 0x02){
		P2IFG &= ~0x02; //Clear interrupt flag


       // PORT PIN 2.4	PUSH BUTTON

        if(P2IFG &= 0x10){
    	        P2IFG &= ~0x10;	 //Clear interrupt flag





Beginning Microcontrollers with the MSP430