Imagine Conference

enumaration of cypress device

Started by puniths_d November 18, 2008
 I have an fx2 device .I have developed a firmware for it . When I download
the firmware the device takes a long time to enumarate or some times it
goes a known device .Some times it quickly enumarates. Is the power supply
current has got something to do with the enumaration process. The
enumaration process is getting distrubed some how. I appriciate some help
thanks in advance 
USBTrace from http://sysnucleus.com/ is quite useful

Also there have been problems with Cypress' support of program over the FX2 
code size (but fitting in the FX2LP, but not being loaded correctly).

"puniths_d" <puniths_d@yahoo.co.in> wrote in message 
> I have an fx2 device .I have developed a firmware for it . When I download > the firmware the device takes a long time to enumarate or some times it > goes a known device .Some times it quickly enumarates. Is the power supply > current has got something to do with the enumaration process. The > enumaration process is getting distrubed some how. I appriciate some help > thanks in advance > punitha
 I did saw the log file from USB trace . Iam not able to figure out the
problem. When it is success ,there is a device start in the log file . When
it fails there is no device start , there is is only device removal.

Imagine Conference