Hello everyone, I'm very new to embedded systems, and debugging them. Im teaching myself and learning a lot on the way. I'm having some trouble with the wiggler, and macraigor has been less than helpful (dont blame them, I bought mine secondhand so they dont have much incentive). I can use the OCD Commander software just fine, but I'd like a way to download larger portions of memory and dump to a file as Im trying to figure out some decompression issues, and the way things are laid out in memory by default for this particular device/chip. The documentation of Flash Programmer (and the targetaccess dll, but the example program is giving me access violations when trying to setup, so Im not sure about that at the moment) seems to suggest that this would be possible, but the mpc855 chip is not included and Im not familiar enough with the registers to know what settings for some of the other mpc8xx chips to modify. If someone could point me in the right direction for that information, or to a .ocd file that has already been created I would appreciate it. Have no problem with the registration fee for these, as I know I'd like to push updates down to the device soon anyways, but I'd like to know that I can communicate effectively with the device first. Thanks, Peck

Read MPC855 Memory with Wiggler?
Started by ●April 9, 2009