
ANN: EmINENT Microsystems Embedded Software Framework

Started by Unknown July 17, 2004
The Embedded Software Framework (ESF) OS is an �object-oriented� software
development kit (SDK) that provides the state-of-the-art in highest-
quality, lowest-cost, fastest time-to-market, reusable real-time software
development. It supports rapid or automated engineering of compact, high
performance real-time software on both embedded and standard platforms.

ESF RTOS is a simple, powerful, and easily customizable, object-oriented
interface to kernel services, such as thread creation and synchronization.
The interface is implemented as a thread library for POSIX or any of the
Microsoft WIN32 operating systems, or as a stand-alone, compact, true
object-oriented, preemptive real-time executive.

In the latter case, it is a �light weight� kernel of threads that share the
same address space, where operations, such as context switching and memory
allocation, are fast and deterministic.

It supports rapid or automated engineering of compact, high-performance
real-time software on both embedded and standard platforms.

Software functions are organized into intuitively and conceptually familiar
library hierarchies, so that you can quickly learn the available functions
and find the components that you need.

The result is a powerful tool that complements almost any design and
development environment and that helps to minimize the effort for
application development and to maximize the reuse and cross project
leveraging of engineering investments. Multi-threaded applications,
including complex I/O and device control software, can be engineered to be
portable and independent of a specific platform or operating system.

ESF RTOS� is one component of a suite of software frameworks for the
development of software subsystems. Additional preintegrated ESF OS
modules include TCP/IP, Web Server, E Mail Protocols, SNMP v1/v2, PPP,

EmINENT Microsystems is a premier provider of advanced software and design
services to the global embedded market. EmINENT Microsystems offers a wide
range of embedded products and ODM/OEM services including ESF OS� (Embedded
Software Framework) a royalty free object oriented RTOS and networking
suite, DSP algorithm, embedded neural network and pattern recognition
libraries. These technologies enable next generation smart devices and
embedded applications such as consumer devices, medical devices, M2M,
wireless products, remote monitoring and point of sale terminals. EmINENT
Microsystems accelerates the product development cycle and reduces overall
project costs. Discover the EmINENT advantage.

For more information, call:

John Laws
