Imagine Conference

FTDI, function FT_Write returning FT_INVALID_HANDLE

Started by blisca January 18, 2012
After hours of failed attempts i ask your help  once more

I'm writin a simple GUI  interface ,working under Windows XP, to communicate 
with some existing boards mounting  FTDI FT232RQ.

At first i used the Virtual COM VCP drivers 2.08.14 ,everything worked 
fine,but now i need to use the FTD2XX.dll functions.

Many function were working OK,as 

I have problems with FT_Write returning FT_INVALID_HANDLE,i call it just 
after verified that FT_Open returns FT_OK.

Can you explain the reason of such an error?Does it depend from previous 
installations of VCP drivers?

Many thanks

Diego: I have the same problem. �Did you solve it?�How?



El mi�rcoles, 18 de enero de 2012 08:43:44 UTC-2, blisca  escribi�:
> After hours of failed attempts i ask your help once more > > > > I'm writin a simple GUI interface ,working under Windows XP, to communicate > > with some existing boards mounting FTDI FT232RQ. > > > > At first i used the Virtual COM VCP drivers 2.08.14 ,everything worked > > fine,but now i need to use the FTD2XX.dll functions. > > > > Many function were working OK,as > > FT_ListDevices,FT_Open,FT_SetBaudRate,FT_SetDataCharacteristics. > > > > I have problems with FT_Write returning FT_INVALID_HANDLE,i call it just > > after verified that FT_Open returns FT_OK. > > > > Can you explain the reason of such an error?Does it depend from previous > > installations of VCP drivers? > > > > Many thanks > > Diego

Imagine Conference