Imagine Conference

Adlink Compact PCI (cPCI) with PXI devices

Started by Mac Decman February 24, 2012
Thought I would post this here in case someone is searching for it as
I was.  There seems to be no online reference except the PXI reference
document its self.  I came up with a correct pxisys.ini for a cPCI
chassis with PXI cards in slot 3,4,5 (you can move them to any three
slots)  where the PXI signal bus is exported to the J2 connector on
the rear of the chassis.  Might come in handy if you want to route
triggers and PXICLK10  signals onto your PXI cards.  These routes are
disabled by default on a cPCI chassis for the NI cards.

Major = 2
Minor = 1

[PXI System]
ChassisList = 1

Model = "ADLINK CPCIS-2630"
Vendor = "ADLINK Inc."
PCIBusSegmentList = 1
SlotList = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
TriggerBusList = 1,2,3
StarTriggerList = None

SlotList = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

SlotList = 3

SlotList = 4

SlotList = 5

PCISlotPath = None
PCIBusNumber = None
PCIDeviceNumber = None
LocalBusLeft = None
LocalBusRight = None
ExternalBackplaneInterface = None

PCISlotPath = A0
PCIBusNumber = 0
PCIDeviceNumber = 20
LocalBusLeft = None
LocalBusRight = None
ExternalBackplaneInterface = None

PCISlotPath = 98
PCIBusNumber = 0
PCIDeviceNumber = 19
LocalBusLeft = Slot4
LocalBusRight = None
ExternalBackplaneInterface = None

PCISlotPath = 90
PCIBusNumber = 0
PCIDeviceNumber = 18
LocalBusLeft = Slot5
LocalBusRight = Slot3
ExternalBackplaneInterface = None

PCISlotPath = 88
PCIBusNumber = 0
PCIDeviceNumber = 17
LocalBusLeft = None
LocalBusRight = Slot4
ExternalBackplaneInterface = None

PCISlotPath = 80
PCIBusNumber = 0
PCIDeviceNumber = 16
LocalBusLeft = None
LocalBusRight = None
ExternalBackplaneInterface = None

PCISlotPath = 78
PCIBusNumber = 0
PCIDeviceNumber = 15
LocalBusLeft = None
LocalBusRight = None
ExternalBackplaneInterface = None

PCISlotPath = 70
PCIBusNumber = 0
PCIDeviceNumber = 14
LocalBusLeft = None
LocalBusRight = None
ExternalBackplaneInterface = None

Hope this might help someone,
Mark DeArman

Imagine Conference