The new dsPIC33CH parts have a 6 cycle divide whereas the older dsPIC33F takes 18 cycles. The number of cycles is not data dependent. So I guess more Silicon for fewer cycles, but used how? Cheers -- Clive
dsPIC33CH Vs dsPIC33F divide.
Started by ●January 2, 2019
Reply by ●January 3, 20192019-01-03
On 1/2/2019 12:53, Clive Arthur wrote:> The new dsPIC33CH parts have a 6 cycle divide whereas the older dsPIC33F > takes 18 cycles. The number of cycles is not data dependent. > > So I guess more Silicon for fewer cycles, but used how? > > CheersI don't have any details on the dsPIC hardware, but consider the various fast division pproaches described in For the Newton-Raphson method, a better initial guess will reduce the number of steps -- Best wishes, --Phil pomartel At Comcast(ignore_this) dot net