Imagine Conference

FAT16/32 system on a MMC card

Started by terry November 8, 2004

Could anyone give me source code example to implement FAT16/32 file
system on a MMC card? I used Atmega32.

"terry" <leonlai2k@yahoo.com> skrev i meddelandet
> Hi, > > Could anyone give me source code example to implement FAT16/32 file > system on a MMC card? I used Atmega32. > > Thanks!
Check out www.AVRfreaks.net. There is someone there that will sell you FAT code for accessing an SDcard for $139. Sounds like a bargain to me. -- Best Regards, Ulf Samuelsson ulf@a-t-m-e-l.com This is a personal view which may or may not be share by my Employer Atmel Nordic AB
Hi Terry,

Take a look at the various MP3 player projects on the net. I'm sure you will
find one with a filesystem that can be adapted to MMC.

If you get really stuck, ask me about my FAT16 Compact Flash filesystem in
C. You will have to write your own low level MMC routines, but expect a
major time saving over starting from scratch.

Murray R. Van Luyn.

"terry" <leonlai2k@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> Hi, > > Could anyone give me source code example to implement FAT16/32 file > system on a MMC card? I used Atmega32. > > Thanks!

FlashFile is a source code package designed to give MSDOS compatibility to
your embedded application using SD/MMC memory modules! Standard C library
functions such as fopen, fclose, fcreate, fread, frwrite, fgetc, fputc, and
others allow easy access to data stored on an SD/MMC card by a PC as well as
an easy method of creating and maintaining data from your embedded
application that can be easily accessed by a PC. Both FAT12, and FAT16
formats are supported. The FlashFileSD library utilizes the SPI bus of the
Atmel AVR Processor as the connection to the SD/MMC memory device..

-Complete CodeVisionAVR, ImageCraft, and IAR-EWAVR project packages with an
example programs
-Designed specifically for CodeVisionAVR, ImageCraft, and the Atmel AVR
-Utilizes the SPI channel of the AVR
-Ready for use with the Mega128-Net Development Board
-Simple setup configuration through #define macros

Best Regards,
Ulf Samuelsson   ulf@a-t-m-e-l.com
This is a personal view which may or may not be
share by my Employer Atmel Nordic AB

Look at the Dave Dunfield Dos Compatible Minimal File system source at

you may be able to port it to your target.



the company I work for is selling modules, which read and write to
Compact Flash Memory Cards over a RS232 line. The FAT file system is
'on board' so you don't have to worry about it. You can read and write
files by using simple "AT+" commands over the serial line. Very simple
to use.

Check out: www.avisaro.com  - or contact me if you need a English
speaking person. 


Avisaro AG

Imagine Conference