The 2024 Embedded Online Conference

msp430f2013 Timer_A UART

Started by Unknown June 14, 2006
Hey there,

I'm trying to make a simple project work. There's a demo:
MSP430F20xx Demo - Timer_A, Ultra-Low Pwr UART 2400 Echo, 32kHz ACLK
from TI, it does work but I wanted to use p1.2&p1.6 ports instead of
(TA1 instead of TA0) so I changed lines

RXD         EQU     002h                    ; RXD on P1.1
TXD         EQU     020h                    ; TXD on P1.5


RXD         EQU     004h                    ; RXD on P1.2
TXD         EQU     040h                    ; TXD on P1.6

after that I changed &CCTL0 and &CCR0 with &CCTL1 and &CCR1
It won't work :( Any suggestions?

This is the code:

RXD         equ    004h                ; RXD on P1.2
TXD         equ    040h                ; TXD on P1.6

;   RAM Registers Used
RXTXData    equ    0200h               ; Register for RX or TX UART
BitCnt      equ    0202h               ; Register used to count UART
MYTXA        equ    'A'
;   Conditions for 1200 Baud SW UART, ACLK = 32768
Bitime_5    equ    014                  ; .5 bit length + small
Bitime      equ    027                 ; 427us bit length ~ 2341 baud


            ORG     0F800h                  ; Program Start

RESET       mov.w   #280h,SP                ; Initialize Stackpointer
            call    #Init_Sys               ; Initialize System
            mov.w   &MYTXA,&RXTXData
            call    #TX_Byte                ; TX Back RXed Byte
jmp     again

Mainloop    call    #RX_Ready               ; UART ready to RX one Byte
            bis.w   #LPM3,SR                ; Enter LPM3 Until Byte
            call    #TX_Byte                ; TX Back RXed Byte
            jmp     Mainloop                ;

Init_Sys    ; Subroutine to set-up peripherals

StopWDT     mov.w   #WDTPW+WDTHOLD,&WDTCTL  ; Stop WDT
SetupTA     mov.w   #TASSEL0+MC1,&TACTL     ; ACLK, continous mode
SetupC0     mov.w   #OUT,&CCTL1             ; TXD Idle as Mark
SetupP1_2   bis.b   #TXD,&P1SEL             ; P1.1/TA0 for TXD function
            bis.b   #TXD,&P1DIR             ; TXD output on P1
            bis.b   #RXD,&P1SEL             ; P2.2/TA0 as RXD input
            eint                            ; General Enable Interrupts
            ret                             ;

TX_Byte     ; Subroutine that Transmit One Byte from RXTXData Buffer.

TX_1        mov.w   &TAR,&CCR1              ; Current state of TA
            cmp.w   &TAR,&CCR1              ; !!Prevent async
            jne     TX_1
            add.w   #Bitime,&CCR1           ; Some time till first bit
            bis.w   #0100h, &RXTXData       ; Add mark stop bit to
            rla.w   &RXTXData               ; Add space start bit
            mov.w   #10,&BitCnt             ; Load Bit Counter, 8 data
+ SP
            mov.w   #OUTMOD0+CCIE,&CCTL1    ; TXD = mark = idle
TX_Wait     bit.w   #CCIE,&CCTL1            ; Wait for TX completion
            jnz     TX_Wait                 ;
            ret                             ;

RX_Ready  ; Subroutine that will Receive One Byte into RXTXData Buffer.

            mov.w   #08,&BitCnt              ; Load Bit Counter, 8 data
SetupRX     mov.w   #SCS+CCIS0+OUTMOD0+CM1+CAP+CCIE,&CCTL1  ; Sync,Neg
            ret                             ;

TAx_ISR  ;  CCR1/UART ISR:   RXTXData Buffer holds UART Data.

            add.w   #Bitime,&CCR1           ; Time to Next Bit
            bit.w   #CCIS1,&CCTL1           ; RX on ISCCIB?
            jnz     UART_RX                 ; Jump --> RX
UART_TX     cmp.w   #00h,&BitCnt            ;
            jne     TX_Next                 ; Next bit?
            bic.w   #CCIE,&CCTL1            ; All Bits TX or RX,
Disable Int.
            reti                            ;
TX_Next     bic.w   #OUTMOD_4,&CCTL1         ; TX Mark
            rra.w   &RXTXData               ; LSB is shifted to carry
            jc      TX_Test                 ; Jump --> bit = 1
TX_Space    bis.w   #OUTMOD_4,&CCTL1         ; TX Space
TX_Test     dec.w   &BitCnt                 ; All bits sent (or
            reti                            ;
UART_RX     bit.w   #CAP,&CCTL1             ; Compare mode for start
bit edge
            jz      RX_Bit                  ; Start bit edge?
RX_Edge     bic.w   #CAP,&CCTL1             ; Switch to Compare mode
            add.w   #Bitime_5,&CCR1         ; First databit 1.5 bits
from edge
            reti                            ;
RX_Bit      bit.w   #SCCI,&CCTL1            ; Get bit waiting in
receive latch
            rrc.b   &RXTXData                ; Store received bit
RX_Test     dec.w   &BitCnt                  ; All bits sent (or
            jnz     RX_Next                 ; Next bit?
;>>>>>>>>>> Decode of Received Byte Here
RX_Comp     bic.w   #CCIE,&CCTL1            ; All Bits RXed, Disable
            mov.w   #GIE,0(SP)              ; Decode Byte= Active in
RX_Next     reti                            ;

;           Interrupt Vectors Used MSP430x11x1

            ORG     0FFFEh                  ; MSP430 RESET Vector
            DW      RESET                   ;
            ORG     0FFF0h                  ; Timer_A0 Vector
            DW      TAx_ISR                 ;

tonykl@mail.ru wrote:
> Hey there, > > I'm trying to make a simple project work. There's a demo: > MSP430F20xx Demo - Timer_A, Ultra-Low Pwr UART 2400 Echo, 32kHz ACLK > from TI, it does work but I wanted to use p1.2&p1.6 ports instead of > p1.1&p1.5 > (TA1 instead of TA0) so I changed lines > > RXD EQU 002h ; RXD on P1.1 > TXD EQU 020h ; TXD on P1.5 > > with > > RXD EQU 004h ; RXD on P1.2 > TXD EQU 040h ; TXD on P1.6 > > after that I changed &CCTL0 and &CCR0 with &CCTL1 and &CCR1 > respectively. > It won't work :( Any suggestions?
The TACCR0 interrupt and the TACCR1 interrupt are handled differently. When you use TACCR1, the interrupt service routine should go through the TAIV vector. See SLAU144b.pdf Section 8.2.6 for details.
> again > mov.w &MYTXA,&RXTXData > call #TX_Byte ; TX Back RXed Byte Received > jmp again
&MYTX should have been #MYTXT

The 2024 Embedded Online Conference