Imagine Conference

temperature / voltage sensor recomendation?

Started by Adib Taraben December 13, 2006

In my next uC design I need to check periodically battery and uC 
temperature and battery and power-supply voltage.

I do not have a native I2C nor 1Wire on the uC wherever CAN or SPI or 
some IOs are available.
What I prefer would be a kind of simple 2wire interface to some small 
and handy sensors.

Some recommendations ? Are there some don't use sensors?


Adib Taraben wrote:
> Hello, > > In my next uC design I need to check periodically battery and uC > temperature and battery and power-supply voltage. > > I do not have a native I2C nor 1Wire on the uC wherever CAN or SPI or > some IOs are available. > What I prefer would be a kind of simple 2wire interface to some small > and handy sensors. > > Some recommendations ? Are there some don't use sensors?
You can find ADC that also include temperature sensors. I know ADI makes a few. But I have found that external ADCs tend to be a bit expensive compared to the MCU, especially when they contain a temperature sensor. I suggest that you go with an MCU that has an internal temp sensor and ADC. The ADuCxxxx family of parts are specifically designed to have good ADC at a reasonable price. The low end devices are 8051 powered and the higher end devices contain an ARM7 core.

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