**************************************************************** * Call for Articles * * IEEE Software * * Software Development for Embedded Systems * * Publication date: May/June 2009 * * Submission deadline: 01 November 2008 * * http://www.computer.org/software/cfp3.htm * **************************************************************** *** Overview *** IEEE Software seeks submissions for a special issue on embedded software. The focus is on proven engineering concepts and experiences for embedded software engineering. We look to the entire life cycle - from concept and development activities to evolution and maintenance. The scope covers embedded systems from different industry domains, such as medical, transportation, automotive, robotics and automation. Of specific interest is how best practices and methods from the enterprise and desktop domain can be transferred into the embedded domain. All information summarizing IEEE Software as well as the Call for Papers and editorial guidelines can be found at the CFP http://www.computer.org/software/cfp3.htm and the IEEE Software editorial homepage http://www.computer.org/software *** Topics of interest *** - Design methods (so-called DFX) for embedded software - Domain-specific languages for embedded systems, including hardware- related issues - Modeling practices to connect requirements, design, code, integration and system test - Experiences with state of the practice in modeling, design, verification, and validation - Communication protocols and middleware for embedded systems - Open Source and open platforms in embedded devices - Modeling of quality attributes, for instance where safety meets security - Concepts for maintenance, robustness and remote diagnosable embedded system architectures - Schemes for remote software maintenance, especially for testability and maintenance under semi-commercial conditions - The trade-off between resource utilization and innovative software technology (Composition, COTS, platforms, product line engineering) - Making verification economically and from the technology point of view feasible *** Submissions *** Submissions should have a practical orientation and be written in a style accessible to practitioners. Overly complex, purely research-based, or theoretical articles are not appropriate. Manuscripts must not exceed 5,400 words including figures and tables, which count for 200 words each. Submissions in excess of these limits may be rejected without refereeing. Articles within the theme's scope will be peer-reviewed and are subject to editing for magazine style, clarity, organization, and space. We reserve the right to edit the title of all submissions. *** Further information *** For more information, contact either Guest Editor: Christof Ebert Managing director, Vector Consulting Services mailto:christof.ebert@vector-consulting.de J=FCrgen Salecker Competence field manager for embedded systems, Siemens mailto:juergen.salecker@siemens.com For author guidelines please also check http://www.computer.org/software/aut= hor.htm ****************************************************************************= *****************

IEEE Software - Call for Articles: SW Development for Embedded Systems
Started by ●June 16, 2008