Imagine Conference

Talking to boot loader on Olimex LPC-H2214 (LPC2214 via FTDI rs232<->USB)

Started by gericjergensen December 20, 2005
I'm unable to "syncronize" with the boot loader via hyperterm on
windows or minicom on linux. I know that the serial/USB port actually
works because I'm running a modified version of Olimex's uart_echo on
the board. And, the Philip's ISP utility can do it. But, I'm trying
to get some of the Linux alternatives (like lpc21isp) to work and they
don't. My understanding is that typing a '?' to the board when it is
jumpered in ISP mode will get the on-board firmware to respond
"Syncronized". It doesn't. I get no response at all. lpc21isp
doesn't get one either.

Am I missing something? Any ideas for me to try?


An Engineer's Guide to the LPC2100 Series

At 10:04 PM 12/20/05 +0000, gericjergensen wrote:
>I'm unable to "syncronize" with the boot loader via hyperterm on
>windows or minicom on linux. I know that the serial/USB port actually
>works because I'm running a modified version of Olimex's uart_echo on
>the board. And, the Philip's ISP utility can do it. But, I'm trying
>to get some of the Linux alternatives (like lpc21isp) to work and they
>don't. My understanding is that typing a '?' to the board when it is
>jumpered in ISP mode will get the on-board firmware to respond
>"Syncronized". It doesn't. I get no response at all. lpc21isp
>doesn't get one either.
>Am I missing something? Any ideas for me to try?

What's the state of the reset line? P0.14 can be held low but the reset
line must toggle. Also make sure your baud rate is a reasonable match for
the crystal you are using. If you were to use a different baud rate in the
terminal emulator than in the Philips downloader than might contribute.

Finally get rid of hyperterminal. That thing is worth a good deal less
than you paid for it. I find realterm works reasonably well. Other have
their own favourites.


" 'Freedom' has no meaning of itself. There are always restrictions, be
they legal, genetic, or physical. If you don't believe me, try to chew a
radio signal. " -- Kelvin Throop, III

Imagine Conference