Imagine Conference

OrCAD library for LPC2000

Started by Amit January 4, 2006

I am interested in checking out some OrCAD libraries for LPC2000. Could
someone please help me out.


An Engineer's Guide to the LPC2100 Series


Sorry for the "me too" post, but I was also just about to post a request
for this. Specifically for me the LPC214x part, and more in general if
anyone knows of any good libraries with commonly used components that don't
seem to be included with OrCad.

Thanks everyone,

-- Sean

At 06:01 PM 1/4/2006, you wrote:
>I am interested in checking out some OrCAD libraries for LPC2000. Could
>someone please help me out.

Here is mine....

From: lpc2000@lpc2... [mailto:lpc2000@lpc2...] On Behalf
Of Sean
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 3:20 PM
To: lpc2000@lpc2...
Subject: Re: [lpc2000] OrCAD library for LPC2000


Sorry for the "me too" post, but I was also just about to post a request

for this. Specifically for me the LPC214x part, and more in general if
anyone knows of any good libraries with commonly used components that
seem to be included with OrCad.

Thanks everyone,

-- Sean

At 06:01 PM 1/4/2006, you wrote:
>I am interested in checking out some OrCAD libraries for LPC2000. Could
>someone please help me out.


> .

Sorry for not helping answer, but it takes half an
hour to make 144 pin component in Capture or Layout.
Using Copy and Paste from the Datasheet. --- Amit <emailakb@emai...> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am interested in checking out some OrCAD libraries
> for LPC2000. Could
> someone please help me out.
> Thanks,
> Amit >

Yahoo! DSL Something to write home about.
Just $16.99/mo. or less.

> > Hi,
> > I am interested in checking out some OrCAD libraries
> > for LPC2000. Could someone please help me out.
> > Thanks,
> > Amit

> From: lpc2000@lpc2... [mailto:lpc2000@lpc2...] On Behalf
> Of 3gpabko
> Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 4:42 AM
> To: lpc2000@lpc2...
> Subject: Re: [lpc2000] OrCAD library for LPC2000
> Sorry for not helping answer, but it takes half an
> hour to make 144 pin component in Capture or Layout.
> Using Copy and Paste from the Datasheet.

I have to agree. By the time you typed your post and have read all of the
responses you could have made your own part. I've even done around 1000 pin
FPGA's in an hour or so using the cut and paste method...

Take the time and learn how to use Captures symbol editor, it won't be
wasted time.

... and I've got 20 or so ICs in my design, 4 or 5 major ones, so if
someone had already made them then I could save myself 5 or 6 hours of work
... I'm particularly looking for the footprints, since those can be tricky
and need to be very precise.

-- Sean

At 05:41 AM 1/5/2006, you wrote:
>Sorry for not helping answer, but it takes half an
>hour to make 144 pin component in Capture or Layout.
>Using Copy and Paste from the Datasheet. >--- Amit <emailakb@emai...> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am interested in checking out some OrCAD libraries
> > for LPC2000. Could
> > someone please help me out.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Amit
> >
> >
> >
> >
>Yahoo! DSL Something to write home about.
>Just $16.99/mo. or less.
>dsl.yahoo.com >
>>Yahoo! Terms of Service. >----------

It's not that I (or others) don't know how to use these things, it's just
that everyone is always under very tight time constraints. If you need to
take a day to create the physical parts in your CAD software then that's
one more day until you're complete. When you're working on tight deadlines
and 10 hour days to meet unrealistic deadlines then that starts to make a
big difference. Add in the fact that (typically in my experience) every
extra hour spent in the original design phase planning and thinking is
worth 4 hours of debugging time. Rush the design, spend a lot more time
debugging. So saving a day by using libraries already made, which are
already tested and known to work, can save several days down the
line. Waste not, want not.

And it doesn't take a day to read a few responses :)

-- Sean

At 08:41 AM 1/5/2006, you wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I am interested in checking out some OrCAD libraries
> > > for LPC2000. Could someone please help me out.
> > > Thanks,
> > > Amit
> > From: lpc2000@lpc2... [mailto:lpc2000@lpc2...] On Behalf
> > Of 3gpabko
> > Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 4:42 AM
> > To: lpc2000@lpc2...
> > Subject: Re: [lpc2000] OrCAD library for LPC2000
> > Sorry for not helping answer, but it takes half an
> > hour to make 144 pin component in Capture or Layout.
> > Using Copy and Paste from the Datasheet.
>I have to agree. By the time you typed your post and have read all of the
>responses you could have made your own part. I've even done around 1000 pin
>FPGA's in an hour or so using the cut and paste method...
>Take the time and learn how to use Captures symbol editor, it won't be
>wasted time.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: lpc2000@lpc2... [mailto:lpc2000@lpc2...] On Behalf
> Of Sean
> Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 10:21 AM
> To: lpc2000@lpc2...
> Subject: RE: [lpc2000] OrCAD library for LPC2000 > It's not that I (or others) don't know how to use these things, it's just
> that everyone is always under very tight time constraints. If you need to
> take a day to create the physical parts in your CAD software then that's
> one more day until you're complete. When you're working on tight
> deadlines
> and 10 hour days to meet unrealistic deadlines then that starts to make a
> big difference. Add in the fact that (typically in my experience) every
> extra hour spent in the original design phase planning and thinking is
> worth 4 hours of debugging time. Rush the design, spend a lot more time
> debugging. So saving a day by using libraries already made, which are
> already tested and known to work, can save several days down the
> line. Waste not, want not.
> And it doesn't take a day to read a few responses :)

And when that 1000 pin FPGA symbol you got from somewhere has several errors
in it, those 60 minutes you saved your self turns into a nightmare when you
get your PCB's back :) How do you know that symbol you just got from Joe
Schmo in an email attachment has ever been used or tested before?

I see this all of the time and after being burnt by it several times I now
make EVERY symbol and footprint that goes on my PCB's. I've not used an
OrCad supplied symbol in years.

Sorry if it seems like I'm dumping on you, but I've been doing schematic's
and PCB's for 20+ years and I'm just trying to help you out in the long

Greg Deuerling
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Imagine Conference