Imagine Conference

installing GNUARM in Ubuntu

Started by "Ezequiel L. Aceto" June 27, 2006

I have programmed arm7 in Windows, and now I'm moving to Linux Ubuntu.
I have installed eclipse and other tools, but not the GNUARM
toolchain, which I use to compile Philips LPC2000 MCU software.
I have download the binary of GCC-3.4 toolchain, and extract it to
/usr/share/gnuarm (binutils-2.15, gcc-3.4.3-c-c++-java, newlib-1.12.0,
insight-6.1, TAR BZ2 [56.0MB]). I also put there the headers that are
on the gnuarm page. After including the bin directory into the PATH, I
have compiled a simple program, and it compiled without errors. But
as I don't have my programmer here to test it, I would like to know if
with that steps that I made the installation of GNUARM was completed,
and the file that generated was ok for the arm7tdmi family.
Also I saw that there are new versions of newlib, how can I incorpore
those versions?
Are there more or newer headers file for ARM MCU than the ones in

Thanks very much,
Ezequiel L. Aceto

An Engineer's Guide to the LPC2100 Series

Imagine Conference