Imagine Conference

Program xilinx CPLD by LPC2292 Jtag

Started by fabicenn September 18, 2006
Hi I'm a begineer in LPCxxxx programming,
I want create a test PCB board with LPC2292, for uP (fujitsu), CPLD
(xilinx) and DSP (Texas) PCB board, for make this I'd like to programm
by JTAG this devices. How can I make this?
Do you know how I can program Xilinx cpld without use IMPACT but use
directly my LPCxxxx?
Have you some suggestions?
Thanks Fabio

An Engineer's Guide to the LPC2100 Series

----- Original Message -----
From: "fabicenn"
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 9:15 AM
Subject: [lpc2000] Program xilinx CPLD by LPC2292 Jtag
> Hi I'm a begineer in LPCxxxx programming,
> I want create a test PCB board with LPC2292, for uP (fujitsu), CPLD
> (xilinx) and DSP (Texas) PCB board, for make this I'd like to programm
> by JTAG this devices. How can I make this?
> Do you know how I can program Xilinx cpld without use IMPACT but use
> directly my LPCxxxx?

Xilinx has some application notes on configuring CPLDs and FPGAs with MCUs,
and a description of the protocol. I've done something similar in the past,
configuring an Altera device with a DSP. You need to ensure that you have
enough storage for the configuration file, of course. It might take up a lot
of your available flash memory on the LPC2292 but you could always use a
suitable serial memory chip.

--- In l..., "fabicenn" wrote:
> Hi I'm a begineer in LPCxxxx programming,
> I want create a test PCB board with LPC2292, for uP (fujitsu), CPLD
> (xilinx) and DSP (Texas) PCB board, for make this I'd like to programm
> by JTAG this devices. How can I make this?
> Do you know how I can program Xilinx cpld without use IMPACT but use
> directly my LPCxxxx?
> Have you some suggestions?
> Thanks Fabio

It is not hard to drive GPIO pins to program CPLD using JTAG starting
with the IEEE1532 data file (with .isc extension). If you are using
Webpack ISE to generate the bitmap, you the IEEE1532 bsd including in
this package for your particular part has the programming method and
timing information.

Hope this helps.

>3a. Program xilinx CPLD by LPC2292 Jtag
> Posted by: "fabicenn" f...@tin.it fabicenn
> Date: Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:33 am (PDT)

>Hi I'm a begineer in LPCxxxx programming,
>I want create a test PCB board with LPC2292, for uP (fujitsu), CPLD
>(xilinx) and DSP (Texas) PCB board, for make this I'd like to programm
>by JTAG this devices. How can I make this?
>Do you know how I can program Xilinx cpld without use IMPACT but use
>directly my LPCxxxx?
>Have you some suggestions?
>Thanks Fabio

Just FYI, you mention use of impact - in my experience mixing multiple
manufacturers in the same jtag chain is *bad*, *bad*, *bad*. You're
supposed to be able to do it, given the length of each shift register
is known, but beware the proprietary hidden beneath - we had boards
with Atmel parts and Xilinx in the chain, impact would program the
xilinx all day with no problems, but if you hit the atmel parts (with
their own programmers, no less!) it roasted them after a couple of
program cycles. We sent boards to Norway and Atmel said, "yup.
they're fried. all the internal jtag flash locations are zeroed". We
reproduced this very carefully having never programmed the Xilinx
parts at all, and the Atmel stuff would still go down. If you
bypassed the Xilinx TDO-TDI with wire, and reset the shift register
length on the Atmel programmer, no problems. It killed the project
right there. Word to the wise, don't mix apples & oranges. Now it
looks like you wanted to implement a jtag on the gpio pins of the lpc,
that's great, but in case it isn't, be warned. Atmel was in a state
of disbelief that the internal registers could have even been modified
over jtag (or anything else but in their assembly line). I risk
digression, so good day!

----- Original Message -----
From: "paloalgodon"
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 10:24 PM
Subject: [lpc2000] Re: Program xilinx CPLD by LPC2292 Jtag
> >3a. Program xilinx CPLD by LPC2292 Jtag
> > Posted by: "fabicenn" f...@tin.it fabicenn
> > Date: Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:33 am (PDT)
>>Hi I'm a begineer in LPCxxxx programming,
>>I want create a test PCB board with LPC2292, for uP (fujitsu), CPLD
>>(xilinx) and DSP (Texas) PCB board, for make this I'd like to programm
>>by JTAG this devices. How can I make this?
>>Do you know how I can program Xilinx cpld without use IMPACT but use
>>directly my LPCxxxx?
>>Have you some suggestions?
>>Thanks Fabio
> Just FYI, you mention use of impact - in my experience mixing multiple
> manufacturers in the same jtag chain is *bad*, *bad*, *bad*. You're
> supposed to be able to do it, given the length of each shift register
> is known, but beware the proprietary hidden beneath - we had boards
> with Atmel parts and Xilinx in the chain, impact would program the
> xilinx all day with no problems, but if you hit the atmel parts (with
> their own programmers, no less!) it roasted them after a couple of
> program cycles. We sent boards to Norway and Atmel said, "yup.
> they're fried. all the internal jtag flash locations are zeroed". We
> reproduced this very carefully having never programmed the Xilinx
> parts at all, and the Atmel stuff would still go down. If you
> bypassed the Xilinx TDO-TDI with wire, and reset the shift register
> length on the Atmel programmer, no problems. It killed the project
> right there. Word to the wise, don't mix apples & oranges. Now it
> looks like you wanted to implement a jtag on the gpio pins of the lpc,
> that's great, but in case it isn't, be warned. Atmel was in a state
> of disbelief that the internal registers could have even been modified
> over jtag (or anything else but in their assembly line). I risk
> digression, so good day!

He actually wants to configure the CPLD using the LPC2292, rather than
having both devices on the same JTAG chain.

Leon Heller, G1HSM
Suzuki SV1000S motorcycle

Imagine Conference