Imagine Conference

IAR J-Link JTAG debugger + Linux + GCC

Started by jcwren July 29, 2007
I've hit the wall where printf() debugging isn't going to fix a
problem I've run into.

I've got a USB IAR J-Link dongle, the Olimex LPC-P2148 board,
arm-elf-gcc, and a Linux box. Can I make this stuff play together?
Got a pointer to a guide on making this work?

I've been Googling, but so far I've mostly found Windows solutions.
Running the IAR software is not an option. If I *have* to build/buy a
Wiggler, I'll do it, but it'd sure seem a waste not to be able use
this IAR thing.


An Engineer's Guide to the LPC2100 Series

jcwren wrote:
> I've hit the wall where printf() debugging isn't going to fix a
> problem I've run into.
> I've got a USB IAR J-Link dongle, the Olimex LPC-P2148 board,
> arm-elf-gcc, and a Linux box. Can I make this stuff play together?
> Got a pointer to a guide on making this work?
> I've been Googling, but so far I've mostly found Windows solutions.
> Running the IAR software is not an option. If I *have* to build/buy a
> Wiggler, I'll do it, but it'd sure seem a waste not to be able use
> this IAR thing.

I have absolutely no clue as to what an "USB IAR J-Link dongle" is.
BUT(!), I did mess around with the USB thingy that sparkfun sells:

I ran it under linux using OpenOCD. My experiences, and info, may help
shed some light on what you are doing?


Tom Walsh - WN3L - Embedded Systems Consultant
http://openhardware.net http://cyberiansoftware.com http://openzipit.org
"Windows? No thanks, I have work to do..."
Yes, definitely. I have no idea what's in this IAR JLink thingy, but
it came with a STR912 board a rep gave me. It'll work with the ARM7
with IAR's Windows software, but ... no Windows (DO NOT WANT, if
you're a icanhascheezburger.com cultee).

If you've had success with the USB Wiggler (or whatever that thing you
linked to is called), I'd like to hear how that works for you. If
you're happy with it, I'll order one tomorrow.


--- In l..., Tom Walsh wrote:
> jcwren wrote:
> >
> > I've hit the wall where printf() debugging isn't going to fix a
> > problem I've run into.
> >
> > I've got a USB IAR J-Link dongle, the Olimex LPC-P2148 board,
> > arm-elf-gcc, and a Linux box. Can I make this stuff play together?
> > Got a pointer to a guide on making this work?
> >
> > I've been Googling, but so far I've mostly found Windows solutions.
> > Running the IAR software is not an option. If I *have* to build/buy a
> > Wiggler, I'll do it, but it'd sure seem a waste not to be able use
> > this IAR thing.
> > I have absolutely no clue as to what an "USB IAR J-Link dongle" is.
> BUT(!), I did mess around with the USB thingy that sparkfun sells:
> http://www.openhardware.net/Embedded_ARM/OpenOCD_JTAG/
> I ran it under linux using OpenOCD. My experiences, and info, may help
> shed some light on what you are doing?
> TomW
> --
> Tom Walsh - WN3L - Embedded Systems Consultant
> http://openhardware.net http://cyberiansoftware.com http://openzipit.org
> "Windows? No thanks, I have work to do..."
> ----------------
jcwren wrote:
> Yes, definitely. I have no idea what's in this IAR JLink thingy, but
> it came with a STR912 board a rep gave me. It'll work with the ARM7
> with IAR's Windows software, but ... no Windows (DO NOT WANT, if
> you're a icanhascheezburger. com cultee).
> If you've had success with the USB Wiggler (or whatever that thing you
> linked to is called), I'd like to hear how that works for you. If
> you're happy with it, I'll order one tomorrow.

It is a little clumsy to use, in the sense of programming the flash
memory contents. There is probably an easy way to do that, but I have
not really looked. It will program the internal flash though. Other
than that, and it is not quite as fast as the abatron bdi-2000 that I
have, it works about the same.

Of course, you always get what you pay for. The USB wigglers are not as
fast as the BDI-2000 when it comes to single stepping through your
code. Having said that, if you want to save yourself $2400 then get one
of the USB wigglers. I think that the Amontec mini USB JTAG would also
work for you if Sparkfun is out of theirs.
Tom Walsh - WN3L - Embedded Systems Consultant
http://openhardware.net http://cyberiansoftware.com http://openzipit.org
"Windows? No thanks, I have work to do..."

Imagine Conference