Imagine Conference

Does code read protection exist on the LPC2106 ?

Started by smt5211 October 6, 2004


I know that code read protection exists on the
LPC2114,2124,2212,2214. Does code read protection exist on the

If it doesnt, will the bootloader eventually support this feature?

If the LPC2106 doesnt have code protection, then we're going to have
to use a PIC (gasp! horror!)


An Engineer's Guide to the LPC2100 Series

At 01:15 AM 10/7/04 +0000, you wrote:
>I know that code read protection exists on the
>LPC2114,2124,2212,2214. Does code read protection exist on the

No (I think we may need to start building a FAQ).

>If it doesnt, will the bootloader eventually support this feature?

Also no, There was a recent post from philips_apps on this, apparently a
re-spin of the silicon would be required.


" 'Freedom' has no meaning of itself. There are always restrictions,
be they legal, genetic, or physical. If you don't believe me, try to
chew a radio signal. "

Kelvin Throop, III

At 03:22 PM 10/7/04 +0000, you wrote:
># How do I enable LPC2000 Flash Read protection?
>64-pin/144-pin LPC2000 devices with a Boot Loader ID >= 1.6 have flash
>Read Protection (you can check your device's ID using FlashLPC). Code

Ashling's answer is incomplete. From the 'Flash security' thread just a
little while ago.

"Hello Armando,

Richard is right, The LPC2104 / 2105 and 2106 do not support code read
protection. Somebody with a JTAG debugger can go in an read your code.
All other devices of the LPC2000-family do support code read protection.

Application Support Philips" Robert

" 'Freedom' has no meaning of itself. There are always restrictions,
be they legal, genetic, or physical. If you don't believe me, try to
chew a radio signal. "

Kelvin Throop, III

--- In , "smt5211" <shane@d...> wrote:
> Hi,
> I know that code read protection exists on the
> LPC2114,2124,2212,2214. Does code read protection exist on the
> LPC2106.
> If it doesnt, will the bootloader eventually support this feature?
> If the LPC2106 doesnt have code protection, then we're going to
> to use a PIC (gasp! horror!)
> Shane.

Hi Shane,

As Robert said the LPC210X family does not support code read
protection (great mistake from Philips). If you are working in a cost
effective product, probably you can use a PIC or wait for the
AT91SAM7S Atmel ARM7 family.


Just for information LPC2210 too ? (no flash integrated ...)
----- Original Message -----
From: Robert Adsett
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 8:28 PM
Subject: Re: [lpc2000] Re: Does code read protection exist on the LPC2106 ? At 03:22 PM 10/7/04 +0000, you wrote:
># How do I enable LPC2000 Flash Read protection?
>64-pin/144-pin LPC2000 devices with a Boot Loader ID >= 1.6 have flash
>Read Protection (you can check your device's ID using FlashLPC). Code

Ashling's answer is incomplete. From the 'Flash security' thread just a
little while ago.

"Hello Armando,

Richard is right, The LPC2104 / 2105 and 2106 do not support code read
protection. Somebody with a JTAG debugger can go in an read your code.
All other devices of the LPC2000-family do support code read protection.

Application Support Philips" Robert

" 'Freedom' has no meaning of itself. There are always restrictions,
be they legal, genetic, or physical. If you don't believe me, try to
chew a radio signal. "

Kelvin Throop, III ------
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At 09:29 AM 10/8/04 +0200, you wrote:
>Just for information LPC2210 too ? (no flash integrated ...)

With no internal flash there is nothing to protect. The point is moot.

Protecting external flash would require some sort of encrypted bus.

Robert " 'Freedom' has no meaning of itself. There are always restrictions,
be they legal, genetic, or physical. If you don't believe me, try to
chew a radio signal. "

Kelvin Throop, III

It's just for complete the list of LPC who have'nt code read protection.

I find this groups very usefull, and interresting, thank for all.

Sebastien (always in search of technic to swap in boot mode by software)
----- Original Message -----
From: Robert Adsett
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: [lpc2000] Re: Does code read protection exist on the LPC2106 ? At 09:29 AM 10/8/04 +0200, you wrote:
>Just for information LPC2210 too ? (no flash integrated ...)

With no internal flash there is nothing to protect. The point is moot.

Protecting external flash would require some sort of encrypted bus.

Robert " 'Freedom' has no meaning of itself. There are always restrictions,
be they legal, genetic, or physical. If you don't believe me, try to
chew a radio signal. "

Kelvin Throop, III ------
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