Hi Group
>When I debug in CrossWorks (Release 1.7 build 6) I often loose all the
>two hardware breakpoints. With "loose the breackpoints" I mean that even
>though NO breakpoints (or only one) is set, CrossWorks tells me that no
>more breakpoints are available.
Same here. I am running Release 1.7 build 14. I frequently get into a
mode where no breakpoints are shown but CrossWorks reports no hardware
breakpoints available. I am using CrossConnect JTAG debugger.
Only recourse is to restart CrossWorks.
Any on else seeing this or have a solution?
>It most often happens when I either hit a breakpoint
that was set and
>then try to singlestep (even though only ONE breakpoint is used) or if I
>use previousely the "run to" (with no other breakpoint set) and then try
>to continue.
>Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? Does it eventually relate
>to the JTAG dongle I'm using (AmonTec JTAG tiny in my case).
Re: CrossWorks Debugger loosing breakpoints?
Started by ●February 26, 2009
Reply by ●February 26, 20092009-02-26
I've seen this too, on occasion.
I believe that sometimes, to do a break on a line of C code requires a
breakpoint at TWO ASM instructions. Check your disassembly.
Also worth trying, is to clear ALL breakpoints (not one by one), then
try to set them again. "ctrl-shift-F9" should clear all of them.
Having only two available can be a pain sometimes.
I believe that sometimes, to do a break on a line of C code requires a
breakpoint at TWO ASM instructions. Check your disassembly.
Also worth trying, is to clear ALL breakpoints (not one by one), then
try to set them again. "ctrl-shift-F9" should clear all of them.
Having only two available can be a pain sometimes.
Reply by ●February 26, 20092009-02-26
Hi Group
>When I debug in CrossWorks (Release 1.7 build 6) I often loose all the
>two hardware breakpoints. With "loose the breackpoints" I mean that
>though NO breakpoints (or only one) is set, CrossWorks tells me that no
>more breakpoints are available.
*Same here. I am running Release 1.7 build 14. I frequently get into a
*mode where no breakpoints are shown but CrossWorks reports no hardware
*breakpoints available. I am using CrossConnect JTAG debugger.
*Only recourse is to restart CrossWorks.
If it's any consolation, this sometimes happens with Eclipse too. Delete
all doesn't work either; it's like it permanently loses track of a
hardware interrupt and restarting is the only option. The most common is
to lose 1 interrupt and then only have 1 to play with (which means
removing all ints so you can use the one remaining to single step...but
it's sometimes worth limping on if you've got somewhere important.
Luckily it doesn't happen too often.
Solution would be to wait for Crossworks 2, which will have
reprogramming flash segments to allow many interrupts.
>When I debug in CrossWorks (Release 1.7 build 6) I often loose all the
>two hardware breakpoints. With "loose the breackpoints" I mean that
>though NO breakpoints (or only one) is set, CrossWorks tells me that no
>more breakpoints are available.
*Same here. I am running Release 1.7 build 14. I frequently get into a
*mode where no breakpoints are shown but CrossWorks reports no hardware
*breakpoints available. I am using CrossConnect JTAG debugger.
*Only recourse is to restart CrossWorks.
If it's any consolation, this sometimes happens with Eclipse too. Delete
all doesn't work either; it's like it permanently loses track of a
hardware interrupt and restarting is the only option. The most common is
to lose 1 interrupt and then only have 1 to play with (which means
removing all ints so you can use the one remaining to single step...but
it's sometimes worth limping on if you've got somewhere important.
Luckily it doesn't happen too often.
Solution would be to wait for Crossworks 2, which will have
reprogramming flash segments to allow many interrupts.
Reply by ●February 27, 20092009-02-27
> Hi Group
> >
> >When I debug in CrossWorks (Release 1.7 build 6) I often loose all
> >two hardware breakpoints. With "loose the breackpoints" I mean that
> even
> >though NO breakpoints (or only one) is set, CrossWorks tells me
that no
> >more breakpoints are available.
> > *Same here. I am running Release 1.7 build 14. I frequently get into
It may not fix your problems, but I would always download and install
the latest version of the software. The latest build of Crossworks is
1.7build17. Also if you are using the crossconnect Jtag debugger make
sure this has the lastest firmware.
Note you can install the newer version of Crossworks in a different
directory so it will not overwrite you existing install.
> >
> >When I debug in CrossWorks (Release 1.7 build 6) I often loose all
> >two hardware breakpoints. With "loose the breackpoints" I mean that
> even
> >though NO breakpoints (or only one) is set, CrossWorks tells me
that no
> >more breakpoints are available.
> > *Same here. I am running Release 1.7 build 14. I frequently get into
It may not fix your problems, but I would always download and install
the latest version of the software. The latest build of Crossworks is
1.7build17. Also if you are using the crossconnect Jtag debugger make
sure this has the lastest firmware.
Note you can install the newer version of Crossworks in a different
directory so it will not overwrite you existing install.