Imagine Conference

Getting OpenOCD running with Olimex ARM-USB-OCD & LPC-E2294 board

Started by peter_lanius October 3, 2009

I am switching from Atmel AVR to LPC-22xx development and have to learn from scratch yet again ;(

I am following James Lynch's tutorial (Rev C) for getting up and running, but I am using the Olimex LPC-E2294 board. I am using the Olimex ARM-USB-OCD JTAG.

I have successfully installed the Olimex ARM-USB-OCD drivers, OpenOCD 0.2, YAGARTO toolchain and Eclipse.

The next step in the tutorial is running OpenOCD inside Eclipse. I have created a board configuration file for the LPC-2294 board in the OpenOCD /board directory that simply points to the LPC-2294 target. I further use the "olimex-arm-usb-ocd.cfg" file.

When I press 'Run' in Eclipse the configuration files for both board and interface are processed ok, but then I get the error message "unable to open ftdi device : device not found".

The board is powered up and tests successfully and the JTAG is connected and green LED is on.

What am I missing?


An Engineer's Guide to the LPC2100 Series

You need to start openocd outside of eclipse. It sets up a listen port
on 4444 and then eclipse will connect to it.
When openocd is successfully started and connected to your target your
green led will flash orange/green. Only then can you start the debugger
in eclipse.

My script looks like this:
$ cat bin/ocd
cd "/c/Program Files (x86)/openocd-r717/bin"
./openocd-ftd2xx.exe -f scripts/lpc2148/lpc2xxx_armusbocd.cfg

Am 10/2/2009 2:57 AM, also sprach peter_lanius:
> Hi,
> I am switching from Atmel AVR to LPC-22xx development and have to learn from scratch yet again ;(
> I am following James Lynch's tutorial (Rev C) for getting up and running, but I am using the Olimex LPC-E2294 board. I am using the Olimex ARM-USB-OCD JTAG.
> I have successfully installed the Olimex ARM-USB-OCD drivers, OpenOCD 0.2, YAGARTO toolchain and Eclipse.
> The next step in the tutorial is running OpenOCD inside Eclipse. I have created a board configuration file for the LPC-2294 board in the OpenOCD /board directory that simply points to the LPC-2294 target. I further use the "olimex-arm-usb-ocd.cfg" file.
> When I press 'Run' in Eclipse the configuration files for both board and interface are processed ok, but then I get the error message "unable to open ftdi device : device not found".
> The board is powered up and tests successfully and the JTAG is connected and green LED is on.
> What am I missing?
> Thanks
> Peter
Hi Peter

I have exactly the same problem. Before it was working, but since I tried to upgrade to OpenOCD 0.2 I have this "unable to open ftdi device : device not found" error message. (I run under XP)

Did you solve this issue ?


>I am switching from Atmel AVR to LPC-22xx development and have to learn from scratch yet again ;(
>I am following James Lynch's tutorial (Rev C) for getting up and running, but I am using the Olimex LPC-E2294 board. I am using the Olimex ARM-USB-OCD JTAG.
>I have successfully installed the Olimex ARM-USB-OCD drivers, OpenOCD 0.2, YAGARTO toolchain and Eclipse.
>The next step in the tutorial is running OpenOCD inside Eclipse. I have created a board configuration file for the LPC-2294 board in the OpenOCD /board directory that simply points to the LPC-2294 target. I further use the "olimex-arm-usb-ocd.cfg" file.
>When I press 'Run' in Eclipse the configuration files for both board and interface are processed ok, but then I get the error message "unable to open ftdi device : device not found".
>The board is powered up and tests successfully and the JTAG is connected and green LED is on.
>What am I missing?

Imagine Conference