Imagine Conference

Olimex ARM-JTAG not working on laptop

Started by "tushar.0211" August 31, 2010
Hi all,
I bought a Olimex board LPC2378 STK and also Olimex ARM-JTAG(wiggler type) and now not able to establish connection of the JTAG with my laptop which doesn't have parallel and serial port.As the JTAG is of wiggler type I am using parallel port to USB converter but still using H-JTAG server is not able to detect the hardware.Please guide me how to make this work on laptop.


An Engineer's Guide to the LPC2100 Series

--- In l..., "tushar.0211" wrote:
> Hi all,
> I bought a Olimex board LPC2378 STK and also Olimex ARM-JTAG(wiggler type) and now not able to establish connection of the JTAG with my laptop which doesn't have parallel and serial port.As the JTAG is of wiggler type I am using parallel port to USB converter but still using H-JTAG server is not able to detect the hardware.Please guide me how to make this work on laptop.
> Thanks,
> Tushar

That USB interface is probably made for driving printers and won't work with a Wiggler clone. You need to get a USB JTAG.


Hi all,
>I bought a Olimex board LPC2378 STK and also Olimex ARM-JTAG(wiggler type) and now not able to establish connection of the JTAG with my laptop which doesn't have parallel and serial port.As the JTAG is of wiggler type I am using parallel port to USB converter but still using H-JTAG server is not able to detect the hardware.Please guide me how to make this work on laptop.

can i use PCMCIA parallel port converter for that.will it detect taht as a rea paralel port?
--- In l..., tushar.2nov@... wrote:
> Hi all,
> >I bought a Olimex board LPC2378 STK and also Olimex ARM-JTAG(wiggler type) and now not able to establish connection of the JTAG with my laptop which doesn't have parallel and serial port.As the JTAG is of wiggler type I am using parallel port to USB converter but still using H-JTAG server is not able to detect the hardware.Please guide me how to make this work on laptop.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Tushar
> >
> >
> >
> > thanks,
> can i use PCMCIA parallel port converter for that.will it detect taht as a rea paralel port?

The USB parallel port won't work. The PCMCIA unit might work, or it might not, it's impossible to say. Just buy a USB JTAG adapter, it'll probably be cheaper.


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