Imagine Conference


Started by hc08jb8 September 20, 2004
Hello Guys

I am using ADC10 on a F1232, A0 is wired to the adc out of a pressure 
sensor, the sensor is powered by the same battery as the MCU, in 
order to get the Vcc as a reference point, does REFOUT has to be set 
and it be powered by this reference output?


Beginning Microcontrollers with the MSP430

NO. As long as you have selected Vcc as the A/D reference, and have 
decoupled all the pins as per the data sheets then NO. Equally important 
is to have a dedicated AVcc supply. This can be as simple as a Vcc track 
that ONLY connects to Analog devices, and which is separately decoupled.


hc08jb8 wrote:

> Hello Guys
> I am using ADC10 on a F1232, A0 is wired to the adc out of a pressure 
> sensor, the sensor is powered by the same battery as the MCU, in 
> order to get the Vcc as a reference point, does REFOUT has to be set 
> and it be powered by this reference output?
> Thanks
> Jay
> .
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Imagine Conference