Imagine Conference

Using the UART (MSP430F449)

Started by ponkilolly April 13, 2003
I am trying to just write a simple routine that uses the UART and I 
have been experiencing some trouble.  I am using the 32kHz crystal 
as it is specified and just running the example they have on the 
msp430 webpage for using the UART.  I connected the transmitter of 
the UART to the serial port on the computer and tried to received 
some data using hyperterm but I don't get anything.  I was wondering 
if anyone could maybe 'shine some light' on this issue.  Also, one 
more question...I am not even sure at what speed does the CPU run on 
this micro, I have looked through a lot of documentation and have 
not been able to find something helpful.  I am very grateful for any 
information on the matter.


Beginning Microcontrollers with the MSP430

Do you have an RS-232 transceiver somewhere between your UART and the PC ?
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: ponkilolly 
  To: msp430@msp4... 
  Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2003 10:00 PM
  Subject: [msp430] Using the UART (MSP430F449)

  I am trying to just write a simple routine that uses the UART and I 
  have been experiencing some trouble.  I am using the 32kHz crystal 
  as it is specified and just running the example they have on the 
  msp430 webpage for using the UART.  I connected the transmitter of 
  the UART to the serial port on the computer and tried to received 
  some data using hyperterm but I don't get anything.  I was wondering 
  if anyone could maybe 'shine some light' on this issue.  Also, one 
  more question...I am not even sure at what speed does the CPU run on 
  this micro, I have looked through a lot of documentation and have 
  not been able to find something helpful.  I am very grateful for any 
  information on the matter.





>  I am using the 32kHz crystal
> as it is specified and just running the example
they have on the
> msp430 webpage for using the UART.  I connected the transmitter of
> the UART to the serial port on the computer and tried to received
> some data using hyperterm but I don't get anything.

Could you give a link to the webpage?

Did you use an RS232 driver (like a MAX232) to connect the transmitter
output to the PC?

Like  said dont forget that you can't connect directly to the PC, you
must go through a RS232 Transceiver, like the MAX232, the routine that I
have to write on the USART is simple, but I couldnt find any way to use
the serial PORT over 4800Bps, on a crystal of 32Khz. The inicialization
is very easy, and done accordingly with the DATASHEET
  UCTL0 = CHAR;                         // 8-bit character
  ME2 |= UTXE0 + URXE0;            // Enabled USART0 TXD/RXD
  IE2 |= URXIE0;                          // Enabled USART0 RX interrupt
  P3SEL |= 0x30;                        // P3.4,5 = USART0 TXD/RXD
  P3DIR |= 0x10;                         // P3.4 output direction
   UTCTL0 = SSEL0;                       // UCLK = ACLK
  UBR00 = 0x06;                         // 32k/4800 - 6.6
  UBR10 = 0x00;                         
  UMCTL0 = 0x6B;                        // Modulation
I use an interrupt to manage the bytes sent:
void usart0_rx (void) __interrupt[UART0RX_VECTOR] 
  _BIC_SR_IRQ(LPM3_bits);               // Clear LPM3 bits from 0(SR)
and to acess the serial port is just wait until they receive a complete
_BIS_SR(LPM3_bits);                   // Wait in LPM3 until character

 TXBUF0=RXBUF0; //This echoes the serial PORT
Hope this helps
-----Original Message-----
From: ponkilolly [mailto:ponkilolly@ponk...] 
Sent: segunda-feira, 14 de Abril de 2003 3:01
To: msp430@msp4...
Subject: [msp430] Using the UART (MSP430F449)
I am trying to just write a simple routine that uses the UART and I 
have been experiencing some trouble.  I am using the 32kHz crystal 
as it is specified and just running the example they have on the 
msp430 webpage for using the UART.  I connected the transmitter of 
the UART to the serial port on the computer and tried to received 
some data using hyperterm but I don't get anything.  I was wondering 
if anyone could maybe 'shine some light' on this issue.  Also, one 
more question...I am not even sure at what speed does the CPU run on 
this micro, I have looked through a lot of documentation and have 
not been able to find something helpful.  I am very grateful for any 
information on the matter.





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----- Original Message -----
From: "ponkilolly" <ponkilolly@ponk...>
To: <msp430@msp4...>
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 3:00 AM
Subject: [msp430] Using the UART (MSP430F449)

> Hi!
> I am trying to just write a simple routine that uses the UART and I
> have been experiencing some trouble.  I am using the 32kHz crystal
> as it is specified and just running the example they have on the
> msp430 webpage for using the UART.  I connected the transmitter of
> the UART to the serial port on the computer and tried to received
> some data using hyperterm but I don't get anything.  I was wondering
> if anyone could maybe 'shine some light' on this issue.  Also,
> more question...I am not even sure at what speed does the CPU run on
> this micro, I have looked through a lot of documentation and have
> not been able to find something helpful.  I am very grateful for any
> information on the matter.

Have you checked the output from the MSP430 with a scope? Is your RS-232
driver working? Have you wired the connection to the PC correctly.

I've just got an F1232 UART working and communicating with the PC, FWIW.
using a 4 MHz crystal and a Maxim MAX3232 3V RS-232 driver chip. Realterm
(free) is a lot better than Hyperterm for this sort of thing:


Leon Heller, G1HSM

--- In msp430@msp4..., "David Lions" <davidl@c...> wrote:
> >  I am using the 32kHz crystal
> > as it is specified and just running the example they have on the
> > msp430 webpage for using the UART.  I connected the transmitter 
> > the UART to the serial port on the computer
and tried to received
> > some data using hyperterm but I don't get anything.
> Could you give a link to the webpage?
> Did you use an RS232 driver (like a MAX232) to connect the 
> output to the PC?

The page is just the page on the ti-msp430 site which has the code 
examples in C.  I have some ideas, and I will proceed to try some 
more things.  Thanks for the quick replies guys, this is for a 
school project and I hope I get it done on time.


Imagine Conference