
USB Interface

Started by john Mcdonald November 30, 2013
Dear all,

I needed to do a firmware update on MSP430F5xx. I was wondering what is the minimal code I need to install on my micro to recognize the USB interface from PC.

I am using this USB port just for firmware update.



Beginning Microcontrollers with the MSP430



You need to get a copy of the free program called FET-Pro430 Lite from Elprotronic.com on their downloads page here: http://elprotronic.com/files/FET-Pro430-Lite-Setup.zip


This nifty utility will install the bare minimum you need to download to MSP430s, and it works like a champ. We have a free MSP430 LaunchPad Servo Motor powered Model Rocket Parachute Deployment project called "ServoChron" which we regularly release downloadable binaries for, and we use the FET-Pro430 Lite with a lot of success. Even the average layman can install and download the code to the MSP430 LaunchPad by following the simple instructions in our manual http://www.uswaterrockets.com/documents/ServoChron/manual.htm (Go to the link in the index that will take you to the "Programming Utility" subsection to see how we documented the installation process.)



Team U.S. Water Rockets




-----Original Message-----
From: john Mcdonald
Sent: Nov 30, 2013 2:48 AM
To: "m..."
Subject: [msp430] USB Interface

Dear all,

I needed to do a firmware update on MSP430F5xx.  I was wondering what is the minimal code I need to install on my micro to recognize the USB interface from PC.

I am using this USB port just for firmware update.





If you are using the MSP430F55XX family you wont need any extra code. The
factory bootloader will do the job. All you need is to start the
bootloader. If it is for production programming, no effort needed, it will
boot at the bootloader code. If you want to make field firmware upgrade
just use a switch to trigger the following piece of code:

((void (*)())0x1000)();

If you are using the USB at you application you would also need to disable
it before starting the bootloader.

On Sat, Nov 30, 2013 at 5:48 AM, john Mcdonald wrote:

> Dear all,
> I needed to do a firmware update on MSP430F5xx. I was wondering what is
> the minimal code I need to install on my micro to recognize the USB
> interface from PC.
> I am using this USB port just for firmware update.
> Thanks,
> john.

Lu Filipe Rossi
Electrical Engineer
Biomechatronics Lab. / Grupo de Sensores Integreis e Sistemas
Escola Politnica
Universidade de S Paulo
Cel. +55 (11) 97662-9234