
How close are 16F84 and the 16F88 in terms of code?

Started by Nigel Symes September 11, 2004
Ok I a newbie and most tutorials on starting use the 16F84. I only have 16F88's at hand. Will the code required be hugely different or will the basics be similar?
BTW anyone got really good links for starting out?

Pretty close for programming. There are some differences - The
general purpose registers start at a different point, eeprom regs are
in a different bank, configuration word is a little different. For a
given feature, the programming should be the same - like the timer0,
for example. I suggest you get both datasheets and have them handy
while doing the tutorials. Be carefull of any absolute addresses

The F88 has a lot more periferals - ADC, Serial I/O,
comparators, ... I think the power up defaults will be ok for
treating it like an F84. I dont recall having to do anything special
to blink an LED (PIC equiv of "hello world").


--- In , "Nigel Symes" <symesbris@h...> wrote:
> Ok I a newbie and most tutorials on starting use the 16F84. I only
have 16F88's at hand. Will the code required be hugely different or
will the basics be similar?
> BTW anyone got really good links for starting out?
> Thanks,
> Nigel

Thanks - armed with the gave me and the datasheets I should *hopefully* start getting thing done :)
----- Original Message -----
From: Phil
To: p...@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2004 1:03 AM
Subject: [piclist] Re: How close are 16F84 and the 16F88 in terms of code?

Pretty close for programming.  There are some differences - The
general purpose registers start at a different point, eeprom regs are
in a different bank, configuration word is a little different.  For a
given feature, the programming should be the same - like the timer0,
for example.  I suggest you get both datasheets and have them handy
while doing the tutorials.  Be carefull of any absolute addresses

The F88 has a lot more periferals - ADC, Serial I/O,
comparators, ...  I think the power up defaults will be ok for
treating it like an F84.  I dont recall having to do anything special
to blink an LED (PIC equiv of "hello world").


--- In p...@yahoogroups.com, "Nigel Symes" <symesbris@h...> wrote:
> Ok I a newbie and most tutorials on starting use the 16F84. I only
have 16F88's at hand. Will the code required be hugely different or
will the basics be similar?
> BTW anyone got really good links for starting out?
> Thanks,
> Nigel

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