Imagine Conference

RISC Processor Architecture

Started by ahmedshahein 8 years ago6 replieslatest reply 8 years ago121 views

Hi Everyone,

I am desperate for a recommendation for a text book or a reference as a kick start for RISC processor architectures. I am looking for something that can help me to customize a RISC processor or even build my own.

Thanks in advance.


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Reply by PedroMBMachadoFebruary 8, 2017

Could you please elaborate more?

What do you mean when you say even build my own? Are you thinking of using FPGAs for building a RISC processor? If so have a look:





In terms of books I can suggest the following:


Best wishes,


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Reply by ahmedshaheinFebruary 8, 2017

Hi Pedro,

This is exactly what I am looking forward to, build my own to test over an FPGA. Thanks a lot for your feedback. Appreciated.

I checked the text book and it seems to be for software oriented engineers more than hardware.


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Reply by doctekFebruary 8, 2017

If your goal is to understand the architecture, I suggest "Computer Architecture - A Quantitative Approach" by Hennessey and Patterson. Explains the details in a readable and understandable way.

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Reply by ahmedshaheinFebruary 8, 2017

Thanks a lot for your feedback. Appreciated.


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Reply by Code_WarriorFebruary 8, 2017

A good start to understanding RISC processor architectures I found helpful was Computers as Components by Wolf. Had some good architectural material in there, also some good info on trade-offs made in the designs.

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Reply by ahmedshaheinFebruary 8, 2017

Thanks a lot for your feedback. Appreciated.

I checked the text book and it seems to be for software oriented engineers more than hardware.


Imagine Conference