
Sam Shearman (@SamShearman)

Senior technical marketing / engineering professional with experience in electrical engineering, test & measurement, software engineering, technical writing, marketing, and creative development. Specialties: Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Signal Analysis, Technical Trade Press Editing / Writing, Technical Marketing, Test & Measurement, Engineering Design, LabVIEW, C/C++, Python

How precise is my measurement?

Sam Shearman March 28, 20183 comments

Some might argue that measurement is a blend of skepticism and faith. While time constraints might make you lean toward faith, some healthy engineering skepticism should bring you back to statistics. This article reviews some practical statistics that can help you satisfy one common question posed by skeptical engineers: “How precise is my measurement?” As we’ll see, by understanding how to answer it, you gain a degree of control over your measurement time.

An accurate, precise...

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