Memfault State of IoT Report

Very simple software timer framework

April 5, 2013 Coded in C
/*                                sample usage                                   */
#include <lt_timer.h>

LT_TIMER_DEC(slow_timer)		/* declaration */
LT_TIMER_IMP(slow_timer)		/* implementation */

LT_TIMER_DEC(fast_timer)		/* declaration */
LT_TIMER_IMP(fast_timer)		/* implementation */

int main(void)

	if (slow_timer_expired(1000))
	    //do something each 1000ms 

	if (fast_timer_expired(10))
	    //do something each 10ms 
        //main program functionality

/*                           lt_timer definition                                 */
#ifndef _LT_TIMER_H
#define _LT_TIMER_H

#include <stdint.h>

/* these definitions can vary on different platforms */
typedef unsigned int lt_ticks_t;
typedef int lt_tidiff_t;
typedef unsigned long lt_mstime_t;
typedef signed long lt_msdiff_t;

static lt_ticks_t last_ticks;
static lt_mstime_t actual_msec; 

/* it is expected increment "sys_timer_ticks" variable in some timer interrupt */
/* alternatively some function which return ticks can be provided */
#define lt_get_ticks()      (sys_timer_ticks)		
/* in ms (SYS_TIMER_HZ must be provided by user)*/									
#define lt_get_msbase()     (1000/SYS_TIMER_HZ)		

static inline void
  lt_ticks_t act_ticks;
  lt_mstime_t msec_diff;



#define LT_TIMER_DEC(cust_prefix) \
extern lt_mstime_t cust_prefix##_last_expired; \
static inline void \
cust_prefix##_init() \
static inline int \
cust_prefix##_expired(lt_mstime_t expiration) \
  if ((lt_msdiff_t)(actual_msec-cust_prefix##_last_expired)>=expiration) {\
    return 1;\
  return 0;\

#define LT_TIMER_IMP(cust_prefix) \
lt_mstime_t cust_prefix##_last_expired; \

#endif /* _LT_TIMER_H */

General library for debouncing (filtering) of digital inputs

April 3, 2013 Coded in C
/*                            sample usage of the library                             */

//Remark: sys_timer_ticks should be provided for timing by the user.


#include <debounce.h>

#define INPUTS_NUM		12
nl_debouce_time_t inp_times[ INPUTS_NUM ];
nl_debouce_time_t filt_time = 10;   //same value will be used for t_on and t_off

int main(void)
    nl_inp_t inp_state, filtered_inp_state;

    debounce_init( inp_times, INPUTS_NUM, &filt_time, &filt_time, 
            (nl_ticks_t*)&sys_timer_ticks );

        //user defined function, which return actual state of all inputs as bit array
        inp_state = get_input_state();

        debounce_proc(&inp_state, &filtered_inp_state);
        //do something with filtered_inp_state 

        //main program functionality 

#include <debounce.h>

#define INPUTS_NUM		5
struct debounce_state_s inp_dbnc_s;
nl_debouce_time_t inp_times[ INPUTS_NUM ];

nl_debouce_time_t t_on[ INPUTS_NUM ] = {10,10,20,20,50};   
nl_debouce_time_t t_off[ INPUTS_NUM ] = {5,5,10,10,50};   

int main(void)
    nl_inp_t inp_state, filtered_inp_state;

    debounce_init( &inp_dbnc_s, inp_times, INPUTS_NUM, 
        t_on, t_off, (nl_ticks_t*)&sys_timer_ticks );

        //user defined function, which return actual state of all inputs as bit array
        inp_state = get_input_state();

        debounce_proc(&inp_dbnc_s, &inp_state, &filtered_inp_state);
        //do something with filtered_inp_state 

        //main program functionality 

/*                     debounce library header file "debounce.h"                      */
#ifndef _DEBOUNCE_H_
#define _DEBOUNCE_H_
#include <stdint.h>

/* because library is multiplatform, following types are defined in separate file */
#include "nlib_types.h"
/* examaple of types definition in "nlib_types.h" */
//typedef   uint32_t    nl_ticks_t;
//typedef   int16_t nl_debouce_time_t;  //so maximum filter time is 32767ms (considering period of ticks 1ms)
//typedef   uint32_t nl_inp_t;  //up to 32 inputs can be handled

/* in general case following macros should be provided in this header file, or can be defined directly */
#include <debounce_config.h>
    #define DEBOUNCE_STRUCT_PAR  struct debounce_state_s * debounce_state,

typedef struct debounce_state_s
    const nl_ticks_t* ticks; //pointer to timing variable (is incremented e.g. each 1ms)
    nl_ticks_t old_ticks;
    uint_fast8_t inp_num; //number of inputs
    const nl_debouce_time_t *debounce_on_time,*debounce_off_time; //tables with desired filter times
    nl_debouce_time_t* inp_times;   //actual time ON/OFF - non-negative values = ON, negative = OFF

void debounce_init(DEBOUNCE_STRUCT_PAR nl_debouce_time_t* inp_tim, uint_fast8_t num, const nl_debouce_time_t *dton,const nl_debouce_time_t *dtoff, const nl_ticks_t* ticks);
uint_fast8_t debounce_proc(DEBOUNCE_STRUCT_PAR const nl_inp_t* act_inp_state, nl_inp_t* debounced_inp_state);

#endif /*_DEBOUNCE_H_*/

/*                     debounce library source file "debounce.c"                      */

#include "debounce.h"
#include <string.h>

//allow using multiple instances
    struct debounce_state_s _debounce_state_;
    struct debounce_state_s * debounce_state = &_debounce_state_;

/* allow different times for each input */
    #define _debounce_times_idx_ 0
    #define _debounce_times_idx_ i

//maco trick to find maximum value of given signed integer type "http://www.fefe.de/intof.html"
#define __HALF_MAX_SIGNED(type) ((type)1 << (sizeof(type)*8-2))
#define __MAX_SIGNED(type) (__HALF_MAX_SIGNED(type) - 1 + __HALF_MAX_SIGNED(type))

Init function of the library
  DEBOUNCE_STRUCT_PAR - depending on "CONFIG_DEBOUNCE_WITH_HANDLE": nothing, or pointer to handle
  inp_tim - array of variables for storing of state for each input (number of elements must be the same as number of inputs!)
  num - number of inputs
  dton - depending on "CONFIG_DEBOUNCE_SEPARATE_TIMES": pointer to sigle value (minimal ON time), or array of times
  dtoff - depending on "CONFIG_DEBOUNCE_SEPARATE_TIMES": pointer to sigle value (minimal OFF time), or array of times
  ticks - pointer to variable, which is periodicaly incremented
void debounce_init(DEBOUNCE_STRUCT_PAR nl_debouce_time_t* inp_tim, uint_fast8_t num, const nl_debouce_time_t *dton, const nl_debouce_time_t *dtoff ,const nl_ticks_t* ticks)
    debounce_state-> inp_times=inp_tim;
    debounce_state-> inp_num=num;
    debounce_state-> debounce_on_time=dton;
    debounce_state-> debounce_off_time=dtoff;
    debounce_state-> ticks=ticks;
    debounce_state-> old_ticks=*ticks;
    inp_tim[0]=__MAX_SIGNED(nl_debouce_time_t);  //this is used later to evaluate first iteration after start

This is core function of the library
  DEBOUNCE_STRUCT_PAR - depending on "CONFIG_DEBOUNCE_WITH_HANDLE": nothing, or pointer to handle
  act_inp_state - pointer to variable with actual state of all inputs (1 bit for each input)
  debounced_inp_state - resulting state after filtering
  return - 0=no change, 1=some input(s) are changed 
uint_fast8_t debounce_proc(DEBOUNCE_STRUCT_PAR const nl_inp_t* act_inp_state, nl_inp_t* debounced_inp_state)
    uint_fast8_t i,change=0;
    nl_inp_t mask=1;
    nl_ticks_t tic_diff;

    tic_diff=(nl_ticks_t) (*(debounce_state-> ticks) - debounce_state-> old_ticks);
    debounce_state-> old_ticks = *(debounce_state-> ticks);

    if ((debounce_state-> inp_times)[0] == __MAX_SIGNED(nl_debouce_time_t)) //evaluate, if it is a first iteration
        for(i=0; i<debounce_state-> inp_num ;i++)
            (debounce_state-> inp_times)[i]=0;
        return 0;

    for(i=0; i<debounce_state-> inp_num ;i++)
        if ( *act_inp_state & mask) //actual state is ON
            if ((debounce_state-> inp_times)[i] >= 0) //and last state was ON
                if (((debounce_state-> inp_times)[i] + (nl_debouce_time_t) tic_diff) < debounce_state-> debounce_on_time[_debounce_times_idx_])
                    (debounce_state-> inp_times)[i] += (nl_debouce_time_t) tic_diff; //filter time not elapsed
                {   //filter time elapsed
                    if (!( *debounced_inp_state & mask))
                        *debounced_inp_state |= mask;
            else (debounce_state-> inp_times)[i] = 0;
        else    //actual state is OFF
            if (debounce_state-> inp_times[i] < 0) //and last state was OFF
                if ( (nl_debouce_time_t)(((debounce_state-> inp_times)[i] - (nl_debouce_time_t) tic_diff)) >= (-1*debounce_state-> debounce_off_time[_debounce_times_idx_]))
                    (debounce_state-> inp_times)[i] -= (nl_debouce_time_t) tic_diff; //filter time not elapsed
                {   //filter time elapsed
                    if ( *debounced_inp_state & mask)
                        *debounced_inp_state &= ~mask;
            else (debounce_state-> inp_times)[i] = -1;
        mask=(nl_inp_t) mask<<1;

    return change;

Implementation of a basic task scheduler

April 3, 2013 Coded in C
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX_PROCESSES 32 /* the maximal number of processes in the system */
#define MAX_NAME_LEN 32
/* Process control block -
* holding all process relevant informations
struct pcb{
	int pid; /* ID of the proces */
	int prio; /* process priority */
	int attached; /* 1 if attached to processlist, else 0 */
	int *function; /* pointer to the process function */
	char name[MAX_NAME_LEN]; /* Name of the process */
static struct pcb processlist[MAX_PROCESSES];
int process0();
int process1();
int process_attach(char *name, int prio, void *function)
	int i = 0;
	int ret = -1;
	printf("[dbg] process_attach\n");
	while(i < MAX_PROCESSES) {
		if(strlen(name) > MAX_NAME_LEN) {
			printf("[err] wrong stringlen\n");
			return ret;
		if(processlist[i].attached != 1) {
			printf("attach process at %d\n", i);
			processlist[i].pid = i;
			strcpy(processlist[i].name, name);
			processlist[i].prio = prio;
			processlist[i].function = function;
			processlist[i].attached = 1;
			ret = 0;
	return ret;
int process_detach(int pid)
	processlist[pid].attached = 0;
	return 0;
* basic implementation of a RR scheduler
int scheduler()
	int i = 0;
	void (*p)(void);
	while(1) {
		for(i = 0; i < MAX_PROCESSES; i++) {
			if(processlist[i].attached == 1) {
			p = (void *)processlist[i].function;
	return 0;
/*** Testdriver ***/
int process0()
	return 0;
int process1()
	return 0;
int main()
	* test run here
	* */
	printf("basic_scheduler Demo\n");
	process_attach("process0", 100, process0);
	process_attach("process1", 50, process1);
	return 0;

LED Blinker Using a Timer/Counter

Stephen Friederichs April 2, 2013 Coded in C for the ATMega328P
/**@file timer_blinker.c
   @brief A more advanced LED blinker using a timer
   @author Stephen Friederichs
   @date 3/28/13
   @note This code assumes that the LED is active high (pin sources current)   

/**@def F_CPU
   @brief Clock frequency = 8MHZ - this is set by fuses and registers, not by this define
   @note Always define this before including delay.h!
#define F_CPU 8000000
/**@include io.h
   @brief Include for AVR I/O register definitions
#include <avr/io.h>

/**@include stdint.h
   @brief Include for standard integer definitions (ie, uint8_t, int32_t, etc)
#include <stdint.h>

/**@include delay.h
   @brief Include for delay functions such as _delay_ms() and _delay_us()
#include <util/delay.h>

/* Basic bit manipulation macros - everyone should use these.  Please, steal these! Don't not use them and
 don't rewrite them yourself!
#define SET(x,y) x |= (1 << y)
#define CLEAR(x,y) x &= ~(1<< y)
#define READ(x,y) ((0x00 == ((x & (1<<y))>> y))?0x00:0x01)
#define TOGGLE(x,y) (x ^= (1<<y))

int main(void)
	/*Initialization Code*/
	/*	ATMega328 Datasheet Table 14-1 Pg 78
		Configure PD7 for use as Heartbeat LED
		Set as Output Low (initially)
	SET(DDRD,7);	//Direction: output
	CLEAR(PORTD,7);	//State: Lo

	/*	TCCR1A - ATMega328 Datasheet Section 16.11.1 pg 132
		No waveform generation is required on this timer, so set all
		ports to normal operation
	TCCR1A = 0x00;
	/*	TCCR1C - ATMega328 Datasheet Section 16.11.3 pg 135 
		This register is only used for output compare.  
		There's no output compare in this application so this can be all 0's
	TCCR1C = 0x00;

	/*	TCCR1B
		Note: I've disabled the CKDIV8 fuse so that the clock source is 8MHz
		ATMega328 Datasheet Section 16.11.2 pg 134 - TCCR1A
		No input capture used - bits 7:6 are 0
		No waveform generation used - bits 4:3 are 0
		Clock source select is bits 2:0 but are not yet set - wait until the 
		main loop is ready to start
		As per ATMega328 Datasheet Section 16.9.1 page 123, setting the timer 
		to Normal mode causes the counter to count up until it reaches 0xFFFF
		at which point it will overrun and start back at 0.  To configure this
		timer/counter to produce a period of 500ms we need to start counting 
		at a value that causes it to reach 65535 in 500ms. 
		What is that value?

		With a clock prescaler of 256 each count of the timer is roughly
		(1/8MHz)*256 = 32uS
		500ms / 32us /tick = 15625 ticks /500ms
		The counter counts up to 65535, so to determine what value we have to
		start at we subtract 15635 from 65536:
		65536-15625 = 49910

	#define TIMER1_PERIOD 49910

	/*	Flash the LED for a second to show that initialization has successfully 
	/*	Start the timer/counter
		ATMega328 Datasheet Section 16.11.2 Pg 135 - TCCR1B
		No Waveform generation: bits 4:3 = 0
		No input capture: bits 7:6 = 0
		Clock select: ClkIO/256 - bits 2:0 = 100b = 0x04
	TCCR1B = 0x04;	//This starts the counter/timer
		/*	Handle the Heartbeat LED
			When the timer/counter reaches 65535 the 500ms period will have 
			elapsed and TIFR1 bit 1 will be '1'
			/*	ATMega328 Datasheet Section 16.11.9 pg137
				Setting TIFR1 bit 1 clears the overflow flag 
			/*	Toggle the LED to flash it at 1Hz*/ 
			/*	Reload the timer/counter count value to the previous value
				so that the period remains the same
		/*	Now you can do useful work here - no delay loops!*/


Delay Loop LED Blinker

Stephen Friederichs April 2, 2013 Coded in C for the ATMega328P
/**@file led_blink.c
   @brief The most basic approach to blinking an LED on AVR microcontrollers - specifically the ATMega328P
   @author Stephen Friederichs
   @date 3/28/13
   @note This code assumes that the LED is active high (pin sources current)   

/**@def F_CPU
   @brief Clock frequency = 8MHZ - this is set by fuses and registers, not by this define
   @note Always define this before including delay.h!
#define F_CPU 8000000
/**@include io.h
   @brief Include for AVR I/O register definitions
#include <avr/io.h>

/**@include stdint.h
   @brief Include for standard integer definitions (ie, uint8_t, int32_t, etc)
#include <stdint.h>

/**@include delay.h
   @brief Include for delay functions such as _delay_ms() and _delay_us()
#include <util/delay.h>

/* Basic bit manipulation macros - everyone should use these.  Please, steal these! Don't not use them and
 don't rewrite them yourself!
#define SET(x,y) x |= (1 << y)
#define CLEAR(x,y) x &= ~(1<< y)
#define READ(x,y) ((FALSE == ((x & (1<<y))>> y))?FALSE:TRUE)
#define TOGGLE(x,y) (x ^= (1<<y))

int main(void)
	/*Initialization Code*/
	/*	ATMega328 Datasheet Table 14-1 Pg 78
		Configure PD7 for use as Heartbeat LED
		Set as Output Low (initially)
	SET(DDRD,7);	//Direction: output
	CLEAR(PORTD,7);	//State: Lo

	/*	Flash the LED for a second to show that initialization has successfully 
		/*Set PD7 low for 500ms*/
		/*Then set it high for 500ms*/
		/*Before repeating the process forever...*/


SR-87 GPS Module

April 2, 2013 Coded in C for the Microchip PIC16
#use rs232(baud=4800,xmit=PIN_C6,rcv=PIN_C7,bits=8,stop=1,parity=n,stream=GPS,force_sw)

//char latitude[17],longitude[17],buffer[17];

// Read the lattitude and longitude
void get_position()
	int8 rx_count,rx_buffer;
		while(fgetc(GPS) !='$');

//wait untill a valid data
void get_fix()
   int8 rx_count,rx_buffer;
         while(fgetc(GPS) !='$');
      while(fgetc(GPS) !=',');
   }while(rx_buffer !='A');   


A simple software timer system

March 31, 20132 comments Coded in C
 * @file
 * Software timer facility.
 * This module implements an unlimited number of 8-bit down-counting 10ms and 
 * 100ms timers.  Timers are actually held in various places by the application
 * code and are registered with this module for service from the system's 
 * timekeeping interrupt.
 * A down-counting timer starts out set to a time interval and is
 * automatically decremented via the system's periodic interrupt.  Check for a
 * zero value to know when the timer has expired:
 * <pre>uint8_t my_timer = 10;
 * timer_register_100ms(&my_timer);
 * for (;;)
 * {
 *   if (my_timer == 0)
 *   {
 *     do_something();
 *     my_timer = 10;
 *   }
 * }</pre>
 * Down-counting timers are restricted to 8 bits so that they can be
 * atomically manipulated outside interrupt code on 8-bit architectures
 * without resorting to disable interrupts.
 * @warning All variables used as timers must be declared
 *          <code>volatile</code>, because they are modified from an interrupt
 *          context that may not be understood by the compiler.  GCC in
 *          particular is known to optimize away timer variables that aren't
 *          declared <code>volatile</code>.
 * <h2>Configuration</h2>
 * The number of available 10ms and 100ms timer slots is set using
 * {@link MAX_100MS_TIMERS} and {@link MAX_10MS_TIMERS}.

#include <stdlib.h>    /* for NULL */
#include <stdint.h>    /* uint8_t, etc. */
#include <stdbool.h>   /* bool type, true, false */

#include "timer.h"

/** Maximum number of 100ms timers that can be registered. */
#define MAX_100MS_TIMERS 10

/** Maximum number of 10ms timers that can be registered. */
#define MAX_10MS_TIMERS  10

/** The polling frequency for the 10ms timers is scaled by this factor to
    service the 100ms timers. */
#define PRESCALE_100MS   10

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/** 10ms timer array.  These are pointers to the actual timers elsewhere in
    the application code. */
static volatile uint8_t *timers_10ms [MAX_10MS_TIMERS];

/** 100ms timer array.  These are pointers to the actual timers elsewhere in
    the application code. */
static volatile uint8_t *timers_100ms [MAX_100MS_TIMERS];

bool timer_register_10ms (volatile uint8_t *t)
  uint8_t k;
  for (k = 0; k < MAX_10MS_TIMERS; ++k)
    if (NULL == timers_10ms[k])
      /* Success--found an unused slot */
      timers_10ms[k] = t;
      return false;
  /* Failure */
  return true;

bool timer_register_100ms (volatile uint8_t *t)
  uint8_t k;
  for (k = 0; k < MAX_100MS_TIMERS; ++k)
    if (NULL == timers_100ms[k])
      /* Success--found an unused slot */
      timers_100ms[k] = t;
      return false;
  /* Failure */
  return true;

void timer_poll (void)
  static uint8_t prescaler = PRESCALE_100MS;
  volatile uint8_t *t;
  uint8_t k;
  /* Service the 10ms timers */
  for (k = 0; k < MAX_10MS_TIMERS; ++k)
    t = timers_10ms[k];
    /* First NULL entry marks the end of the registered timers */
    if (t == NULL)
    if (*t > 0)
      -- *t;
  /* Now divide the frequency by 10 and service the 100ms timers every 10th
     time through. */
  if (--prescaler == 0)
    prescaler = PRESCALE_100MS;

    for (k = 0; k < MAX_100MS_TIMERS; ++k)
      t = timers_100ms[k];
      if (t == NULL)
      if (*t > 0)
        -- *t;

/* Header file */
#if !defined(TIMER_H)
#define TIMER_H

 * @file

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

 * Registers a 10-millisecond timer for service.
 * @param[in]  t  pointer to the variable used for timing
 * @retval     true   if registration failed
 * @retval     false  if registration succeeded (normal return)
bool timer_register_10ms (volatile uint8_t *t);

 * Registers a 100-millisecond timer for service.
 * @param[in]  t  pointer to the variable used for timing
 * @retval     true   if registration failed
 * @retval     false  if registration succeeded (normal return)
bool timer_register_100ms (volatile uint8_t *t);

 * Maintains all registered timers.
 * This function should be called from a stable 10-millisecond time base,
 * preferably from an interrupt.
void timer_poll (void);

#endif /* TIMER_H */

Integer PI control with integrator anti-windup

March 31, 2013 Coded in C
 * @file
 * Proportional-integral (PI) control law.
 * This module implements a simple position-type PI controller:
 * <pre>
 *   u = [ kp * e + ki * sum(e) ] >> shift
 * </pre>
 * <tt>shift</tt> is a right bit shift used to scale the output of the
 * controller down from the 32-bit intermediate result.
 * An anti-windup provision is implemented on the PI integrator to prevent
 * deep saturation (aka integrator windup):
 * - The new control output with the latest integrator value is computed.
 * - If the control output exceeds either output limit, <i>and</i> the latest
 *   change in the integrator is in the same direction, then the new integrator
 *   value is not saved for the next call.
 * - Otherwise, the integrator is saved for the next call.

#include <stdbool.h>
#include "pi_control.h"

 * Proportional-integral (PI) control law.
 * @param[in,out]  p    control parameter and state structure
 * @param[in]      e    error signal
 * @return              control output <code>u</code>
int pi_control (struct PIControl *p, int e)
  bool int_ok;      /* Whether or not the integrator should update */
  long new_i;       /* Proposed new integrator value */
  long u;           /* Control output */
  /* Compute new integrator and the final control output. */
  new_i = p->i + e;
  u = (p->kp * (long)e + p->ki * new_i) >> p->shift;

  /* Check for saturation.  In the event of saturation in any one direction,
     inhibit saving the integrator if doing so would deepen the saturation. */
  int_ok = true;
  /* Positive saturation? */
  if (u > p->max)
    /* Clamp the output */
    u = p->max;

    /* Error is the same sign? Inhibit integration. */
    if (e > 0)
      int_ok = false;
  /* Repeat for negative sign */
  else if (u < p->min)
    u = p->min;
    if (e < 0)
      int_ok = false;
  /* Update the integrator if allowed. */
  if (int_ok)
    p->i = new_i;

  return (int)u;

 * Initializes the PI control.
 * This function resets the PI integrator to zero.
 * @param[in,out]  p  control parameter structure
void pi_control_init (struct PIControl *p)
  p->i = 0L;

/* Header file */
#if !defined(_PI_CONTROL_H)
#define _PI_CONTROL_H

 * @file
 * Proportional-integral (PI) control law header file.

/** PI control data structure.  This structure contains configuration (the
    proportional and integral gain, plus a final divisor), output limits, and
    an integration accumulator (the PI controller's state variable). */
struct PIControl
  int kp;              /**< Proportional gain constant */
  int ki;              /**< Integral gain constant */
  unsigned char shift; /**< Right shift to divide */
  int max;             /**< Maximum value */
  int min;             /**< Minimum value */
  long i;              /**< Current integrator value */

/* Prototypes */
int pi_control (struct PIControl *p, int e);
void pi_control_init (struct PIControl *p);

#endif /* _PI_CONTROL_H */

1D and 2D table lookup

March 31, 20131 comment Coded in C
 * @file
 * Table lookup with interpolation (1-D and 2-D).
 * This is a 1/2-D table lookup facility.  Each routine looks up data in a table 
 * structure, interpolating as needed between data points.  The 2-D version
 * looks up along 2 axes and interpolates in two dimensions.
 * <h2>Limitations</h2>
 * - The table axes (input values) must monotonically increase, or the lookup
 *   will fail.
 * - The index data type is nominally 8 bits, limiting the table length to
 *   256 elements.  Change <code>index_t</code> if larger tables are needed.

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "lookup.h"

/** Index data type */
typedef uint8_t index_t;

 * 1-D table lookup.
 * This function performs a 1-D table lookup with interpolation.  The output
 * value is clamped to either of the table end values when the input value is
 * out of bounds.
 * @param[in]   t      table data structure
 * @param[in]   ix     input (X-axis) value
 * @param[out]  o      output data
 * @retval      true   if the lookup result is suspect due to clipping
 * @retval      false  on successful lookup
bool lookup1d (Table1d *t, int ix, int *o)
  index_t i;
  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
  /* Off the end of the table */
  if (ix > t->columns[t->ncols - 1])
    *o = t->table[t->ncols - 1];
    return true;
  /* Off beginning of the table */
  else if (ix < t->columns[0])
    *o = t->table[0];
    return true;

  /* Within the bounds of the table */
  for (i = 0; i < t->ncols - 1; ++i)
    if (   ix >= t->columns[i]
        && ix <= t->columns[i + 1])
      /* Output (table) low value */
      int o_low   = t->table[i];
      /* Input (X-axis) low value */
      int i_low   = t->columns[i];
      /* Spead between the two adjacent input values */
      int i_delta = t->columns[i + 1] - t->columns[i];
      /* Spread between the two adjacent table output values */
      int o_delta = t->table[i + 1]   - t->table[i];
      /* Prevent division by zero.  We could get here if two consecutive
         input values in the table are the same. */
      if (o_delta == 0)
        *o = o_low;
        return true;
      *o = o_low + ((ix - i_low) * (long)o_delta) / i_delta;
      return false;

  /* Didn't find it (we shouldn't ever get here). */
  return true;

 * 2-D table lookup.
 * This function performs a 2-D table lookup with interpolation.  The output
 * value is clamped to either of the table end values when the input value is
 * out of bounds.
 * @param[in]   t      table data structure
 * @param[in]   ix     input (X-axis) value
 * @param[in]   iy     input (Y-axis) value
 * @param[out]  o      output value
 * @retval      true   if the lookup result is suspect due to clipping
 * @retval      false  on successful lookup

bool lookup2d (Table2d *t, int ix, int iy, int *o)
  /* The lower X and Y coordinates of the interpolation box */
  index_t i, j;
  /* Set whenever one of the lookups goes off the end of the table */
  bool is_fault = false;
  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
  /* X axis coordinate lookup */

  /* Off the end of the table */
  if (ix > t->columns[t->ncols - 1])
    /* Pretend the input value is right at the table edge so that interpolation
       works as expected */
    ix = t->columns[t->ncols - 1];
    i = t->ncols - 1;
    is_fault = true;

  /* Off beginning of the table */
  else if (ix < t->columns[0])
    ix = t->columns[0];
    i = 0;
    is_fault = true;

  /* Within the bounds of the table */
    for (i = 0; i < t->ncols - 1; ++i)
      if (   ix >= t->columns[i]
          && ix <= t->columns[i + 1])

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
  /* Y axis coordinate lookup */

  /* Off the bottom of the table */
  if (iy > t->rows[t->nrows - 1])
    iy = t->rows[t->nrows - 1];
    j = t->nrows - 1;
    is_fault = true;

  /* Off the top of the table */
  else if (iy < t->rows[0])
    iy = t->rows[0];
    j = 0;
    is_fault = true;

  /* Within the bounds of the table */
    for (j = 0; j < t->nrows - 1; ++j)
      if (   iy >= t->rows[j]
          && iy <= t->rows[j + 1])

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
  /* 2-D interpolation */

  /* At this point we know that the input X value is between
     column[i] and column[i+1] and that the input Y value is between
     row[j] and row[j+1].  Therefore we have a rectangle in which we need
     to interpolate. 
     To do the interpolation, we first interpolate between column i and
     column i+1 on the upper row j.  Then, we interpolate between the same
     columns on row j+1.  Finally, we interpolate vertically between the two
     rows based on the input Y value.
     row0 is the upper row data and row1 is the lower (higher subscript) row
     data. */
    const int *row0 = &t->table[j * t->ncols];
    const int *row1 = &row0[t->ncols];
    /* Difference between the two adjacent column values */
    int i_delta = t->columns[i + 1] - t->columns[i];
    /* Difference between the two adjacent row values */
    int j_delta = t->rows[j + 1] - t->rows[j];
    /* Low column value */
    int i_low = t->columns[i];
    /* Low row value */
    int j_low = t->rows[j];
    /* Interpolation results for the upper and lower rows */
    int o0, o1;
    /* Prevent division by zero if the input values aren't increasing.
       If no division by zero, interpolate between columns in the upper and
       lower row. */
    if (i_delta == 0)
      o0 = row0[i];
      o1 = row1[i];
      is_fault = true;
      /* Interpolate the upper row */
        int o_low   = row0[i];                 /* Row value at low column # */
        int o_delta = row0[i + 1] - row0[i];   /* Difference from next column */
        o0 = o_low + ((ix - i_low) * (long)o_delta) / i_delta;

      /* Interpolate the lower (higher subscript) row */
        int o_low   = row1[i];                 /* Row value at low column # */
        int o_delta = row1[i + 1] - row1[i];   /* Difference from next column */
        o1 = o_low + ((ix - i_low) * (long)o_delta) / i_delta;

    /* Guard against division by zero in the row axis.  If all is well,
       interpolate between the two row interpolation results from earlier. */
    if (j_delta == 0)
      *o = o0;
      is_fault = true;
      *o = o0 + ((iy - j_low) * (long)(o1 - o0)) / j_delta;
  return is_fault;

/* Header file */
#if !defined(_LOOKUP_H)
#define _LOOKUP_H

 * @file
 * Table lookup with interpolation (1-D and 2-D) header file.

#include <stdbool.h>

/** One dimensional lookup table. */
typedef const struct
  /** Number of elements in the table.  This must be at least 2. */
  unsigned char ncols;
  /** List of input values. */
  int *columns;
  /** Table data (output values).  The output values list must have the same
      length as the input list. */
  int *table;
} Table1d;

/** Two dimensional lookup table. */
typedef const struct
  /** Number of columns (X values) in the table.  Must be at least 2. */
  unsigned char ncols;
  /** Number of rows (Y values) in the table.  Must be at least 2. */
  unsigned char nrows;
  /** X-axis input values list. */
  int *columns;
  /** Y-axis input values list. */
  int *rows;
  /** Table data.  This is an array of <code>columns</code>X<code>rows</code>,
      arranged in rows.  For example, <code>table[1]</code> is the second 
      column in the first row. */
  int *table;
} Table2d;

/* Prototypes */
bool lookup1d (Table1d *t, int ix, int *o);
bool lookup2d (Table2d *t, int ix, int iy, int *o);


Software UART receiver

March 31, 2013 Coded in C
 * @file
 * Software serial (UART) receiver
 * This module implements the receive engine for asynchronous serial
 * communications using polling ("bit banging").  Transmission capability
 * is not provided.
 * The data format is <tt>8-N-1</tt>:
 * - Eight data bits
 * - No parity
 * - One stop bit
 * <h2>Structural overview</h2>
 * The receiver is implemented as a polled finite state machine.  The state
 * of the I/O pin is passed as an argument to the state machine animation
 * function <code>soft_uart_rx()</code>.  The polling function must be called
 * on a stable timebase at a frequency at least three times
 * the bit rate.  The function returns a flag to indicate that a character has
 * been received and places the received character in a fixed buffer.
 * <h2>Timing</h2>
 * The baud rate of the transmitter constrains the ossortment of possible
 * interrupt rates.  However, this receiver is designed to be configurable so
 * as to maximize those choices.
 * Any frequency multiple of at least 3 is suitable.  Is this example, the
 * sample rate is four times the serial data bit rate:
 * <pre>
 *  Given
 *  =====
 *  Baud rate specification: 1200 +/- 4%
 *  System interrupt rate:   5 kHz (200 us)
 *  Selecting a sample rate
 *  =======================
 *  Chosen multiplier:       samples per bit
 *  Sample rate:             5 kHz / 4 == 1250 baud (4.16% high)
 * </pre>
 * Since the baud rate is high in this example, We will have a tendency to
 * sample earlier and earlier on each successive bit.  Therefore it is desirable
 * to sample slightly later in the bit time if possible.
 * <pre>
 * </pre>
 * The diagram below shows the resultant timing.  The actual bit times are 4%
 * slower, owing to the fact that the system interrupy is not an exact multiple
 * of the bit time.
 * The sample timing error at the stop bit is (4% X 9) = 36% too early.
 * <pre>
 *  _______                 _______________                     _______________
 *         \\_______________/               \\...________________/
 * +-------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+...+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
 * | Cycle | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |   | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F |
 * +-------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+...+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
 * | Data  | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |   | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
 * |       |   Start bit   |  Data bit 0   |   |  Data bit N   |   Stop bit    |
 * | Samp. | X | X |   |   |   |   | X |   |   |   |   | X |   |   |   | X |   |
 * +-------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+...+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
 *           ^   ^                                       |<------------->|
 *           |   |                                               |
 *           |   |                  SOFT_UART_RX_BIT_TIME -------+
 *           |   |
 *           +---+---- SOFT_UART_RX_START_SAMPLES
 * </pre>
 * Here is an explanation of how a character is received:
 * -# We sample the line continuously until the START (logic zero) bit is seen.
 * -# Just to make sure it wasn't noise, we sample the line a second (or third
 *    or fourth, depending on the setting) time with the expectation that the
 *    state hasn't changed.
 * -# We continue to sample the start bit until we have reached the center of
 *    the bit time.  The line must stay in the low state.  This shifts us to
 *    safety away from edges.
 * -# We delay (frequency multiplier) cycles, ignoring the state of the line.
 *    This puts us in the middle of the first data bit.
 * -# We sample and save the data bit, then wait (frequency multiplier - 1)
 *    cycles.
 * -# We repeat until we have sampled all data (payload) bits.  The last bit
 *    is sampled and must be a logic one.
 * <h2>Limitations</h2>
 * For speed, the receive buffer is implemented as a global variable that is
 * to be accessed directly by the calling code.  Also, the state variable
 * is private to this module.  Therefore, only one instance of the soft
 * UART receiver is supported in a given project. 
 * @author Justin Dobbs

#include <stdbool.h>

/** The number of times to sample the start bit.

    This defines the phase shift of subsequent samples.  If the interrupt rate is
    a bit high relative to the baud rate, we want to sample late to
    minimize cumulative timing error. */

/** The inter-bit delay time, a.k.a. the frequency multiplier */
#define SOFT_UART_RX_BIT_TIME       4

/* State definitions */
static bool st_idle (bool);
static bool st_start_bit (bool);
static bool st_delay_rx0 (bool);
static bool st_delay_rx1 (bool);
static bool st_delay_rx2 (bool);
static bool st_delay_rx3 (bool);
static bool st_delay_rx4 (bool);
static bool st_delay_rx5 (bool);
static bool st_delay_rx6 (bool);
static bool st_delay_rx7 (bool);
static bool st_delay_stop (bool);
static bool st_abort_wait_for_idle (bool);

 * Soft UART receiver polling function.
 * This function implements the receiver.  It should be called on a stable
 * timebase at a fixed multiple of the bit rate.
 * @note This is implemented as a pointer to a function to handle the current
 *       state.  The caller need only invoke the function using the pointer.
 * @param[in]   x      the state of the input line:
 *                     - <code>true</code>: the line is high
 *                     - <code>false</code>: the line is low
 * @retval      true   if a character is ready in <code>soft_uart_rx_buf</code>
 * @retval      false  otherwise
bool (*soft_uart_rx)(bool) = st_idle;

/** Serial recieve buffer.  This should be immediately read after
    <code>soft_uart_rx()</code> returns <code>true</code>. */
unsigned char soft_uart_rx_buf;

/** Cycle counter, for timing. */
static unsigned char i;

 * Sampling continuously, waiting for the start bit.
static bool st_idle (bool x)
  if (!x)
    soft_uart_rx = st_start_bit;
  return false;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * Sampling the start bit a few more times to make sure it's solid.  This also
 * provides time offset for sampling future bits in the middle of the bit time.
static bool st_start_bit (bool x)
  /* Reject if the start bit does not last long enough */
  if (x)
    soft_uart_rx = st_idle;
  else if (--i == 0)
    soft_uart_rx_buf = 0;
    soft_uart_rx = st_delay_rx0;
  return false;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * Waiting one bit time, then sampling the LSb (bit 0).
static bool st_delay_rx0 (bool x)
  /* When it's time, shift in the data to the RX buffer.  If we have
   received all the data, go wait for the STOP bit. */
  if (--i == 0)
    if (x)
      soft_uart_rx_buf |= 0x01;
    soft_uart_rx = st_delay_rx1;
  return false;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * Waiting one bit time, then sampling bit 1.
static bool st_delay_rx1 (bool x)
  if (--i == 0)
    if (x)
      soft_uart_rx_buf |= 0x02;
    soft_uart_rx = st_delay_rx2;
  return false;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * Waiting one bit time, then sampling bit 2.
static bool st_delay_rx2 (bool x)
  if (--i == 0)
    if (x)
      soft_uart_rx_buf |= 0x04;
    soft_uart_rx = st_delay_rx3;
  return false;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * Waiting one bit time, then sampling bit 3.
static bool st_delay_rx3 (bool x)
  if (--i == 0)
    if (x)
      soft_uart_rx_buf |= 0x08;
    soft_uart_rx = st_delay_rx4;
  return false;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * Waiting one bit time, then sampling bit 4.
static bool st_delay_rx4 (bool x)
  if (--i == 0)
    if (x)
      soft_uart_rx_buf |= 0x10;
    soft_uart_rx = st_delay_rx5;
  return false;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * Waiting one bit time, then sampling bit 5.
static bool st_delay_rx5 (bool x)
  if (--i == 0)
    if (x)
      soft_uart_rx_buf |= 0x20;
    soft_uart_rx = st_delay_rx6;
  return false;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * Waiting one bit time, then sampling bit 6.
static bool st_delay_rx6 (bool x)
  if (--i == 0)
    if (x)
      soft_uart_rx_buf |= 0x40;
    soft_uart_rx = st_delay_rx7;
  return false;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * Waiting one bit time, then sampling bit 7.
static bool st_delay_rx7 (bool x)
  if (--i == 0)
    if (x)
      soft_uart_rx_buf |= 0x80;
    soft_uart_rx = st_delay_stop;
  return false;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * Waiting one bit time, then sampling the stop bit.
 * @note The reception is aborted if the stop bit does not arrive on schedule.
static bool st_delay_stop (bool x)
  if (--i == 0)
    /* STOP bit is always logic ONE by definition */
    if (x)
      soft_uart_rx = st_idle;
      return true;  /* Got a character */
      /* Stop bit didn't happen when we expected it.  Go sit and wait 
         indefinitely for the line to go high. */
      soft_uart_rx = st_abort_wait_for_idle;
      return false;
  /* Haven't sampled the stop bit yet! */
  return false;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * Reception aborted; waiting as long as required for the line to idle high
 * again.
static bool st_abort_wait_for_idle (bool x)
  /* NOW the line is finally high/idle again.  Start the receive process over.
     We did not get a character. */
  if (x)
    soft_uart_rx = st_idle;
  return false;

/* Header file */
#if !defined(_SOFT_UART_RX_H)
#define _SOFT_UART_RX_H

 * @file
 * Soft UART receiver header file
 * This file implements the interface to the software UART reciever module.
 * The full documentation is located in @ref soft_uart_rx.c.
 * @author Justin Dobbs

#include <stdbool.h>

/* Actually a function pointer, but this is supposed to be opaque.  This is
   called from a periodic interrupt. 

  @param[in]  x  the state of the serial line (true == high) */
extern bool (*soft_uart_rx) (bool x);

/* The receive buffer */
extern unsigned char soft_uart_rx_buf;


Memfault State of IoT Report